Mission Slimpossible - May 2021 Team Chat



  • Kinalau
    Kinalau Posts: 26 Member
    Still a newbie here but wanted to jump in ahead of my weigh in day tomorrow morning. What a great active group this is: exactly what I know I need to be successful.

    Been having a really tough time at work. I applied for a summer position with a school in my district and they didn't hire me, but the part that's getting to me is that I applied to the job posting and the job closed. Then they sent me a notice that they were re-posting the job but my application was still in consideration. They didn't want me so much that if I was an option they needed to get more options for the job and even told me as much. Ouch. It has really been eating at my self-confidence.

    My highest weight was 232 and I lost most of what I wanted to from Christmas 2017 to August 2018. I've been maintaining under 150 since then, but I'd really like to get a bit lower but I don't have a number in mind. I'm kind of just testing the waters to see where this goes. Is that a bad thing? I know I'm not happy here but I don't know where I will be happy or at least content.

    Thanks for letting me join. Can't wait to get into the swing of things with everyone.

    Today's goals were:
    Morning physical activity (done).
    Stay under my calorie goal (still good right now, but evenings are my nemesis).
  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 391 Member
    I didn't do too badly with my eating today but did not get that walk in. The graduation was nice and not too hot. I didn't tell my niece nor my brother that I was coming and they were so happy to see me. My brother has a prosthesis and had it on and actually stood up! I haven't seen him stand up in four years. That made my day. Sometimes you have to take a step back and examine what makes you happy or gives you joy. Seeing him stand up is right up there at the top of my list! Blessings to you all!!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,957 Member
    I'm a couple days behind but wanted to drop in and say hi. I've been cleaning and gardening like mad, I think I have the garden pretty much done for my friend's visit and the house is just about there, just need to shop and do last-minute stuff. One of the fields at the food bank farm flooded on my watch and someone came and left the gate unlocked but thank goodness neither was my fault as far as I know. The second round of breast imaging was done yesterday, they scared me saying there was a mass in the first mammogram but it was gone for the second so it's all good.

    Welcome to the new members and welcome back @krea4 !
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,595 Member
    I also am behind, and am checking in toi say hello. I'll catch up on jmessages n the morning. Right now I am off to finish up steps for the day!

    I stuck with my pre-planned good-for-me diet today, despite wanting sugar-y treats. I left them at the store when I went shopping. Phew!
    🟢 Food on plan (Dr F) & tracked
    ⚪10 K steps - close! am about to go work on finishing!
    🟢 NO unplanned dried fruit/nuts
    🟢 45+ min cardio
    🟢Post to group & Tracker
    🟡BONUS note: 56% of the way towards my weekly FitRockr challenge goal; I need to add some workout time the next 2 days
  • davidji82
    davidji82 Posts: 165 Member
    Hi all and welcome

    Username davidji82
    Weigh In Day:Friday
  • Katie43210
    Katie43210 Posts: 65 Member
    Struggling with motivation! And snacking 😫 weight in on Sunday not holding much hope for this week as at bbq tomorrow too much tempting food about 🙄 what's everyone's quickest filling low cal meals please?? 🙌 thankyou.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Weigh in week:  Week 4
    Weigh in day: Friday
    PW: 184.3
    CW: 183.5
    LTD: 80.9
    Month: +1.7 :|

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,492 Member
    @askewcr Yes, I often post these things with myself in mind lol but I also want you all to appreciate them, too. That's wonderful that your brother was able to stand up. <3

    @Lulu_jo Those sound like changes that you can stick to for a lifetime, that's great! I think it's important that whatever we choose to do is something we can do for a lifestyle, not diet-type thinking. No matter what it is, as long as you think you can do it forever and it feels right, that's great. I also don't restrict myself. Sometimes I do need to restrict myself but don't and I get into trouble lol.

    @Katie43210 Welcome, Katie! What kind of foods do you like? Here are some of my favorite healthy recipes:
    Firecracker Chickpea Meatballs (vegetarian)(257 cals) - https://www.connoisseurusveg.com/chickpea-meatballs/
    Feel-Good Fall Salad (I add protein and usually use bottled dressing)(346 cals) - https://www.gimmesomeoven.com/feel-good-fall-salad/
    Chinese Green Beans with Ground Turkey (272 cals) - http://wearychef.com/asian-greenbean-turkey-ricebowl/
    Crispy Cheddar Chicken with Cream Sauce (337 cals) - http://www.emilybites.com/2018/05/crispy-cheddar-chicken-with-cream-sauce.html
    Classic Minestrone Soup (260 cals) - https://www.ambitiouskitchen.com/minestrone-soup-recipe/
    Chickpea, Avocado, & Feta Salad (369 cals) - https://www.twopeasandtheirpod.com/chickpea-avocado-feta-salad/
    Chicken, Feta Cheese, and Sun-Dried Tomato Wraps (324 cals) - http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Chicken-Feta-Cheese-and-Sun-Dried-Tomato-Wraps/Detail.aspx
    California Roasted Sweet Potato Kale Salad (330 cals) - https://www.ambitiouskitchen.com/sweet-potato-kale-salad/
    The Ultimate Fruit, Cheese & Nut Salad - https://www.ambitiouskitchen.com/ultimate-fruit-cheese-nut-salad/

    @Cornanda Well...every window company I have called does not do repairs, only replacements. I called contractors at first and nobody wanted to touch the job since it is small. I had called a windows and doors contractor a few months ago and got a quote to replace the window and I *think* I've got my husband on board finally to replace not repair. So, we'll see! Thanks for asking! That was a good idea to move the cut-up veggies to eye level. Ooh stir fry! Yum! That's good you aren't anticipating any pitfalls. We are going to my brother-in-law's apartment and they wanted us to bring ribs. We are bringing those and I decided to make myself a chicken breast and bring a salad because I know they will have stuff I should probably stay away from (mac and cheese, baked beans, dessert!). (((( SKINNY VIBES )))) for your weigh-in tomorrow!

    @GabiV125 Ugh! I would freak out. Luckily they aren't here in SoCal.

    @TeresaW1020 Thanks. I have not made calzones but I want to. It could be fun! Speaking of fun, have fun at Mexican tonight. Good luck!

    @TwistedSassette Yes! I do love some delivery food...just sayin' lol. It is frustrating when we self-sabotage. I hate when I do that. But at least you still had a deficit. Yay for no Kit Kats and good self-care!

    @Jactop Do take care of yourself. I'm sorry you are struggling, I get it, I am too a bit.

    @Kinalau It is an active group! It is painful, changing jobs or looking for a new job. It hurts the self-esteem. I remember the sting of rejection when I was looking for a job. I'm sorry they rejected you. It's not a bad thing to test the waters in weight loss. I think that is how we grow. Congrats on your weight loss so far, woo hoo!

    @Katmary71 Is your friend coming this weekend? I hope you have a wonderful time!

    @AustinRuadhain Great NSV, not getting into the not-so-good-for-you stuff!

    @davors19 @davidji82 @TeresaW1020 Congrats on the losses!

    Hi all. Sorry for the long post. If you are still reading, thank you! I had a so-so day yesterday. I got into some snacks we have here (they are healthy, but still!). We almost had another incident of ordering delivery food: the meat I defrosted for dinner was not good, but we stopped and got new meat so it was all good. Looking forward to the weekend.

    50 Day Commitment:
    1) Track every day using WW app ✅
    2) Workout at least once a week (it's a start!) ✅
    3) No unplanned sugar ✅

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 716 Member
    edited May 2021
    @davors19 @davidji82 @TeresaW1020 nice losses!

    @Katie43210 I cut up fresh carrot medallions and keep them in a container with a clear lid so it's the first thing I see when I open my fridge. Munching on a few carrots usually deters me from getting into something else.

    @trooworld good save on the dinner again and thanks for the recipes. I'm going to try a few

    @Kinlau Wow! What an inspiring weightloss and maintenance. I wonder the same thing about not having a number in mind. My process has been to make small healthy improvements that will hopefully result in weightloss but feel like I can't control what the final number will be. My goal weight is where I end up when I've done everything I'm willing to do.

    In regards to your job, my daughter just got turned down for a permanent position that her supervisor encouraged her to apply for. Not only is she already doing the job but she has to train the new hire. Yesterday she was offered her dream job in another department. If she had gotten the first position she would've missed out on something better. Sometimes things happen the way they do for a reason.

    @TeresaW1020 nice loss this week. I did some research on Data Driven Fasting and it sounds interesting. Let us know how it goes. Our weights have been neck and neck for a while now. I'm less then a lb behind you this week so that will keep me on my toes lol. Thanks for the inspiration
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    edited May 2021
    Hey Team Mission Slimpossibles! As we are about to enter the 6th month of 2021 it’s time to stop and review how we are doing with our weight loss goals. Look over the June Reset graphic below and spend time evaluating what’s working and what needs improving.

    We also have the JUNE HABIT TRACKER up and ready for you. So, choose the habits that you want to track, and let’s make June our best month of 2021!! B)

  • Katie43210
    Katie43210 Posts: 65 Member
    I've done 10,000 steps today woohoo weigh in Sunday 🤞🤞🤞🤞
  • Katie43210
    Katie43210 Posts: 65 Member
    Good idea I love carrots might do this! 😁
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,214 Member
    Welcome to all our newbies!

    @TeresaW1020 How’s the progress on your puzzle?

    @TwistedSassette Yes, it is much easier food-wise when I’m in the office. And I tend to get up and move more. When I’m at home, I tend to sit for very long periods of time. When I’m in the office, I’m doing much more walking – to the printer, to the other end of the hall where the water cooler is, downstairs to the mailroom, etc. Feels great getting my circulation flowing! And I wanted to mention that, as a mother of a bipolar adult child, the right medication cocktail is so important. I truly hope your BIL has the right mix of meds and can realize that this is all to help him. And I hope your sister changes her mind about talking to a professional. It’s been a tremendous help for me…both for myself and to figure out the best way to deal with my daughter. P.S. That accidental “dislike” on your weigh-in cracked me up! I want to “dislike” everyone’s weigh in that doesn’t go the right direction!

    @laurelfit57 I didn’t know Talbot’s was still around! How stinkin’ fun!

    @krea4 It’s great to see you back!

    @askewcr Your attitude is so bright and refreshing! You’re the Queen of the Bright Side!

    @trooworld I hope you’re able to push your hubby over the edge to get the new window. What a headache! And what is it with you and bad meat? Twice now? Hope your freezer isn’t on the fritz!

    @GabiV125 So glad to hear the pinkeye has cleared up. Good luck on the upcoming busy season at your job. Hopefully it’ll just make your workday fly by faster so you can get to the fun weekends! And those cicadas! Ugh! I’m wondering if that was what I encountered one year that we drove down to Florida? It probably WAS about 17 years ago. I remember stopping at a gas station in Georgia and these creepy, nasty looking things (thought they were roaches) were freaking EVERYWHERE! I had to step carefully so I didn’t disturb any of them. Thought I was in a horror movie! That was the fastest road trip pit stop ever!

    @Jactop When did you fall off your bike? Did I miss it somewhere? I hope you’re ok! As I was reading about your daughter’s job, I was agitated (about her having to train someone for the job she wanted), but was so happy to hear she got her dream job! That’s awesome how it all worked out for the best!

    @Katmary71 Did someone leave a water hose on at the garden?

    @Katie43210 I second @Jactop suggestion about carrots. I love having them cut up and ready to eat. I use my mandolin slicer and cut them into medallions, too. Love to have a spoonful or two of hummus with the carrots. The protein and fat in the hummus combined with the crunch of the carrots makes me happy!

    Semi-quick update:
    The surgeon is pleased with my progress and said he was releasing me. He had one exercise he wants me to continue at home to help with stretching my shoulder out. And I can go ahead and start lifting things again…within reason (whatever that means).

    I am loving being back in the office more. It’s been so long since I’ve had a chat-fest with my coworkers! Today my boss and a coworker came into my office and we were catching up for almost 2 hours! It’s good for my soul :)

    I’ve been snacking a little too much in the evenings, so I’m overindulging on veggies today. Feeling great! We’re going to see A Quiet Place II this evening, so I will probably get a small, unbuttered popcorn as it fits into my points today. I’ll let my horror fans here know if it’s a good one! No special plans for the long weekend…so no extra worries. I hope everyone has a good weekend and that my fellow Americans remember the solemn reason for Memorial Day.

    2021 Mantra: WITH PURPOSE
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    edited May 2021
    @TwistedSassette I’ve been practicing with the finger sticking and I have a hard time getting my fingers to bleed. I watched some YouTube videos to get some tips. :grin: I wish I had a CGM but those babies are expensive! Scones are very tempting!

    @Kinalau Congrats on your weight loss and being able to maintain it! That is an awesome achievement. What a bummer about the job situation. Try not to let it get to you. It sounds like someone has no clue how to be professional. And maybe you will get the job if you still want it or something even better! :)

    @askewcr That is awesome about your brother being able to stand at his daughter’s graduation! I can hear how proud you are of him. :)

    @Katmary71 That is great news about the mammogram being clear! My friend told me a story about how she had a mammogram in late December, and they found all kinds of things on her scan that they couldn’t explain. They all finally realized that it was glitter from decorating for Christmas. :D Bummer about the food bank flood. Was the crop OK? I sure hope you have a wonderful time with your friend. How long will she be staying?

    @AustinRuadhain Good to see you!! <3

    @Katie43210 Sorry that you are struggling. It’s happening to many of us right now, but we are going to have a big June reset and turn things around. I find the best low-calorie meals are foods that focus on lean protein. Protein is the most filling food, so build your meals around lean chicken, pork, turkey, or seafood and add in lots of veggies. And of course the team’s foodie, @trooworld has given you some wonderful recipes. Have fun at the BBQ and go in with a plan before you see the tempting foods.

    @trooworld Is there an issue with your freezer or the meat you’ve been buying? Yeah, getting into snacks probably isn’t good but hey, they were healthy so that has to count for something.

    @Jactop I will definitely let you know how the Data Driven Fasting goes. I don’t officially start until June 5th with the FB challenge, so I’m doing a lot of reading and learning how to draw blood from my finger. Ouch!!! :grin: I love that we are neck in neck with our weight loss and we can inspire each other! Oh, and that is awesome news about your daughter and just proof that we don’t always know what is best for us and patience can often be our best friend.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 The puzzle is almost done. I’m to the outer parts which are all cream-colored, so a little more challenging. I hope to have it done this weekend and will post a pic. :) That is great that the surgeon released you. Yes, to being back in the office and reconnecting with your boss and co-workers. It sounds like you have a great place to work.

    Hey team! Today has been a good day. I had to take my car in to get a clear coat on it and wow is it shiny!! :sunglasses: I also cleaned and reorganized my bathroom. I’m not sure how I end up with so much stuff but slowly every part of my house is getting a good once over and things are getting trashed or donated. No hoarding allowed! :# I altered my challenge goals a little to include the Data Driven Fasting challenge that starts on June 5th and I took out tracking. I'm going to stop tracking calories or macros for June and see how that works for me. The challenge will have me testing my glucose to see when I should eat and learn to listen to my hunger. I’m excited to see how it all works. :)

    I posted that graphic for the June Reset, and I hope you all will look it over carefully and think about your RESET for next month. The day in and day out grind of weight loss can really take a toll on us but giving up is NEVER an option. So, the only way to make it work is to refocus our intention and go forward. I want us all to have an incredible month! <3

    Goal Weight Challenge: Keeping my eye on the prize! B)
    Clean Fasting (Goal 18+): 18 hrs. 25 min.
    No snacking or sugar No snacks/no sugar today
    Follow the DDF challenge (or read info on it) Yesterday, I printed out the entire DDF manual and have begun to read it.
    Workout (includes church cleaning): I took today off from working out.
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,814 Member
    @Jactop Sorry to hear you’re having a hard time since the fall. I hope you can recover quickly. Is there another form of cardio you can do in the meantime?

    @Kinalau I’m glad you’re jumping right in, everyone is helpful and supportive here! I think it’s absolutely great that you don’t have an end goal in mind, what a healthy way of treating yourself, taking the power/focus away from the scale and going more by how you feel. Sorry to hear about the job situation, that’s really *kitten* of them to treat you like that. I’d be applying elsewhere in the meantime, it’s a bit of a red flag for me.

    @askewcr Sounds like you had a lovely day! I hope your brother finds it within himself to use the prosthesis and stand more often!

    @Katmary71 Oh that would have been a scary time, but I’m glad you got the all clear. You’re doing amazingly with all the gardening and cleaning!!

    @AustinRuadhain Look at all the green checks! Nice!

    @davors19 @davidji82 Congrats on your losses this week!

    @Katie43210 Good luck with the BBQ, it’s hard when there are so many temptations! I try to just have a small serve of things so I don’t feel deprived but also don’t overdo it.

    @TeresaW1020 Good to see the scale coming down this week. Don’t beat yourself up over the monthly gain, sometimes it’s good to give our bodies a break from the constant stress of losing.
    My Dad is diabetic so he has to test his BGL every so often. He’s also a typical farmer with calloused hands. You can imagine how hard it is for him to draw blood! He has the biggest needle on the machine drawn to full extension, I can’t imagine how much it hurts!

    @Cornanda Yay for the loss!!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Thank you for the support! I’m glad your surgeon is happy with your progress and you can get back to lifting - that’s great! Also glad you enjoyed getting back to work on site!

    I had a good day overall yesterday! Stayed within my calories and got over 11,000 steps! I did a little walking at work, and then walked in place watching a football game in the evening. It was good!

    I am still retaining some water weight though, I can feel it in my plantar fasciitis affected foot, it hurts more when I’m retaining!

    I don’t have many plans for the weekend so I’ll just be trying to stay active and eat within plan.

    Have a great weekend everyone!
    2021 Word: PEACE
    Goals for May:
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,814 Member
    Weigh in day: Friday
    SW: 138.5kg
    PW: 126.2kg
    CW: 126.2kg
    LTD: 12.3kg
    LTW: - kg
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,799 Member
    Another new member heading your way ... Please welcome @bgame4 :)
  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 391 Member
    Today has been a blessing. I told my husband "We got up this morning so we are winners today!" He agreed. o:) We visited his mom today. She's such a sweet lady. I was able to get that walk in today at the mall with one of my friends who is 84 years old. Yes, I said 84. She can walk/run circles around me and I'm 59. I have to ask her to slow down sometimes when we walk. She's a blessing to me. She encourages me to keep moving and I love her for it! I even have bad knees and she doesn't. Go figure! :|
    I feel bad for one of our high schools that had graduation celebration tonight. The had to stop after fifteen minutes due to rain coming in. I don't think they were able to finish. Bless their hearts!
    Tomorrow's a new day! Let's go get it!!
This discussion has been closed.