Anyone want to do a 3 month challenge?



  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Week 3 - 11 workouts done, so there were still a few days I missed X3, but not as many, which was super was, well, honestly food was a bit out of line...I was over maintenance by about 200 cals on 2 days, plus over poverty by 100-200 cals another 2, while that all still puts me below maintenance for the week, it's not progress as planned. Friday I head to the beach for a week of vacation with a friend and our daughters, it will be fun, but traditionally I gain weight over summer vacations with lots of great food and ice cream and evening drinking while playing games. I want this year to be different. I want to stay on the workouts and I want to keep with the food tracking. I'm taking my workout calendar and weights and all the stuff I need to do the workouts, and the plan is to make that priority 1, first thing in the morning, before any beach things, before the kids are even up, the main workout will be done...hopefully I can squeeze in the second workout after the beach, and possibly abs while cooking dinner on the days I have an ab routine. We'll see how it goes, but I'm just starting to see some slimming in the belly FINALLY and I don't want to lose the progress I have or interrupt my forward momentum right now!

    prev - 26 pts.
    Week 3 = 0 pts food + 10 pts exercise
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Week 4...workouts done each day - only 1 a day since vacation started, but that's one more than I usually do on vacation, so it totally matters in a big way to me that I'm still doing the 6 days on target for food, and all days tracked, which is also another big win for vacation because most of the time I just don't...

    prev - 36 pts
    week 4 - 8 pts food + 10 pts exercise

    this is a bit like masturbating though, I feel like I'm playing all by myself...