Less Alcohol ~ JULY 2021 ~ One Day At A Time



  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    ahoy_m8 wrote: »

    And where is your lake house?

    Eagle Mountain, NW of Ft. Worth, TX

    ETA: Congrats on the new car purchase. You just slipped that in so nonchalant.

    When I was in Dallas I looked at going to some lakes, but was afraid that there might be alligators. Are there alligators at your lake house?

    Thanks about the car. My other one died, so It was an unexpected expense that I am not exactly celebrating. All good, if I have to get a few more jobs to pay for it I will.

    Condolences on the unexpected expense. I hear you on that aspect.

    Re: alligators, I have been sailing on this lake 30 years and have never seen one, but I'm told all TX lakes have them lurking about. There was a photo in a local paper of one dragged out of Eagle Mountain this summer that freaked me out. Bigly.
  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,953 Member
    @ketosublime - Join us on the August thread. And yes totally understand the struggles are real. I'm trying for AF M-Th this week which I've not done in a very long time.

  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,418 Member
    July 30- 1 beer
    July 31- 2 wine
    Aug 1- AF
    Aug 2- AF
    Aug 3- 3 wine
    Not too bad considering I was on vacation!
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,418 Member
    So does this thread keep going into August or is it strictly a July thing?
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,418 Member
    Oops just saw Aug link 🤣