Just a rant.....



  • amylite
    amylite Posts: 40 Member
    People feel better about bad choices when others make them with them.

    ^^^^^ This
  • JDMarlowe
    JDMarlowe Posts: 327 Member
    Thanks guys!! Some GREAT words of wisdom and advice!!
    I do enjoy some of my favorites every now and then. Usually on a special occasion, like a birthday or holiday or something. Or when my wife and I take a night out together. So I am not living without these things completely. What bothers me is when people "peer pressure" (for lack of better wording) me into going out or eating what they are. I was always overweight until 2010. And it was a moderation issue combined with not eating healthy foods. And as a former "food addict" I think it will always be a constant battle to stay on the wagon. I am a strong and determined man and I know I can do it, and I'm not asking everyone around me to change their lifestyles to suit me because being healthy has to be each persons choice, it wont work if you change just for someone else. But don't constantly ask me if I want pizza, cake, fried foods, brownies, milk shakes etc when I am always saying that I don't want these things and that its like waving booze in front of a member of AA. And definitely don't specifically buy me something from a fast food joint just because you stopped and got yourself something. I am an adult and I do say no and it's usually not a problem for me or the person offering. But sometimes after numerous offers, I say what the heck and give in. It doesn't, and hasn't killed my progress yet and I know once every now and then wont kill it, but it makes me feel like a recovering junkie who was 100 days sober and had a relapse.
    Again, thanks for all the advice so far, it is really helpful!!!!
  • BigDaddyRonnie
    BigDaddyRonnie Posts: 506 Member
    IMO, breaking bread/sharing a meal/going to dinner/making dinner for and with someone is the utmost of compliments and camaraderie in life. When I go to dinner with someone (family and friends alike), I treat it as one of life's best treasures. Next to the weather, eating is what everyone has in common.

    My thought is some people don't realize this themselves, and associate with trying food, tasting food and eating food as a symbol of sharing in one of its most highest forms. Of course they see you as successful, and in their eyes, they want to share the success with you, and are convinced that one little taste is not going to change or alter your course. What they don't see is if and when you do this many times over for each person and request, that is when bad habits form.

    Keeping chugging away...instead of saying no, try saying you will try it later. Divert from the question. That is what works for me.