Unexpected dexa scan bf%



  • Theoldguy1
    Theoldguy1 Posts: 2,486 Member
    viajera99 wrote: »
    LOL, yes Coach Greg can be annoying as hell sometimes, but he's not wrong. The laser vision thing is just his way of saying that with experience, it is possible to evaluate someone's BF% visually with consistency and repeatability. As someone above said, repeat measurements on a DEXA can be useful to see a trend, but really the only way to get a "true" number is at autopsy.

    I guess I call BS on "Coach Greg". I haven't watched the video yet but how does he know his or anyone else's visual evaluation is "right" unless it is being compared to studies of multiple corpses that have be medically examined and bodyfat determined?

  • MichelleMcKeeRN
    MichelleMcKeeRN Posts: 450 Member
    I don’t believe the dexa scan.
    I did a dexa scan a couple, maybe 3, years ago and it put me in the obese category too. I am bigger than you but clearly not obese.
    I did read water can skew the results. I didn’t do enough research to determine if this is accurate or what likely happened to me. I am curious though if everyone that had surprisingly high dexa results was super hydrated going in.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,901 Member
    From the pic provided, it may be in the 30's. I don't really see any muscle tone and if you're working out and I don't see it, it's because of the amount of fat covering any definition. So I don't believe it's that far off.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • Theoldguy1
    Theoldguy1 Posts: 2,486 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    From the pic provided, it may be in the 30's. I don't really see any muscle tone and if you're working out and I don't see it, it's because of the amount of fat covering any definition. So I don't believe it's that far off.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


    I would tend to agree. Was just able to see the picture. Very little muscle tone. Some could consider "skinny fat". Good news is with some resistance work you can make some nice improvements if that is the way you want to go.

    Good luck.
  • nihap23
    nihap23 Posts: 8 Member
    edited September 2021
    I actually weight trained for 3ish months, then stopped for a month or a bit more before getting dexa scan. I have mostly throughout my life never done strength training. I started again but part of the reason I gave up was it didn’t seem to be making a difference. I’m also fine really pushing myself when it comes strength training but more dangerous stuff requires a spotter, and I’m stuck at home due to COVID. I used to do some cardio, but it is extremely boring…I stopped and cut down my calories. Strength training is okay though as long as it’s not too long, because then it becomes boring too. Exercise also made, overall, no difference on my depression.

    Also I’m not a professional trainer and I don’t know that much about it but from what I’ve seen online, some bodies simply retain that softness at any body fat level. I’m not agreeing or disagreeing with my personal dexa scan but just saying that. I’ve seen some people get frustrated because they may genuinely not have that much body fat but their muscle doesn’t seem to show in the same way or “as well.” I guess gauge girl training might refer to them as endomorphs. She didn’t say any of that about them though, just my own observation.
  • nihap23
    nihap23 Posts: 8 Member
    edited September 2021
    FWIW she told me I was meso-endo mix leaning meso but I’m not sure how I would apply that to training/diet apart from reducing carbs due to insulin resistance. I seem to have little to no baseline of muscle for a so-called mesomorph either. Part of why I didn’t delve deeper into that.

    Btw I found this
    Endomorphs are said to have a higher percentage of body fat with less muscle mass. They’re often heavier and rounder, but not necessarily obese. Because of their physical makeup, people with endomorphic bodies are more sensitive to calorie consumption than people with other body types.