
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,689 Member
    Katla, glad it went smoothly!
    Lee has a ongoing treatment plan with his dermatologist here at Oak Harbor. Every six months, he goes and gets areas sprayed with liquid nitrogen, or cut away. Usually some on his head, arms, back. The couple of days after he looks bit beaten up, but it keeps tumors from growing. He takes it all in stride.💖👍Hugs!
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,138 Member
    Morning ladies
    Ugh another night of insomnia,this is ridiculous.. im not having caffeine, im not eating before bed ,i didnt turn out the light until 10 and still tossed and turned all night long,finally if fitfully woke up at 7 and have been awake since..
    Heather - congratulations you have done it again.. will have to look into buying both books though im not much of a reader,though when i do read i usually read for hours on end until I finish a book.

    Insomnia here too- was about to fall asleep with dh's alarm went off at 1AM then tried to get back to sleep- finally did- at 4AM, then he came home at 7:30 which woke me up. Was able to get back to sleep off and on-for a total of not quite 5 hrs of sleep.
    No caffeine since very early afternoon- not sure why I couldn't sleep. I felt like I could go right to sleep about 6PM but then by time to actually sleep I couldn't.

    Rebecca- I hope you hear from your son soon. I agree- a simple card would mean so much.
    Beth- good luck to your son- that is a big step

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,138 Member
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    I have been using a spoonful of my olive bruschetta sauce in my soups, my salads, and pasta dishes. It adds a dense "umami" flavor, along with a nice sheen to my soups. I spread it on my avocado toast as well.

    Lee got this 3rd shot the other day at the clinic. He was a bit ache but no feeling under the weather or anything. He's my battery bunny, just going going......

    My Navy Mom Strong group posted an article on "Toxic Positivity". It was interesting. How there are some people that believe in " all will be well", put on a happy face, and "I am fine, everything is fine. But everything is not fine, and showing the true feelings, and emotions is somehow making them less than, in their mindset. I am all for processing, and feeling my feelings. The article talked about the messiness of emotions, and to give yourself grace about feeling them. I equate it to my normal way of cleaning. I usually pull stuff off stuff, move things and there is a moment when looking at the room its nothing but chaos. Then vacuum this, turn couches right side up, move things back to where they were, and I am done. I remember as a little girl I used to play this game in my kitchen. I would open every cabinet, every drawer then sit in the middle of the kitchen. Looking at it, lying, upside down. Take a regular normal thing and seeing it look so different. Then I of course had fun shutting each cabinet and drawer, kinda loudly.😁. Reading this article it made me think of my middle sister. How when I ask her how she's doing, its always fine. In the article it talked about how certain people say things like "get over it" you'll be fine. In other words saying I care but I don't want to invest my emotions in you. So much my sister. I sent it to my older sister, and we agreed our middle sister has many of the issues they mentioned in the article. I love how my older sis and I rely on each other. How she trusts me enough to call me, on days when she feels broken, and we process the problems she is experiencing together. We worked together to clean up the chaos. I feel privileged that she reaches out to me, and in turn, I do the same. That's how relationships are. We see the messy, the emotionally tough things, and the seeing and recognizing, is the most important part. I never mention my younger sailor to my middle sister. It brings up situations when she told me to "get over it". First, she didn't want to help me deal with the messiness of my emotions. Second, supporting me, she would have to be relied upon, a place she doesn't want to be in.

    Today is a gray, gray day. Rained all last night. I have my side table light on at 11:00 am!

    Check out this song- it is exactly like what you are talking about- I say I'm fine, yea I'm fine but I'm not;

    Oh wow, yes, that! That song made me a wee bit weepy! 💖. I shared with my older sister! Thanks!

    That is how I feel all the time- really hits close to home.

    He has another one "What If" that is really good

    The one that gets me very weepy is
    The first few lines make me cry every time- thinking about the last time I saw my dad-

    Ohmygoodness! Nothing like a boohoo fest in the morning!!! That second song was about my Mom. Totally. You would have loved her, everyone did!
    Thanks for the songs!

    The second one is about my dad for sure- thinking about that last hug, those last words- Wish I had stayed a little longer, hugged a little tighter, etc. It was Christmas day and we were rushing to go see my MIL, which I didn't want to do but had to. Would have much rather stayed there with mom and dad.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,595 Member
    Beth - many good wishes for your son's interview. <3

    KJ - Such a sweet pic. :p
    Sometimes it feels as if I have been writing about ancient history!! Such a long time ago. My mum's delight at picking out 'contemporary ' items is a precious memory. Now I see such things in a museum.

    Katla - Well done for getting your skin seen to. <3

    Bananas - Good luck with the pages. You seem to be on a good streak. :) Just keep going.

    Love to anyone I have forgotten. I've had tunnel vision for the last few days!!!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxx
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    BARBARA I like the friendliness of usa-ers most of the time - I admit the over-fawning sometimes in restaurants is now a bit much for me. I used try to chat with people in lines here, when I arrived but people considered one wierd and suspicious ! I think that is changing a bit since people travel so much now

    KATLA Thanks !

    HEATHER - better streak in general - last 3 days not as good as previous ones.
    Thursday I had to deal with renal apartment thing in morning - and so on... Friday was a foul an lost day! today I worked some in morning - I think about 2.5 hours and then some in evening,at least 2 or 3h - I blew off afternoon which is not ideal

    now I'm beat. rather than (5 pages, I dit 5 rough pages).
    I'll fix it up tomorrow morning and also look at corrections of 5 pages received this afternoon tomorrow morning. I'm beat and my mind is not ready at nearly 10pm/

    ont thing that helped I think Is that I had to have a nurse come daily at 7 am and so I got up at 6 am daily for a good 8 days which got things in march.

    I DID : clean 1h, produce 5 rough pages
    I DIDNT Get 30 min exercise, nor send 5 finished pages.

    I am SO TIRED!

    I was watching some of breaking bad this afternoon. I had never watched it so am enjoying it. I'm glad it's mostly not too violent and is more personal- from 1st bits I think I saw some violent bits and thought it was lots of gratuitous violence, but really not so much. There's a mix of realism and non-realism - which is probably a nice mix for entertainment.

    I think I will get up by 7 again, tomorrow
    15 min on recumbant (
    review 5 pages and send. (maybe 3 h max?)
    review 5 corrected pages and send. (maybe 1h mx)
    write accompanying letter and send.(maybe 1h max)
    See friend at café in morning probably.
    clean 1h
    That's the plan -
    that leaves some free time for farniente which I really feel I need sometimes at present.

    I need to send in a serious part of about 70 pages or so in 3 weeks. That makes 3.3 pages a day with no break days. I think I will aim for 5 per day, giving time for bad days and re-reads. Some parts will be easier, as the 1st chapter is partly based on something I know quite well. I have a good sense of content of the 1st 2 out of 3 chapters in the 1st part. I can conceivably drop the 3rd part if it's too hard.

    I'm going back to watching my series this evening -it's 10pm.

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,189 Member
    KJ (Kelly) I prefer kindergarten. The third and fourth grades in this school are horrible discipline problems! 😝

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,783 Member
    edited October 2021
    Watching Christmas Cookie Challenge (food porn for this fat girl) and Corey is reading - he's still doing all the grocery shopping when I'm not up to it, and spent the morning wading through people at Sam's Club. We are now stocked up!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,055 Member
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,138 Member
    kevrit wrote: »
    KJ (Kelly) I prefer kindergarten. The third and fourth grades in this school are horrible discipline problems! 😝


    I have always said I would rather take care of 5 little ones in diapers than 2 school age kids. For me, the younger the better- newborn preemie triples were easier to deal with than a few of the school age kids I have taken care of over the years.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,990 Member
    Evening ladies
    Well i had to take a nap ,felt soooo much better .. finally got my grocery lists together,have to get things at 2 different stores,because of the pandemic Walmart doesnt have the people to do the pick up anymore so ,I cant do a pick up until Weds,I will pick up the other things monday morning at Price Chopper..,they do the shopping and i just pick it up..
    Went to Tom and Elenas and watered the plants and brought in a box they got.
    Also went to Trudys and had an early dinner and chatted.. we always have a good time..
    Tomorrow we are going down near the shore to get our picture taken and out to lunch..
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather - CONGRATULATIONS on your book launch!❤️😊❤️😊❤️
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,689 Member
    Well ladies I do appreciate your optimism, but being that its been this long, I am not hopeful. I just need to vent about it every so often. Thanks for understanding.💖
    Today made a roast with potatoes, carrots and a yellow onion. I cut the roast in half, fried them in a bit of bacon drippings and spices, then into two Corning ware platters with lids. My husband was making a cup of tea so he laughed at my production. He never knew I put an onion slice on each corner, and arranged the cut up potatoes and carrots just so. I do it so the veggies are kinda supporting the roast meat. He just assumed I threw it all together. I make a beef broth with the drippings and some better than bullion beef paste. There are few things that impress him, so I was glad to catch him in awe.😁💖👍


  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,689 Member
    Tomorrow I will make onion, with some beef and rice stew. It should be magnificent!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did part of the Toning Transformation DVD then took a walk. Boy, does this feel good to do! The plan for tomorrow is to do the rest of the Toning Transformation DVD.

    Tracey – most time with my ceramics before I start I use a pencil to mark where things like a headband connects. You’re right, sometimes the lines aren’t defined and you have to use your judgment. I tend not to do a lot of detailed work

    KJ – you never cease to amaze me the wonderful things you do with the kiddos. I wish PJ had what you give those kids

    Made chili this morning then went to Sam’s to see about these individual serving cups. They were out of stock of them. So I asked at the soup kitchen if I could have 50 and when Sam’s got them in stock I’d buy the soup kitchen a bag. Then went to WalMart since I had to pick up a prescription to see if they carry them and they don’t (no surprise there). Then we put out more of the Halloween decorations. I’m guessing that we’ll probably finish tomorrow.

    Vince sprayed these bees in the front. Can’t remember if I told you about them or not. Anyway, there used to be a nest in the grass but all this year even with my cutting the grass never had them. Then, when they were pulling out the bushes the bees came out. I’m thinking that they were in the bushes. Anyway, it seems like they’re near the riverrock so that’s where Vince mainly sprayed.

    Beth – fingers crossed for your son

    So far, got in over 13,000 steps

    Was making dinner and cut the palm of my left hand with a knife. Vince laughed about how careful I am at BK and then I cut myself at home. Put some liquid bandage on it.

    Planning to make some soup tomorrow

    Have a great evening everyone.

    Michele NC
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    edited October 2021
    exermom wrote: »
    Vince sprayed these bees in the front. Can’t remember if I told you about them or not. Anyway, there used to be a nest in the grass but all this year even with my cutting the grass never had them. Then, when they were pulling out the bushes the bees came out. I’m thinking that they were in the bushes. Anyway, it seems like they’re near the riverrock so that’s where Vince mainly sprayed.

    Michele NC

    Sprayed? Like to kill the bees?


    If you don't want the bees there, call a beekeeper and have them moved.

    Is it Illegal to Destroy a Beehive in the U.S. and Other Countries?

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    edited October 2021
    We picked up our bee hive kit a few days ago, so that will be next weekend's project, I think ... putting it together!

    Then we'll see about getting a swarm to move in. :)

    I also want to plant my blue, purple and pink flowers for the bees.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    This weekend, we hosted our Northern Nouveau series of bicycle rides: a 50 km on Friday, a 160 km on Saturday and a 100 km on Sunday.

    We had fewer riders than usual but then we had the lockdown a bit earlier which made a few wary of travel throughout the state, I think. We haven't opened our borders to any other states or countries yet. And the weather wasn't predicted to be very nice.

    Still, we had one brave cyclist do all three events, even on Saturday when it rained and rained all day! Some of the areas around here got about 40 mm of rain (1.6 inches) that day!

    We supported the riders all three days.

    M in Oz