link to Fitbit



  • lizzienottheone
    lizzienottheone Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone. My Fitbit no longer links at all even though it says it's connected so I don't get any benefit from walks/exercise until it's fixed. Do we have any estimated time line for repair?

    I've just recently restarted with my Fitbit after getting a new band. Now I'm starting back up with MFP, and my Fitbit won't sync. MFP says my Fitbit is connected, but there's a screen on my phone where it says to not track steps and it won't allow me to change that. I just get the spinning circle for a couple of minutes until it stops trying to open or whatever. This is very frustrating!
  • alesha_payne
    alesha_payne Posts: 2 Member
    edited January 2022
    mine still isn't working - i hope it is fixed soon. Anyone have any luck?
  • Leg112
    Leg112 Posts: 2 Member
    Mine stopped too on 9/1/22. Steps and workouts on Fitbit no longer carried over. Steps sometimes show in MFP at the odd point in the day but no calorie adjustment. I upgraded to Premium 2 days ago in the hope this would fix it but no help. I've revoked, unlinked, updated, rebooted and uninstalled and nothing works!
  • Cheesy567
    Cheesy567 Posts: 1,186 Member
    Mine wasn’t working again so I completely reset them— go to MFP and “sync” the app to save your data. Then delete the app entirely and re-install. It will take awhile if you’ve been here for any length of time, to re-upload your diary. You’ll have to log in again to the app and the forums too. I didn’t have to reconnect to Fitbit after doing that, it worked just fine. (I had updated Fitbit before starting MFP). We’ll see how long this lasts, here’s hoping. I know they’ve been working on this issue.
  • rjm4dogz
    rjm4dogz Posts: 1 Member
    Yes, Jan.8 was my last day of steps/calorie adjust syncing. I’m ready to give up. Super frustrating!
  • ACanadian22
    ACanadian22 Posts: 377 Member
    Cheesy567 wrote: »
    Mine wasn’t working again so I completely reset them— go to MFP and “sync” the app to save your data. Then delete the app entirely and re-install. It will take awhile if you’ve been here for any length of time, to re-upload your diary. You’ll have to log in again to the app and the forums too. I didn’t have to reconnect to Fitbit after doing that, it worked just fine. (I had updated Fitbit before starting MFP). We’ll see how long this lasts, here’s hoping. I know they’ve been working on this issue.

    So we lose everything? Ugh....I use past data to help me continue losing
  • Cheesy567
    Cheesy567 Posts: 1,186 Member
    Cheesy567 wrote: »
    Mine wasn’t working again so I completely reset them— go to MFP and “sync” the app to save your data. Then delete the app entirely and re-install. It will take awhile if you’ve been here for any length of time, to re-upload your diary. You’ll have to log in again to the app and the forums too. I didn’t have to reconnect to Fitbit after doing that, it worked just fine. (I had updated Fitbit before starting MFP). We’ll see how long this lasts, here’s hoping. I know they’ve been working on this issue.

    So we lose everything? Ugh....I use past data to help me continue losing

    No, nothing was lost
  • nbaker829
    nbaker829 Posts: 1 Member
    I am experiencing the same issue with FitBit.
    My temporary workaround is to
    Go to Settings
    Disconnect FitBit
    ReConnect FitBit
    Allow the feeds

    I do this after every meal and it seems to work.
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