Guess What was on my Kid's School Shopping List



  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    Different places.....different lists. Seeing some of these makes me understand the reason there's so much "Back to School" advertising.

    How many of you are sure that the school board is not supposed to be providing some of this stuff? Are the lists actual requirements or just wish lists of what some school or teacher thinks might be needed? What happens if your child shows up with what you think they will need, rather than everything on the list?

    In my district, the principal has to approve the each grade's proposed list. The school board doesn't provide anything (that I know of). The lists are what the individual students will use, not thrown into a "community pile" for every child to use. I don't think that teachers can do anything about kids not showing up with everything they need, due to lots of custody, foster, homeless, etc. situations, but I know that they will gladly fill in the gaps with their own funds to make it work.

    As a teacher of an extra curricular class (choir), I cannot collect fees from my student. The district will not allow it. We also can only "suggest" what brand of polo/pants are needed for the uniform for these groups. That's fine with me as I'm just happy that kids want to sing. Not sure what sports clubs do, but I do know that national clubs expect fees (4-H, FFA, etc.).

    Most teachers have a "wish list" either on their websites or on their classroom doors (for expo markers, sanitizing wipes, etc.) that parents can opt in to donate. Most actually do!

    And everyone at my school is a hoarder for school supplies. I don't believe for one second that anybody throws anything out at the end of the school year as mentioned earlier in the thread. I still have pencils that I use from my first year teaching!

    I like the golf/IKEA pencil idea. Also, if you need crayons, hit up a restaurant that hands them out to kids for the kids menu.
  • CarmenSRT
    CarmenSRT Posts: 843 Member
    so this thread got me to wondering what public school would cost us.
    For my 9th grader: 12 - #2 Pencils ($10)
    2 - Glue Sticks ($2)
    1 - White Glue ($3)
    1 - Pink Eraser ($1)
    1 - White Eraser ($1)
    1 - Pkg. Washable Felt Markers ($8)
    1 - sharpies Black ($4)
    1 - Pair Scissors ($1)
    1 - Pencil Case ($2)
    10 - Pocket Folders ($10)
    2 - Pkg. Lined Paper ($15)
    1 - Pkg. Plain Paper ($10)
    10 - Blue Pens ($5)
    3 - Red Pens ($3)
    1 - Ruler ($1)
    1 - Pkg. Pencil Crayons ($1)
    2 - 1" Binders ($5)
    8 - Subject Dividers ($14)
    1 - Scientific Calculator ($15)
    1 - Geometry Set ($3)
    1 - Pocket Dictionary ($2)
    1 - Thesaurus ($2)
    1 - Pencil Sharpener ($1)
    3 - Highlighter Pens ($5)
    1 - Agenda Book/Student Planner ($3)
    2 - packs Lined index cards ($2)
    4 - Composition notebooks ($8)
    1 - Stapler ($2)
    1 - Staple Remover ($1)
    1 - backpack ($15)
    total: $155
    extra curricular activities fee: $150+
    Uniforms: $20 (if I only get one set)
    Total: $325 + (not including school lunches and science or P.E. fees)

    for my 7th grader:
    12 - #2 Pencils ($ 10)
    2 - Glue Sticks ($2)
    1 - White Glue ($3)
    1 - Pink Erasers ($1)
    1 - White Eraser ($1)
    1 - Pkg. Washable Felt Markers ($8)
    1 - Pair Scissors ($1)
    1 - Pencil Case ($1)
    10 - Pocket Folders ($10)
    2 - Pkg. Lined Paper ($15)
    1 - Pkg. Plain Paper ($10)
    4 - Lined Notebooks ($10)
    10 - Blue Pens ($5)
    3 - Red Pens ($3)
    1 - Ruler ($1)
    1 - Pkg. Pencil Crayons ($1)
    2 - 1" Binders ($5)
    8 - Subject Dividers ($14)
    1 - Scientific Calculator ($15)
    1 - Geometry Set ($3)
    1 - Pocket Dictionary ($2)
    1 - Pencil Sharpener ($1)
    3 - Highlighter Pens ($5)
    1 - backpack ($15)
    total: $171
    extra curricular activities fee: $150+
    Uniforms: $20
    total: $341 +

    for the 5th grader:
    12 - #2 Pencils ($10)
    2 - Glue Sticks ($2)
    1 - White Glue ($3)
    1 - Pink Erasers ($1)
    1 - White Eraser ($1)
    1 - Pkg. Washable Felt Markers ($8)
    1 - Pair Scissors ($1)
    1 - Pencil Case ($1)
    10 - Pocket Folders ($10)
    2 - Pkg. Lined Paper ($15)
    1 - Pkg. Plain Paper ($10)
    4 - Lined Notebooks ($10)
    5 - Blue Pens ($2.50)
    2 - Red Pens ($2)
    1 - Ruler ($1)
    1 - Pkg. Pencil Crayons ($1)
    2 - 1" Binders ($2.50)
    8 - Subject Dividers ($14)
    1 - Scientific Calculator ($15)
    1 - Geometry Set ($3)
    1 - Pocket Dictionary ($2)
    1 - Pencil Sharpener ($1)
    3 - Highlighter Pens ($5)
    1 - backpack ($15)
    total: $136
    extra curricular activities fee: $100+
    Uniforms: $20
    total: $256 +

    4th grader:
    12 - #2 Pencils ($10)
    2 - Glue Sticks ($2)
    2 - Pink Erasers ($2)
    1 - Pkg. Washable Felt Markers ($8)
    1 - Pair Scissors ($1)
    1 - Pencil Case ($1)
    10 - Pocket Folders ($10)
    1 - Pkg. Lined Paper ($7)
    1 - Pkg. Plain Paper ($10)
    8 - Lined Notebooks ($18)
    2 - Blue Pens ($2)
    1 - Red Pen ($1)
    1 - Ruler ($1)
    1 - Pkg. Pencil Crayons ($1)
    1 - backpack ($15)
    total: $139
    extra curricular activities fee: $100+
    Uniforms: $20
    total: $259 +

    3rd grade:
    12 - #2 Pencils ($10)
    2 - Glue Sticks ($2)
    1 - Box of Tissues ($1)
    1 - Pink Eraser ($1)
    8 - Broad Tip Markers ($5)
    1 - Pair of Fiskar Scissors ($1)
    1 - Pencil Case ($1)
    2 - Wide-Ruled Spiral Bound Notebooks ($5)
    4 - Pocket Folders ($4)
    12 - Pencil Crayons ($1)
    2 - Pkg Wide Ruled Loose Leaf Paper ($7)
    1 - backpack ($10)
    total: $48
    extra curricular activities fee: $100+
    Uniforms: $20
    Total: 168 +

    12 - # 2 Pencils ($10)
    24 - Crayons ($2)
    2 - Glue Sticks ($2)
    1 - Box of Tissues ($1)
    1 - Pink Eraser ($1)
    8 - Broad Tip Markers ($5)
    1 - Pair of Fiskar Scissors ($1)
    1 - Pencil Case ($1)
    1 - Wide-Ruled Spiral Bound Notebook ($2.50)
    3 - Pocket Folders ($3)
    1 - backpack ($10)
    total: $38.50
    uniforms: $20
    total: $58.50

    total for our family (for the kids currently school aged): $1460
    Not terrible for our large family but a lot to shell out. I think the list our school requires is appropriate but of course that does not take into account the specialized list certain teachers have.
    This was interesting to research.

    I wish I could help you shop. You WAY overspend.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I doubt your child's teacher is giving your child enough candy at school to get that many cavities. There is candy all over my sons schools since he started going and he's never had a cavity. Maybe you need to revisit tooth care at home? or find out if your child is eating more sugary stuff then you think he is at home or at school.

    Oh and I've spent a boatload of money for my highschool aged child. Between football, band, club, school supplies, gym uniform and clothing. It's ridiculous. Plus with the gym class and the football comes a larger food bill. There's no real way around it.
    As a teacher of an extra curricular class (choir), I cannot collect fees from my student.
    amazing how different school are. it's $100 dollars per sport in my sons school. Plus he has to purchase the gym uniform and there are fees for certain classes as well as fees for many of the clubs. While there is no 'fee' for band that is required for him to be in it, there is the book i have to buy, the concert uniform, the music stand, the upkeep of the instrument, reeds, and "donations" so the guest conductors and instructions can come teach once a month. There is also no transportation provided unless the concert/game/activity is over a certain number of miles away. The money for that bus is raised by the PTO, the the Music association, through the activity fees collected and through other fundraisers run by various departments and the school itself.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    As a teacher of an extra curricular class (choir), I cannot collect fees from my student.
    amazing how different school are. it's $100 dollars per sport in my sons school. Plus he has to purchase the gym uniform and there are fees for certain classes as well as fees for many of the clubs. While there is no 'fee' for band that is required for him to be in it, there is the book i have to buy, the concert uniform, the music stand, the upkeep of the instrument, reeds, and "donations" so the guest conductors and instructions can come teach once a month. There is also no transportation provided unless the concert/game/activity is over a certain number of miles away. The money for that bus is raised by the PTO, the the Music association, through the activity fees collected and through other fundraisers run by various departments and the school itself.

    I don't think that's they meant.
  • shannashannabobana
    shannashannabobana Posts: 625 Member
    Glue sticks for a 9th grader? Are they doing crafts? Weird.
  • PaulHalicki
    PaulHalicki Posts: 576 Member
    The teacher asked for a bag of candy. Of all things, right?

    My kid's gotten so many cavities since starting school last year, I'm tempted to send the school his dental bills. All the sugary snacks and gooey treats at birthday parties are ridiculous. The candy will be used as incentives for the children, and while I can understand how useful that may be to a teacher, there's got to be a better way.

    Here in Texas, that is literally outlawed. You can't even bring cupcakes anymore.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    The teacher asked for a bag of candy. Of all things, right?

    My kid's gotten so many cavities since starting school last year, I'm tempted to send the school his dental bills. All the sugary snacks and gooey treats at birthday parties are ridiculous. The candy will be used as incentives for the children, and while I can understand how useful that may be to a teacher, there's got to be a better way.

    Here in Texas, that is literally outlawed. You can't even bring cupcakes anymore.

    I feel sorry for you.

    (If by cupcakes you mean homemade, then yes....that hasn't been allowed for a couple decades. It's due to uncontrolled sanitary standards in the home compared to commercially made.)
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    so this thread got me to wondering what public school would cost us.
    For my 9th grader: 12 - #2 Pencils ($10)
    1 - Pkg. Washable Felt Markers ($8)
    1 - sharpies Black ($4)
    2 - Pkg. Lined Paper ($15)
    1 - Pkg. Plain Paper ($10)
    10 - Blue Pens ($5)
    2 - 1" Binders ($5)
    8 - Subject Dividers ($14)
    1 - Scientific Calculator ($15)
    3 - Highlighter Pens ($5)

    This was interesting to research.

    What planet do you live on where a dozen pencils cost $10? Or the other prices I pulled from your list? You're either mistaken, intentionally exaggerating for the sake of the post, or you're way overspending.
  • shannashannabobana
    shannashannabobana Posts: 625 Member
    Then there was the note from the school regarding home packed lunches and what was prohibited. It was a really long list. It ended with saying they preferred the kids to buy their lunches from the school. Neither of my kids is particularly fond of the stuff the serve. Basically about all they are allowed is chicken or turkey lunch meat. They banned ham and other pork products. We are not Jewish, nor are we Muslim. No sweets, no grapes. Apples, pears, or bananas were the "encouraged fruit". Okay what the hell is wrong with grapes?????
    The only thing I can think of with grapes is that they are a choking hazard.

    No ham or pork? Nuts. I think they are trying to force everyone to eat the crap at school. That's awful.
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    so this thread got me to wondering what public school would cost us.
    For my 9th grader: 12 - #2 Pencils ($10)
    2 - Glue Sticks ($2)
    1 - White Glue ($3)
    1 - Pink Eraser ($1)
    1 - White Eraser ($1)
    1 - Pkg. Washable Felt Markers ($8)
    1 - sharpies Black ($4)
    1 - Pair Scissors ($1)
    1 - Pencil Case ($2)
    10 - Pocket Folders ($10)
    2 - Pkg. Lined Paper ($15)
    1 - Pkg. Plain Paper ($10)
    10 - Blue Pens ($5)
    3 - Red Pens ($3)
    1 - Ruler ($1)
    1 - Pkg. Pencil Crayons ($1)
    2 - 1" Binders ($5)
    8 - Subject Dividers ($14)
    1 - Scientific Calculator ($15)
    1 - Geometry Set ($3)
    1 - Pocket Dictionary ($2)
    1 - Thesaurus ($2)
    1 - Pencil Sharpener ($1)
    3 - Highlighter Pens ($5)
    1 - Agenda Book/Student Planner ($3)
    2 - packs Lined index cards ($2)
    4 - Composition notebooks ($8)
    1 - Stapler ($2)
    1 - Staple Remover ($1)
    1 - backpack ($15)
    total: $155
    extra curricular activities fee: $150+
    Uniforms: $20 (if I only get one set)
    Total: $325 + (not including school lunches and science or P.E. fees)

    for my 7th grader:
    12 - #2 Pencils ($ 10)
    2 - Glue Sticks ($2)
    1 - White Glue ($3)
    1 - Pink Erasers ($1)
    1 - White Eraser ($1)
    1 - Pkg. Washable Felt Markers ($8)
    1 - Pair Scissors ($1)
    1 - Pencil Case ($1)
    10 - Pocket Folders ($10)
    2 - Pkg. Lined Paper ($15)
    1 - Pkg. Plain Paper ($10)
    4 - Lined Notebooks ($10)
    10 - Blue Pens ($5)
    3 - Red Pens ($3)
    1 - Ruler ($1)
    1 - Pkg. Pencil Crayons ($1)
    2 - 1" Binders ($5)
    8 - Subject Dividers ($14)
    1 - Scientific Calculator ($15)
    1 - Geometry Set ($3)
    1 - Pocket Dictionary ($2)
    1 - Pencil Sharpener ($1)
    3 - Highlighter Pens ($5)
    1 - backpack ($15)
    total: $171
    extra curricular activities fee: $150+
    Uniforms: $20
    total: $341 +

    for the 5th grader:
    12 - #2 Pencils ($10)
    2 - Glue Sticks ($2)
    1 - White Glue ($3)
    1 - Pink Erasers ($1)
    1 - White Eraser ($1)
    1 - Pkg. Washable Felt Markers ($8)
    1 - Pair Scissors ($1)
    1 - Pencil Case ($1)
    10 - Pocket Folders ($10)
    2 - Pkg. Lined Paper ($15)
    1 - Pkg. Plain Paper ($10)
    4 - Lined Notebooks ($10)
    5 - Blue Pens ($2.50)
    2 - Red Pens ($2)
    1 - Ruler ($1)
    1 - Pkg. Pencil Crayons ($1)
    2 - 1" Binders ($2.50)
    8 - Subject Dividers ($14)
    1 - Scientific Calculator ($15)
    1 - Geometry Set ($3)
    1 - Pocket Dictionary ($2)
    1 - Pencil Sharpener ($1)
    3 - Highlighter Pens ($5)
    1 - backpack ($15)
    total: $136
    extra curricular activities fee: $100+
    Uniforms: $20
    total: $256 +

    4th grader:
    12 - #2 Pencils ($10)
    2 - Glue Sticks ($2)
    2 - Pink Erasers ($2)
    1 - Pkg. Washable Felt Markers ($8)
    1 - Pair Scissors ($1)
    1 - Pencil Case ($1)
    10 - Pocket Folders ($10)
    1 - Pkg. Lined Paper ($7)
    1 - Pkg. Plain Paper ($10)
    8 - Lined Notebooks ($18)
    2 - Blue Pens ($2)
    1 - Red Pen ($1)
    1 - Ruler ($1)
    1 - Pkg. Pencil Crayons ($1)
    1 - backpack ($15)
    total: $139
    extra curricular activities fee: $100+
    Uniforms: $20
    total: $259 +

    3rd grade:
    12 - #2 Pencils ($10)
    2 - Glue Sticks ($2)
    1 - Box of Tissues ($1)
    1 - Pink Eraser ($1)
    8 - Broad Tip Markers ($5)
    1 - Pair of Fiskar Scissors ($1)
    1 - Pencil Case ($1)
    2 - Wide-Ruled Spiral Bound Notebooks ($5)
    4 - Pocket Folders ($4)
    12 - Pencil Crayons ($1)
    2 - Pkg Wide Ruled Loose Leaf Paper ($7)
    1 - backpack ($10)
    total: $48
    extra curricular activities fee: $100+
    Uniforms: $20
    Total: 168 +

    12 - # 2 Pencils ($10)
    24 - Crayons ($2)
    2 - Glue Sticks ($2)
    1 - Box of Tissues ($1)
    1 - Pink Eraser ($1)
    8 - Broad Tip Markers ($5)
    1 - Pair of Fiskar Scissors ($1)
    1 - Pencil Case ($1)
    1 - Wide-Ruled Spiral Bound Notebook ($2.50)
    3 - Pocket Folders ($3)
    1 - backpack ($10)
    total: $38.50
    uniforms: $20
    total: $58.50

    total for our family (for the kids currently school aged): $1460
    Not terrible for our large family but a lot to shell out. I think the list our school requires is appropriate but of course that does not take into account the specialized list certain teachers have.
    This was interesting to research.

    That $1450 would pay one year fee for hockey for my kid (excluding equipment, uniform, etc...)

    Wanna trade?

    Like I said, not too bad for a large family. Of course that does not include everything and the extra curricular fee is good for only one event if they wanted to do, say football and baseball, we would have to pay the fee twice for each person. That also did not include band fees or food. I've heard hockey is very expensive to get into. My husband played for a while.
    NO TRADE!!! lol
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    so this thread got me to wondering what public school would cost us.
    For my 9th grader: 12 - #2 Pencils ($10)
    2 - Glue Sticks ($2)
    1 - White Glue ($3)
    1 - Pink Eraser ($1)
    1 - White Eraser ($1)
    1 - Pkg. Washable Felt Markers ($8)
    1 - sharpies Black ($4)
    1 - Pair Scissors ($1)
    1 - Pencil Case ($2)
    10 - Pocket Folders ($10)
    2 - Pkg. Lined Paper ($15)
    1 - Pkg. Plain Paper ($10)
    10 - Blue Pens ($5)
    3 - Red Pens ($3)
    1 - Ruler ($1)
    1 - Pkg. Pencil Crayons ($1)
    2 - 1" Binders ($5)
    8 - Subject Dividers ($14)
    1 - Scientific Calculator ($15)
    1 - Geometry Set ($3)
    1 - Pocket Dictionary ($2)
    1 - Thesaurus ($2)
    1 - Pencil Sharpener ($1)
    3 - Highlighter Pens ($5)
    1 - Agenda Book/Student Planner ($3)
    2 - packs Lined index cards ($2)
    4 - Composition notebooks ($8)
    1 - Stapler ($2)
    1 - Staple Remover ($1)
    1 - backpack ($15)
    total: $155
    extra curricular activities fee: $150+
    Uniforms: $20 (if I only get one set)
    Total: $325 + (not including school lunches and science or P.E. fees)

    for my 7th grader:
    12 - #2 Pencils ($ 10)
    2 - Glue Sticks ($2)
    1 - White Glue ($3)
    1 - Pink Erasers ($1)
    1 - White Eraser ($1)
    1 - Pkg. Washable Felt Markers ($8)
    1 - Pair Scissors ($1)
    1 - Pencil Case ($1)
    10 - Pocket Folders ($10)
    2 - Pkg. Lined Paper ($15)
    1 - Pkg. Plain Paper ($10)
    4 - Lined Notebooks ($10)
    10 - Blue Pens ($5)
    3 - Red Pens ($3)
    1 - Ruler ($1)
    1 - Pkg. Pencil Crayons ($1)
    2 - 1" Binders ($5)
    8 - Subject Dividers ($14)
    1 - Scientific Calculator ($15)
    1 - Geometry Set ($3)
    1 - Pocket Dictionary ($2)
    1 - Pencil Sharpener ($1)
    3 - Highlighter Pens ($5)
    1 - backpack ($15)
    total: $171
    extra curricular activities fee: $150+
    Uniforms: $20
    total: $341 +

    for the 5th grader:
    12 - #2 Pencils ($10)
    2 - Glue Sticks ($2)
    1 - White Glue ($3)
    1 - Pink Erasers ($1)
    1 - White Eraser ($1)
    1 - Pkg. Washable Felt Markers ($8)
    1 - Pair Scissors ($1)
    1 - Pencil Case ($1)
    10 - Pocket Folders ($10)
    2 - Pkg. Lined Paper ($15)
    1 - Pkg. Plain Paper ($10)
    4 - Lined Notebooks ($10)
    5 - Blue Pens ($2.50)
    2 - Red Pens ($2)
    1 - Ruler ($1)
    1 - Pkg. Pencil Crayons ($1)
    2 - 1" Binders ($2.50)
    8 - Subject Dividers ($14)
    1 - Scientific Calculator ($15)
    1 - Geometry Set ($3)
    1 - Pocket Dictionary ($2)
    1 - Pencil Sharpener ($1)
    3 - Highlighter Pens ($5)
    1 - backpack ($15)
    total: $136
    extra curricular activities fee: $100+
    Uniforms: $20
    total: $256 +

    4th grader:
    12 - #2 Pencils ($10)
    2 - Glue Sticks ($2)
    2 - Pink Erasers ($2)
    1 - Pkg. Washable Felt Markers ($8)
    1 - Pair Scissors ($1)
    1 - Pencil Case ($1)
    10 - Pocket Folders ($10)
    1 - Pkg. Lined Paper ($7)
    1 - Pkg. Plain Paper ($10)
    8 - Lined Notebooks ($18)
    2 - Blue Pens ($2)
    1 - Red Pen ($1)
    1 - Ruler ($1)
    1 - Pkg. Pencil Crayons ($1)
    1 - backpack ($15)
    total: $139
    extra curricular activities fee: $100+
    Uniforms: $20
    total: $259 +

    3rd grade:
    12 - #2 Pencils ($10)
    2 - Glue Sticks ($2)
    1 - Box of Tissues ($1)
    1 - Pink Eraser ($1)
    8 - Broad Tip Markers ($5)
    1 - Pair of Fiskar Scissors ($1)
    1 - Pencil Case ($1)
    2 - Wide-Ruled Spiral Bound Notebooks ($5)
    4 - Pocket Folders ($4)
    12 - Pencil Crayons ($1)
    2 - Pkg Wide Ruled Loose Leaf Paper ($7)
    1 - backpack ($10)
    total: $48
    extra curricular activities fee: $100+
    Uniforms: $20
    Total: 168 +

    12 - # 2 Pencils ($10)
    24 - Crayons ($2)
    2 - Glue Sticks ($2)
    1 - Box of Tissues ($1)
    1 - Pink Eraser ($1)
    8 - Broad Tip Markers ($5)
    1 - Pair of Fiskar Scissors ($1)
    1 - Pencil Case ($1)
    1 - Wide-Ruled Spiral Bound Notebook ($2.50)
    3 - Pocket Folders ($3)
    1 - backpack ($10)
    total: $38.50
    uniforms: $20
    total: $58.50

    total for our family (for the kids currently school aged): $1460
    Not terrible for our large family but a lot to shell out. I think the list our school requires is appropriate but of course that does not take into account the specialized list certain teachers have.
    This was interesting to research.

    That $1450 would pay one year fee for hockey for my kid (excluding equipment, uniform, etc...)

    Wanna trade?

    Like I said, not too bad for a large family. Of course that does not include everything and the extra curricular fee is good for only one event if they wanted to do, say football and baseball, we would have to pay the fee twice for each person. That also did not include band fees or food. I've heard hockey is very expensive to get into. My husband played for a while.
    NO TRADE!!! lol

    Yep, 1250 one kid.

    Point was that for 6 kids to only spend 1400 on them which includes supplies and sports....aint that bad. IMHO
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    so this thread got me to wondering what public school would cost us.
    For my 9th grader: 12 - #2 Pencils ($10)
    1 - Pkg. Washable Felt Markers ($8)
    1 - sharpies Black ($4)
    2 - Pkg. Lined Paper ($15)
    1 - Pkg. Plain Paper ($10)
    10 - Blue Pens ($5)
    2 - 1" Binders ($5)
    8 - Subject Dividers ($14)
    1 - Scientific Calculator ($15)
    3 - Highlighter Pens ($5)

    This was interesting to research.

    What planet do you live on where a dozen pencils cost $10? Or the other prices I pulled from your list? You're either mistaken, intentionally exaggerating for the sake of the post, or you're way overspending.

    We live 1.5 hours from town. There are no discount stores close by. These are the prices I would spend locally. If I were to drive into town I could spend less. certain thing (paper products) have to be bought from the school by their supplier so that they are the same for everyone. As for glue sticks for 9th graders, I scratched my head at that one too.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    How about an alternative? Get the mini rasin boxes instead, set an example.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    ... wow. I wish I went to that school. When I was a kid the incentive was do your work or fail your grade. ):
  • Most schools ban candy from classrooms. When my daughter was in school (she's homeschooled now) her teacher had a prize box but it was small toys, cards, crayons, puzzles etc and we were asked to send things in only if we wanted to.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    so this thread got me to wondering what public school would cost us.
    For my 9th grader: 12 - #2 Pencils ($10)
    1 - Pkg. Washable Felt Markers ($8)
    1 - sharpies Black ($4)
    2 - Pkg. Lined Paper ($15)
    1 - Pkg. Plain Paper ($10)
    10 - Blue Pens ($5)
    2 - 1" Binders ($5)
    8 - Subject Dividers ($14)
    1 - Scientific Calculator ($15)
    3 - Highlighter Pens ($5)

    This was interesting to research.

    What planet do you live on where a dozen pencils cost $10? Or the other prices I pulled from your list? You're either mistaken, intentionally exaggerating for the sake of the post, or you're way overspending.

    We live 1.5 hours from town. There are no discount stores close by. These are the prices I would spend locally. If I were to drive into town I could spend less. should be your best friend.
  • toscarthearmada
    toscarthearmada Posts: 382 Member
    I'm a teacher too and refused to give out candy for anything!

    My classroom has a "check book" and they use it to buy extra privileges with it. I think they would kill a man for a day of outside free time!

    Personally, I would refuse to do. I would send in some dried fruit, nuts and carrot sticks. I tried that one day with my students and they loved it! Whenever they see me eating it, they always try to scam some out of me!
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    so this thread got me to wondering what public school would cost us.
    For my 9th grader: 12 - #2 Pencils ($10)
    1 - Pkg. Washable Felt Markers ($8)
    1 - sharpies Black ($4)
    2 - Pkg. Lined Paper ($15)
    1 - Pkg. Plain Paper ($10)
    10 - Blue Pens ($5)
    2 - 1" Binders ($5)
    8 - Subject Dividers ($14)
    1 - Scientific Calculator ($15)
    3 - Highlighter Pens ($5)

    This was interesting to research.

    What planet do you live on where a dozen pencils cost $10? Or the other prices I pulled from your list? You're either mistaken, intentionally exaggerating for the sake of the post, or you're way overspending.

    We live 1.5 hours from town. There are no discount stores close by. These are the prices I would spend locally. If I were to drive into town I could spend less. should be your best friend.

    thought about it but we are against online shopping. Not very techie and we have had problems with getting hacked before so we just don't do it.
  • aggieanne04
    aggieanne04 Posts: 71 Member
    My school (TX public school) forbade teachers from giving out any food/drink... The exceptions were the crackers we had to keep on hand for a diabetic kiddos prone to low sugar- and even they had to be escorted by another student to the nurse before receiving the snack. We only gave out snacks/water bottles/sugar-free peppermints that the school gave us during state testing in the spring.

    For incentives, we gave out stickers, pencils, erasers, no homework passes, extra bathroom passes, and tickets to larger prizes (treasure box in the room that they could pick a prize after getting so many tickets- nothing food/drink related).
  • xapril77x
    xapril77x Posts: 248 Member
    My son had Kleenex, Lysol wipes, & hand sanitizer on his list... He has a mini hand sanitizer on his backpack 4 his own use but they wanted a bigger bottle 4 every1 to use...