I respect people that eat



  • Lld320
    Lld320 Posts: 81
    I'm glad you have figured out what you have to do for yourself. I suggest you stop spending time worrying about what other people do, you can only control yourself. I find it stupid of you to say that people that lose weight in a manner different than what you have done will gain it all back, anyone can gain weight back even you OP, it's all about continued decision making.
    People have lots of different thoughts on what is "healthy eating," do your own research and come to your own conclusions, but always be accepting of new information whether you take it or not is your own prerogative.
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    OP: tailor your friends list however you want. I like keeping a small and manageable list, which means I'm really fussy about who is on it. There is nothing wrong with cutting someone because their eating habits are concerning you, it's your list.
  • LAW_714
    LAW_714 Posts: 258
    I'm a little surprised at the backlash OP has received on this. This is what I took from her post:

    -She respects people that eat well *regardless of their calorie goal*. She even specifically said she is NOT talking about the people who aim for 1200 calories.
    -She wishes that people who scrape by on next to nothing (because they're not eating nutritious food) would realize that they can eat "real" food and still be within their goal.
    -She's proud of her progress (40 something pounds? Go you!)
    -She is trying to make a personal choice on how to handle the people who don't eat well. (Why do any of you care how she handles her friends list, btw?)

    Anyway... +1 OP. I personally wouldn't un-friend someone who didn't eat "well" but I do like having people on my list that do. Helps give me ideas for my dinners and snacks. Whatever you decide, best of luck on the rest of your weight loss journey.
  • candylilacs
    candylilacs Posts: 614 Member
    I think the OP is talking about posters that I don't really see that much, but then again I don't friend many skinny people and they don't want to friend me. (I'm on a bigger weight loss journey than they are, so I tend to think our goals would be different.)

    I know there are some people with Eating Disorders here. I can tell from the weird questions and obsessive calculation over calories and eating. Sometimes, rarely, I will read someone's food diary and thing, "Wow, that's not a lot of food," and debate if I should say something. Perhaps it was just a day where he or she felt sick or forgot to update. Or that person has a problem. I don't know which.

    Most of the food diaries I read tend to lack fruits and vegetables, regardless of caloric content. And man, a lot of you love nondairy flavored creamers!
  • FattieBabs
    FattieBabs Posts: 542 Member
    OP: tailor your friends list however you want. I like keeping a small and manageable list, which means I'm really fussy about who is on it. There is nothing wrong with cutting someone because their eating habits are concerning you, it's your list.

  • zenalasca
    zenalasca Posts: 563 Member
    TBH when I first saw the title " I respect people that eat" I thought you were talking about people who eat for a specific goal, like those guys who eat massive amounts of protein and carbs each day for bodybuilding. But the thing is, whether we eat to maintain or lose weight with 1200 calories per day, 1400 or 2000, we are all eating with some kind of goal in mind. And it's up to the MFP community to be supportive and positive towards everyone.
  • brianx99
    brianx99 Posts: 30
    +1 to OP :)
  • HealthyVitamins
    HealthyVitamins Posts: 432 Member
  • jadethief
    jadethief Posts: 266 Member
    The amount of time I spend reading other people's food diaries is zero.
    If someone asks me for their advice - then that is different. I'll check out their diary and give them some friendly advice - and I try to keep it as objective as possible. At the end of the day, I respect the food choices of my friends. The vast majority of people on my friend list don't share my nutrition outlook. I support them and encourage them regardless of what they do exercise wise or what they eat (or don't eat).
    kind regards,


    I like the way you think, sir.