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Can T2D be reversed?



  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,139 Member
    edited October 2022
    Daddy78230 wrote: »
    I’m a T2D, in remission - controlled by lifestyle changes.

    When I was diagnosed several years, I was told that my diabetes and the neuropathy of my liver, feet and leg was irreversible and will progressively get worse unless I manage it with medication and conventional diet (high carb low fat). The best I could hope for was for my condition to be stabilized.

    However, after a couple years of trying the doctors way and getting worse, I tried many of the unconventional methods of controlling diabetes (fasting, low carb). I was able to bring my blood sugar back to health ranges, HbA1C from 7.8 to 4.7 within 6 months. Neuropathy took a few years to reverse itself, restored all the sensation of all my body parts. Kidney function is back to normal.

    Though my symptoms have reversed itself, and I have a higher tolerance for carbs - I’m not cured. I’ve tried to include more carbs in my diet for a year, but my HbA1c kept creeping up regardless of maintaining my weight.
    Daddy78230 wrote: »
    I’m a T2D, in remission - controlled by lifestyle changes.

    When I was diagnosed several years, I was told that my diabetes and the neuropathy of my liver, feet and leg was irreversible and will progressively get worse unless I manage it with medication and conventional diet (high carb low fat). The best I could hope for was for my condition to be stabilized.

    However, after a couple years of trying the doctors way and getting worse, I tried many of the unconventional methods of controlling diabetes (fasting, low carb). I was able to bring my blood sugar back to health ranges, HbA1C from 7.8 to 4.7 within 6 months. Neuropathy took a few years to reverse itself, restored all the sensation of all my body parts. Kidney function is back to normal.

    Though my symptoms have reversed itself, and I have a higher tolerance for carbs - I’m not cured. I’ve tried to include more carbs in my diet for a year, but my HbA1c kept creeping up regardless of maintaining my weight.

    Yeah, unfortunately carbs will not be your friend, ever. Good job for taking your own health into your own hands because the standard of care is medication. Personally, I feel really bad for the many people that were prescribed insulin for injection.......what were they thinking, it makes me really wonder how that could have ever been an option to begin and still is. Good luck.
  • 1r1shayes
    1r1shayes Posts: 12 Member
    My doctor explained it this way. Reversed means you have changed directions. Diabetes is progressive, if we do not change things. I have reversed my diabetes by cutting out foods that were literally poisoning me. In doing so, I've stopped all my diabetic meds (three of them), narrowly avoiding insulin, and have maintained an A1C of 4.7 for 3+ years. If a doctor who did not know my history were to look at my labs, he would not know I was diabetic. That's reversed. Now, I will never be cured. If I were to go back to eating hella carbs, all my health issues would come back. But yes, I'm reversed.