Looking for friends and support!!



  • RockinBodyMommy
    RockinBodyMommy Posts: 4 Member
    I used MFP successfully 5 years ago & also gained a ton of weight (back) during the covid shut downs. I keep making short-term, half-hearted attempts to be more active and pay closer attention to my meal plan but I now only fit in one pair of my pants, none of my shorts, even my skirts don't look good on me any more. I refuse to buy bigger clothes - I was at a comfortable weight, felt strong & healthy, had my stamina back, 5 years ago (incidently that's when my profile photo was taken) and I want to feel that good again.
    I could use some friends on MFP to interact with - more than just "like" my occasional updates but actually get to know each other well enough that if I don't check in for a few days I'll miss hearing from them. I'm going to try to send some connection requests to y'all, if I can't figure it out & you don't get an invite from me, please invite me!