Maggiet63 Nicki_101 Happpyhappyjoyjoy



  • HealthFitNow
    HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member
    Gracious God,

    Forgive us on this Good Friday for the sins that we have done that made Jesus' suffering on the cross more painful.

    Pour out your spirit on us that we might bring love in your holy name. Bless especially Maggiet63 Nicki_101 and Happpyhappyjoyjoy that their goals and desires may be achieved and we can celebrate their success and give you the praise and glory.

    In Jesus name,
  • HealthFitNow
    HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member
    Our dear Lord,

    We have failed you as leaders -- the Scripture said. The future belongs to God drawing the sheep back together. We praise you that you transform our mistakes and make things good and perfect. We trust you to work in our lives to make things better.

    We give you thanks for our group and the power of prayer. We ask your special blessing to pour out on Maggiet63 Nicki_101 Happpyhappyjoyjoy with your love and grace that they might achieve great things for you. Bless their health and fitness and bring them to wholeness of life for your glory.

    We ask in Jesus name,
  • HealthFitNow
    HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member
    God of True Promises,

    We give you thanks and praise because you demonstrated your follow-through on promises when King Solomon built the temple, when you brought your people to the Promised Land, when you gave Jesus--your only son--to be the perfect sacrifice for our sin. Your love overwhelms us. Even Nicodemus found it hard to understand...but Jesus was patient, even as you are patient with us.

    Pour out your Spirit on us that we might be able to do things for your service. Especially bless Maggiet63 Nicki_101 and Happpyhappyjoyjoy. We ask that you bless them with health and fitness, courage and grace, success in every aspect of their lives, that our testimonies of your blessing can be an encouragement to others.

    Bless us all that we might please you.
    In Jesus name,
  • HealthFitNow
    HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member
    Gracious God,

    We give you thanks for your trustworthiness and goodness to us. Thank you for the blessing that you have already poured out on our members, especially Maggiet63 Nicki_101 and Happpyhappyjoyjoy. We ask for their lives to be filled with your grace and love. Help them achieve their goals and achieve health and fitness.

    In Jesus name,
  • HealthFitNow
    HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member

    We know that we are challenged on all sides by things that draw our attention away from the truth. Equip us Lord for the discernment of Moses and Christ, that we might be able to recognize the true from the false prophets.

    Pour out your spirit on Maggiet63 Nicki_101 and Happpyhappyjoyjoy that their dreams and hopes will be achievable and we can praise your name.

    We ask in Jesus name,
  • HealthFitNow
    HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member
    Dear God,

    The stories of Joseph inspire us to trust you in all things. Pour out your blessing on Maggiet63 Nicki_101 and Happpyhappyjoyjoy. Equip them with what it takes to be fit and healthy, strong minded and resourceful, and successful in all their endeavors.

    We trust you to work in all our lives that we might be good stewards of what you have entrusted to us, and able to make disciples as you asked.

    In Jesus name,
  • HealthFitNow
    HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member
    Almighty God,

    We thank you for your care for the Hebrews on the Exodus. It teaches us of your greatness and assures us that we matter too.

    Pour out your blessing on Maggiet63 Nicki_101 and Happpyhappyjoyjoy for we know that you can do great things in their lives for your glory.

    In Jesus name,