100 days of weighing #15 Tuesday March 07.23 – Wednesday June 14.23



  • 39flavours
    39flavours Posts: 1,494 Member
    Hi all, I'm Rowan, I live in Northamptonshire, UK.
    I have been off and on MFP since 2013 and have been 128lbs at my lowest, 180.8 at my highest.
    In the summer of 2021, I was at my highest weight and feeling utterly sick, tired, and depressed. I restarted tracking my calories, with no exercise other than walking 5 miles a day most days, and managed to lose 43lbs in about 5 months. But then I took a break in March last year and didn't come back until January this year, by which time I'd regained 26lbs. So I got back in the game and am now down about 13lbs since then.
    I am taking a different approach this time, I have raised my calories slightly and am focusing on getting lots of protein and staying hydrated. I have been strength training for about the last month, which I am really enjoying, but it does leave me feeling quite tired at times, so it can be difficult to get my steps in every day.
    I have a health tracker watch which tells me that I have a BMR of 1254 calories a day and on days that I work out I burn around 1800-2000 calories in 24hrs, 1500 calories on days that i don't. I aim to eat around 1200 calories a day with 40% protein. I have a BMI of 26.5 and I have a high body fat percentage of 40.4%, so I really need to lower my body fat to at least 30% and raise my muscle mass. Hopefully this will help increase my metabolism, which seems to crawl along at a snail's pace. Gaining any muscle while eating at a deficit is really difficult, but at least I can do my best to retain the muscle that I have.
    I should be losing about 1.5lbs a week, however things aren't always so straightforward, so I have set a target for 1lb a week for the first 50 days of this challenge, then 0.5lb a week for the second 50 days. If I manage to get to within the healthy BMI range by the end of this, I will be very happy. So that's 143lbs for me, about 9lbs to lose, but I'm hoping for 141lbs.

    Sorry for the essay! Good luck to everyone, we can do this!

    F42 5'4
    Highest weight: 180.8lbs July 5th '21
    Current weight: 151.6lbs
    Challenge goal weight: 144.0lbs
    Ultimate goal weight: Under 130lbs
    Target lbs to lose: 7.6lbs

    Day 1 – Tues March 07 151.6
    Day 2 – Wed March 08 151.8
    Day 3 – Thurs March 09 151.2
    Day 4 – Fri March 10 151.2

    1st week goal weight: 151.0
    1st week actual weight: 151.2

    Challenge weight lost: 0.4
    Challenge weight to go: 7.2

    Not the best start, but I think I'm in the middle of my usual monthly plateau, and water retention from muscle soreness is also at play.
    I'm fully in my routine now of gym 4/5 days a week, cals 1200 or less and walking 8500 a day, so I just need to stay consistent and let the magic happen. I would like to find ways to be more active, outside of intentional exercise. When the weather improves it should become easier. I have loads of DIY that I need to get done but traipsing in and out of my cold garage in the sleet and rain really doesn't appeal.
    A couple of days ago we booked flights to Portugal, leaving on the 22nd, back on 28th. I'm thinking of taking a food scale and an exercise band with me to help me stay on track. There's a pool at our apartment and push bikes we can use, so hopefully I'll be able to counteract any excesses by staying active. OH will be working while we're there, so I'll have a lot of time to kill. I'm wondering if I'm brave enough to do a sea kayaking tour on my own... I'm a water baby but OH can't swim and has a bit of a fear of deep water, so I don't often get the chance to get out on the waves. Need to brush up on my Portuguese, I was doing daily lessons for a few months then stopped abruptly about 2 weeks ago and I'm shocked how much I've forgotten already! Agora, eu vou a commer o pequeño-almoço, depois eu vou para o gym. Até tarde!

    Day 5 – Sat March 11 150.2
    Day 6 – Sun March 12 151.6
    Day 7 – Mon March 13 151.6
    Day 8 – Tues March 14 150.6
    Day 9 – Wed March 15 147.2 How is that even possible?
    Day 10 – Thurs March 16 150.8 Oh well.
    Day 11 – Fri March 17 151.4 Not impressed.

    2nd week goal weight: 150.0
    2nd week actual weight: 151.4

    Challenge weight lost: 0.2
    Challenge weight to go: 7.4

    That really sucks. I don't think there's anything else I can do, I have been sticking to my calories and macros, doing my best to stay hydrated, walking at least 8500 steps, weight training at least 4 times a week and not eating back any exercise calories. And I have lost NOTHING since the start of the month. I do not want to drop calories any further, I average 1100 a day. So frustrating. I need to keep reminding myself that my trend weight is down 2.5lbs from the start of the month, and even though progress is slow, there's still progress.

    Day 12 – Sat March 18150.8
    Day 13 – Sun March 19150.4
    Day 14 – Mon March 20149.2
    Day 15 – Tues March 21150.2
    Day 16 – Wed March 22DNW
    Day 17 – Thurs March 23DNW
    Day 18 – Fri March 24DNW

    3rd week goal weight: 149.0
    3rd week actual weight: DNW

    I'll be away end of this week and half of next week.

    Day 19 – Sat March 25DNW
    Day 20 – Sun March 26DNW
    Day 21 – Mon March 27DNW
    Day 22 – Tues March 28DNW
    Day 23 – Wed March 29DNW
    Day 24 – Thurs March 30149.4
    Had a great week away in Portugal, lots of cycling, kayaking, and walking, but also too much food and booze in the evenings! I took a sneak peak at my weight yesterday when I got back but decided not to record it as I could tell I was holding onto loads of water from flying. I'm so happy to see this weight today! Things may take a bit of time to settle back down, and it's going to take some discipline to get back into tracking properly and going to the gym but I'm motivated to get back on it. I think I will adjust my weekly goal weights for the rest of this challenge, 1lb a week isn't realistic for me and it can be demotivating when i don't meet it, so I'm going to do half pound targets starting next week.
    Day 25 – Fri March 31149.2

    4th week goal weight: 149.5
    4th week actual weight: 149.2

    Challenge weight lost: 2.4
    Challenge weight to go: 5.2
    So I have gone back and amended my overall 'goal to lose' for this challenge and my 'challenge weight to go' numbers to reflect my now half pound a week goal. I'm still hoping to lose more than this, but with weight training 4 times a week, I think muscle gain is raising my body weight as I lose fat. I don't want to be discouraged from the weight training by obsessing over a slow weight loss. And if I lose slower than half a pound a week, so be it. I'm sticking to 1200 calories, focusing on protein and fibre, getting my steps in and exercising.

    Day 26 – Sat April 01 148.8 Met my weekly goal already... should I revise it? Arghh, I dunno!
    Day 27 – Sun April 02 149.2
    Day 28 – Mon April 03 150.0 oh dear!
    Day 29 – Tues April 04 150.0 😖
    Day 30 – Wed April 05 149.6
    Day 31 – Thurs April 06 148.8
    Day 32 – Fri April 07 148.6

    5th week goal weight: 149.0
    5th week actual weight: 148.6

    Challenge weight lost: 3
    Challenge weight to go: 4.6

    Didn't think I was going to make my goal this week so I'm relieved. I'm finding it hard to stay on track this week, I've lost a bit of my discipline. The good weather is making me want to go out and enjoy things, and as I'm seeing the 140s more regularly, I'm losing a bit of the urgency to get the weight off. I guess it's a good thing, it means I'm more happy and content inside myself! But I can so easily slip back into old ways and regain, so I need to make sure I weigh every day and make sure I'm keeping up with strength training. It's OK to allow myself more treats, so long as it's not every day and doesn't cause my weight to trend upwards.

    Day 33 – Sat April 08 149.6
    Day 34 – Sun April 09150.6
    Day 35 – Mon April 10150.4
    Day 36 – Tues April 11151.4 😬
    Day 37 – Wed April 12150.2
    Day 38 – Thurs April 13149.4
    Day 39 – Fri April 14150.4

    The real work starts when you want to stop.

    6th week goal weight: 148.5
    6th week actual weight: 150.4

    Challenge weight lost: 1.2
    Challenge weight to go: 6.4

    So this week really didn't go well. I have been finding it hard to track food in the evening so I don't really have the data to see what's going wrong, but I'm pretty sure I haven't gained nearly 2lbs of fat. I have gone over my 1200 calorie goal on most days, but only by a few hundred at most. One area I'm really lacking is in my daily steps, so I am going to make that my focus for the next week, as well as tightening up my tracking in the evenings and continuing to weight train at least 4 days. The weather looks dry for the next 10 days (rain today), so I'm setting myself a challenge to get out for a walk every morning and hit 8,500 steps each day.

    Day 40 – Sat April 15149.6
    Day 41 – Sun April 16150.0
    Day 42 – Mon April 17151.8 😖
    Day 43 – Tues April 18151.0
    Day 44 – Wed April 19150.4
    Day 45 – Thurs April 20150.0
    Day 46 – Fri April 21148.4 😁

    The real work starts when you want to stop.

    7th week goal weight: 149.5
    7th week actual weight: 148.4

    Challenge weight lost: 3.2
    Challenge weight to go: 4.4
    I had an unexpectedly low weight this morning, and not one I deserve after having wine and salty snacks instead of dinner last night, so I'm assuming it's just dehydration. I haven't done very well with tracking my evening calories this week and have been eating closer to maintenance levels. Walking has been my big success this week, with over 80,000 steps in the last 7 days. I've really enjoyed getting out in the mornings for a countryside ramble and clearing my head. Weight training is going well, although I'm slowing down in my progression as I'm reaching a point where adding more weight to my lifts each session is becoming less possible. Keeping up enthusiasm when I'm not making gains might become a challenge mentally, we'll see. It looks like a wet week ahead so walking might be less enticing too, but it's got to be done.
    I'm drinking too much, which is my main issue at the moment, all those empty calories and toxins. I need to find some new ways of making my evenings more fun and interesting that don't involve alcohol.

    Day 47 – Sat April 22149.0
    Day 48 – Sun April 23149.4
    Day 49 – Mon April 24150.0
    Day 50 – Tues April 25 149.2
    We're at the halfway point, and I'm just relieved that I'm not higher than when I started! I've definitely been slacking in terms of calorie control, but other than that, I'm proud that I've been consistent with working out and have more recently been more determined to reach my step goal every day. Drinking, snacking, and meals out have been my failing and is the reason why I've not made much progress. So, 50 days to go, can I lose 5.2lbs in 50 days? If I cut out alcohol altogether and stick to my calorie goal whilst keeping my steps up, then I think I have a chance to pull things around...🤞🤞🤞🏆🏆🏆I will give myself a trophy on each day I meet my steps and calorie goal for a little incentive.
    Day 51 – Wed April 26148.4 🏆
    Day 52 – Thurs April 27146.8 😁
    Day 53 – Fri April 28147.8 🏆

    8th week goal weight: 148.5
    8th week actual weight: 147.8

    The real work starts when you want to stop.

    Challenge weight lost: 3.8
    Challenge weight to go: 3.8

    I had a surprise low weigh-in yesterday, due to not eating much the day before and waking up dehydrated. I'm back up 1lb but I'm really happy with that. So now I'm halfway done with my weight loss goal for this 100 and only a few days off target, yay! But... it's the weekend and my OH is leaving for India on Sunday for 10 days, so we're probably going to do some date-type things over the next few days. Tomorrow is a walk and pub lunch, and maybe out for drinks tonight. The saving grace is that after he goes, I'm committing to really upping my efforts to burn calories and stay below my calorie goal on every day. I want him to say "Wow, you look really slim!" when he gets back 😂😂 Boredom might be an issue in the evenings, but hopefully the weather will be nice so I can fit 2 walks a day and get some gardening done.
    Day 54 – Sat April 29 145.8 🫨
    Day 55 – Sun April 30 148.2 😖
    Day 56 – Mon May 01 146.8
    Day 57 – Tues May 02 147.2
    Day 58 – Wed May 03 147.0 🏆
    Day 59 – Thurs May 04 146.8 🏆
    Day 60 – Fri May 05 147.0 🏆

    9th week goal weight: 147.0
    9th week actual weight: 147.0

    The real work starts when you want to stop.

    Challenge weight lost: 4.6
    Challenge weight to go: 3

    I've had a good week on the whole, a big meal on Saturday and carby treats on Monday set me back a bit, but I have pulled through and managed to avoid a rebound. I have been walking loads this week but have only weight trained twice, and likely won't be today as I'm going clothes shopping (yuck).
    I'm really pleased to be back on track and hope I can keep it up. I've been really hungry the last few days but have resisted going over calories, however my body feels like it's crying out for a big, decent, nutritious meal so it can replenish its energy stores. Why won't it just use all the stored body fat instead? There's plenty to spare!
    The weekend shouldn't be too tricky as my husband is away so can't lead me astray, and I don't have any plans so it's business as usual. There's lots of festivities in my town this weekend for the coronation so I'll go and have a look but I won't be tempted to 'eat, drink, and be merry' with the crowds as I'll be on my own so will just use it as an excuse to get out and get in some steps.

    Day 61 – Sat May 06 145.8
    Day 62 – Sun May 07 145.2
    Day 63 – Mon May 08 145.8
    Day 64 – Tues May 09 145.6
    Day 65 – Wed May 10147.4 😖
    Day 66 – Thurs May 11 145.6
    Day 67 – Fri May 12 146.2

    10th week goal weight: 146.5
    10th week actual weight: 146.2

    The real work starts when you want to stop.

    Challenge weight lost: 5.4lbs
    Challenge weight to go: 2.2lbs

    I had a bit of a weight spike over night, probably just water weight from carby snacks last night as I went a bit crazy with bread sticks and veggies with dip. I still managed to reach my weekly goal. I picked up my husband from the airport yesterday evening and was starving hungry after 6 hours in the car so lost a bit of control. We also went to the pub for a pint and a catch up, so that didn't help! I'm glad to be getting back to my normal routine but also a bit worried about the extra temptation that spending time with someone who is a foody and can eat whatever he wants, brings. I already had to talk him out of a takeaway last night!

    Day 68 – Sat May 13 146.0
    Day 69 – Sun May 14146.6 😩 I'm losing my mojo again! I need to have a really strict week I think, no excuses!
    Day 70 – Mon May 15
    Day 71 – Tue May 16
    Day 72 – Wed May 17
    Day 73 – Thurs May 18
    Day 74 – Fri May 19

    11th week goal weight: 146.0
    11th week actual weight:

    The real work starts when you want to stop.
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,804 Member

    You've got this.
    You are exactly 5 pounds down from where you started this 100. Good going!
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,804 Member
    Hi everyone.
    I am Dawn. 5'2", 62 years old.
    My BMI and stuff like that shows my optimum healthy weight should be between 110 and 120.

    I have steadily gained in all but one of the last bunch of 100s (gained 2.2 pounds this past one)
    I need to turn that around.
    I am not cutting out any food groups, or anything at all really because I want weight loss to be sustainable for life. I have learned to have less of certain things, and have moved some other stuff to once per week or once per 3 months (Ribs, very fattening). If I thought that I couldn't have them at all I believe that it would be worse. For the most part I eat very healthy foods.
    I have had quite a bit of success since I started MFP October 28.18, but this past year has been an almost 15 pound gain after being in the 130s for 2 years.
    I am into my biggest pair of pants and have no desire to buy bigger pants. I have lots of cute clothes that I was wearing at 130, and at that point I was driving hard to get into the 120s and beyond.

    I love this long length of 100 days, and seeing how each week is going,

    As always, I am open to suggestions. I think most of us have tried everything at this junction.
    Calories in vs. Calories out really should work though.

    I have made a decision to limit restaurant food to 6 times per year since I seem to gain a few pounds each time which could take 3-6 months to get back off from one visit.
    Rolling total so far: 2 out of the 6

    Best of luck to everyone.

    1st week goal weight: 142.2 - Start weight from the last 100 and go from there.
    1st week actual weight: 142.4 - Started the (short) week at 143.4
    Excess calories burned (in the green): 3055, 756.25 average over 4 days, back to work and reflected in my weight loss. The corrected weekly calendar is now on page 2.

    2nd week goal weight: 142.2 or less - Still wanting to get back to the start weight from the previous 100
    2nd week actual weight: 142.6 - Started the week (high) at 145.0 after a restaurant meal of salad and grilled chicken.
    Excess calories burned (in the green): 2553 - Average of 364.7 (had a day in the red)

    3rd week goal weight: 139.2
    3rd week actual weight: 141.0. Started the week at 141.2
    Excess calories burned (in the green): 4913. Average over 7 days 701.85 - I knew that I had burned a lot.

    4th week goal weight: 139.2 - plugging this number in until I hit it - too lofty for this week methinks
    4th week actual weight: 141.0 Started the week at 142.0, 2nd out of 6 restaurant visits for the year.
    Excess exercise calories burned (in the green on MFP): 5744 - Average over 7 days: 820.57 - Not a typical week, but seemed to have helped with weight loss (as well as not having much time to eat)

    5th week goal weight: 141.0
    5th week actual weight: 141.0 - Started the week at 141.0 - Once every 3 month Ribs consumed for this 100, glad that I got that off in one week.
    Excess exercise calories burned (in the green on MFP) - 4636 - Average of 662.28 over 7 days

    6th week goal weight 139.8
    6th week actual weight: 143.6 - Started the week at 140.8, crazy weight gain at one point 4.4 pounds
    Excess exercise calories burned (in the green on MFP: 2892, 413.14 average over 7 days

    7th week goal weight - Mini goal of 4 pounds by May 10th would take me to 136.8, seems unrealistic because of last week's gains, but I will plug that number in as a goal each week until I hit it.
    7th week actual weight: 142.6 - Started the week at 144.8
    Excess exercise calories burned (in the green on MFP): 5323, average over 7 days = 760.42 per day

    8th week goal weight: Donna's Mini goal of 4 pounds by May 10th would take me to 136.8, using that as my goal until I hit it - started her mini challenge at 140.8 - Only 12 days until that, ugh
    8th week actual weight: 142.8 Started the week at 143.8
    Excess exercise calories burned (in the green on MFP): 4595, average over 7 days 656.42 per day

    9th week goal weight: Donna's Mini goal of 4 pounds by May 10th would take me to 136.8, using that as my goal until I hit it - started her mini challenge at 140.8
    9th week actual weight: 141.8 - Started the week at 142.2
    Excess exercise calories burned (in the green on MFP) - 5397, Average over 7 days = 771

    10th week goal weight: Donna's Mini goal of 4 pounds by May 10th would have taken me to 136.8
    10th week actual weight: 144.8 - Started the week at 143.2
    Excess exercise calories burned (in the green on MFP) - 4095 - average of 585 over 7 days

    Day 68 – Sat May 13 - 144.8 - Time to quit whining and somehow turn this ship around!
    Day 69 – Sun May 14 - 144.0 - It was a late dinner last night after the play, and it will be another tonight since I will be working on my day off - all hands on deck for Mother's Day at the restaurant. Happy Mother's Day to all of you who are Mothers. I am not btw.
    Day 70 – Mon May 15
    Day 71 – Tue May 16
    Day 72 – Wed May 17
    Day 73 – Thurs May 18
    Day 74 – Fri May 19

    11th week goal weight - 139.8 - I know that this sounds ridiculously ambitious, but I am putting that number in now until I hit it.
    11th week actual weight: Started the week at 144.8
    Excess exercise calories burned (in the green on MFP)

    Start weight of the 100: 143.4, up 1.2 from the start weight of the previous 100, 142.2
  • Nana_Booboo
    Nana_Booboo Posts: 501 Member
    Thankful for the group. ♥️
    Taking it one day at a time and one week at a time. Building good habits and logging daily. Cooking at home/limiting eating out.

    9th week actual weight 240.9

    Day 68: 5/13 current wt 240.9 weightlifting 🏋️‍♀️, pool cleaning. Hydro-Massage, prioritizing sleep Mon-Fri

    Day 69: 5/14 wt 240.7 shopping, walking the dog 1 hours. Daughter time (she’s 33 so shopping)

    Day 70: 5/15
    Day 71: 5/16
    Day 72: 5/ 17
    Day 73: 5/18
    Day 74: 5/19

    10th week goal weight 236
    10th week actual weight

    Challenge Starting Weight: 240.9
    Challenge Goal: 225
    Challenge Ending Weight:
    Total Weight Loss for Challenge:
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,725 Member
    Thank you, @dawnbgethealthy !
    I'm in!
    73 year old female...5'5" ...I used to be 5'7" but arthritis hit and I lost two inches, so now that two inches is squished around my waist like the billows of a big accordion...
    ...Oh, well. I'll just keep working on it.
    Heaviest: 192.2
    Round GW: 150.0
    UGW: 145.0
    Day 01 - 03/07 - 156.0 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty in the morning then...zero...
    Day 02 - 03/08 - 155.2 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty in the morning then 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 03 - 03/09 - 155.1 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then...zero...RAIN in Northern California!
    Day 04 - 03/10 - 156.3 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty in the morning then 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 05 - 03/11 - 153.2 at 8:30 a.m. ...6.22 miles in 122 mins to the post office and back
    Day 06 - 03/12 - 155.1 at 9:00 a.m. ...Grandson Duty in the morning then nothing!
    Day 07 - 03/13 - 155.8 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty in the morning then 60 min workout w/trainer
    WEEK 1 any loss - -.2
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: -.2
    Day 08 - 03/14 - 156.0 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty in the morning then nothing!
    Day 09 - 03/15 - 156.8 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty in the morning then 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 10 - 03/16 - 157.4 at 8:30 a.m. ...6.22 miles in 122 mins to the post office and back
    Day 11 - 03/17 - 156.9 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty in the morning then 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 12 - 03/18 - 156.3 at 6:30 a.m. ...6.51 miles in 121 mins
    Day 13 - 03/19 - 155.5 at 8:30 a.m. ...5.45 miles in 106 mins
    Day 14 - 03/20 - 156.5 at 6:00 a.m. ...Grandson Duty in the morning then 60 min workout w/trainer
    WEEK 2 LOSS OR GAIN: +.5
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: +.5
    Day 15 - 03/21 - 156.0 at 6:45 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then...zero
    Day 16 - 03/22 - 155.1 at 5:45 a.m. ...Grandson Duty in the morning then 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 17 - 03/23 - 157.2 at 6:15 a.m. ...Grandson Duty in the morning then 6.16 miles in 119 mins
    Day 18 - 03/24 - 156.8 at 5:45 a.m. ...Grandson Duty in the morning then 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 19 - 03/25 - 156.2 at 8:50 a.m. ...7.45 miles in 141 mins
    Day 20 - 03/26 - 157.0 at 7:00 a.m. ...rest day
    Day 21 - 03/27 - 159.8 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty in the morning then 60 min workout w/trainer
    WEEK 3 LOSS OR GAIN: +3.8
    Day 22 - 03/28 - 156.5 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then...zero...rain here in no. California
    Day 23 - 03/29 - 154.6 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty in the morning then 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 24 - 03/30 - 154.6 at 5:20 a.m. ...new Grandson Duty then 2.38 miles in 65 mins w/6 y.o. Grandson!
    Day 25 - 03/31 - 153.2 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty in the morning then 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 26 - 04/01 - 152.7 at 8:00 a.m. ...6.53 miles in 130 mins
    Day 27 - 04/02 - 151.5 at 8:15 a.m. ...zero
    Day 28 - 04/03 - 153.0 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty in the morning then 60 min workout w/trainer
    WEEK 4 LOSS OR GAIN: -2.5 ...maybe
    Day 29 - 04/04 - 153.0 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then...zero
    Day 30 - 04/05 - 154.0 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty in the morning then 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 31 - 04/06 - 155.8 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty in the morning then 7.59 miles in 150 mins
    Day 32 - 04/07 - 153.3 at 7:00 a.m. ...Grandson Duty in the morning then egg coloring for Easter
    Day 33 - 04/08 - 154.1 at 8:00 a.m. ...6.23 miles in 117 mins
    Day 34 - 04/09 - 155.3 at 8:30 a.m. ...7.30 miles in 140 mins
    Day 35 - 04/10 - 155.1 at 7:45 a.m. ...Grandson Duty in the morning then nothing!!
    WEEK 5 LOSS OR GAIN: +1.9
    Day 36 - 04/11 - 157.6 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 5.87 miles in 115 mins
    Day 37 - 04/12 - 157.0 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then nothing
    Day 38 - 04/13 - 157.7 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 6.35 miles in 117 mins
    Day 39 - 04/14 - 157.0 at 6:00 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then nothing
    Day 40 - 04/15 - 156.0 at 9:00 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 6.14 miles in 119 mins
    Day 41 - 04/16 - 156.0 at 7:00 a.m. ...Family outing to the Garden Shop!! Flowers!!!
    Day 42 - 04/17 - 156.7 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty in the morning then 60 min workout w/trainer
    WEEK 6 LOSS OR GAIN: -.9
    Day 43 - 04/18 - 158.3 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then cleaned house
    Day 44 - 04/19 - 157.5 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 45 - 04/20 - 157.4 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 6.03 miles in 112 mins
    Day 46 - 04/21 - 157.3 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 47 - 04/22 - 159.0 at 5:20 a.m. ...haircuts w/daughter then Ronan's t-ball game w/family
    Day 48 - 04/23 - 158.4 at 9:00 a.m. ...7.59 miles in 147 mins
    Day 49 - 04/24 - 156.0 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty in the morning then 60 min workout w/trainer
    WEEK 7 LOSS OR GAIN: -2.3...maybe
    Day 50 - 04/25 - 157.2 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty in the morning then monster headache
    Day 51 - 04/26 - 155.4 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty in the morning then 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 52 - 04/27 - 154.6 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty in the morning then 5.84 miles in 112 mins
    Day 53 - 04/28 - 151.9 at 8:00 a.m. ...unwell so ZERO!
    Day 54 - 04/29 - 153.2 at 7:30 a.m. ...1.92 miles to Ronan's t-ball game w/family
    Day 55 - 04/30 - 154.9 at 7:00 a.m. ...7.01 miles in 138 mins
    Day 56 - 05/01 - 153.6 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty in the morning then 60 min workout w/trainer
    WEEK 8 LOSS OR GAIN: -3.6...maybe
    Day 57 - 05/02 - 152.4 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then cleaned house
    Day 58 - 05/03 - 154.6 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty in the morning then 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 59 - 05/04 - 155.0 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty in the morning then 6.46 miles in 120 mins
    Day 60 - 05/05 - 154.6 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty in the morning then 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 61 - 05/06 - 155.0 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty in the morning then reading
    Day 62 - 05/07 - 155.5 at 7:15 a.m. ...Grandson Duty in the morning then 5.75 miles in 108 mins
    Day 63 - 05/08 - 156.8 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty in the morning then 60 min workout w/trainer
    WEEK 9 LOSS OR GAIN: +4.4 EGADS!!!
    Day 64 - 05/09 - 158.4 at 5.20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty in the morning then 5.78 miles in 111 mins
    Day 65 - 05/10 - 156.4 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty in the morning then 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 66 - 05/11 - 156.7 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then donating books to library...so many books to donate!
    Day 67 - 05/12 - 157.7 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty in the morning then 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 68 - 05/13 - 157.8 at 7:00 a.m. ...1.91 miles in 39 mins to older Grandson's t-ball practice
    Day 69 - 05/14 -
    Day 70 - 05/15 -
  • Nana_Booboo
    Nana_Booboo Posts: 501 Member

    9th week actual weight 240.9

    Day 68: 5/13 current wt 240.9 weightlifting 🏋️‍♀️, pool cleaning. Hydro-Massage, prioritizing sleep Mon-Fri

    Day 69: 5/14 wt 240.7 shopping, walking the dog 1 hours. Daughter time (she’s 33 so shopping)

    Day 70: 5/15 wt 237.4 - raining this morning so my morning walk will be a midday walk. Strength training tonight 🏋️‍♀️ if all goes well I’m gonna SMASH my weekly goal!!

    Day 71: 5/16
    Day 72: 5/ 17
    Day 73: 5/18
    Day 74: 5/19

    10th week goal weight 236
    10th week actual weight

    Challenge Starting Weight: 240.9
    Challenge Goal: 225
    Challenge Ending Weight:
    Total Weight Loss for Challenge:
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,804 Member
    edited May 2023
    Hi everyone.
    I am Dawn. 5'2", 62 years old.
    My BMI and stuff like that shows my optimum healthy weight should be between 110 and 120.

    I have steadily gained in all but one of the last bunch of 100s (gained 2.2 pounds this past one)
    I need to turn that around.
    I am not cutting out any food groups, or anything at all really because I want weight loss to be sustainable for life. I have learned to have less of certain things, and have moved some other stuff to once per week or once per 3 months (Ribs, very fattening). If I thought that I couldn't have them at all I believe that it would be worse. For the most part I eat very healthy foods.
    I have had quite a bit of success since I started MFP October 28.18, but this past year has been an almost 15 pound gain after being in the 130s for 2 years.
    I am into my biggest pair of pants and have no desire to buy bigger pants. I have lots of cute clothes that I was wearing at 130, and at that point I was driving hard to get into the 120s and beyond.

    I love this long length of 100 days, and seeing how each week is going,

    As always, I am open to suggestions. I think most of us have tried everything at this junction.
    Calories in vs. Calories out really should work though.

    I have made a decision to limit restaurant food to 6 times per year since I seem to gain a few pounds each time which could take 3-6 months to get back off from one visit.
    Rolling total so far: 2 out of the 6

    Best of luck to everyone.

    1st week goal weight: 142.2 - Start weight from the last 100 and go from there.
    1st week actual weight: 142.4 - Started the (short) week at 143.4
    Excess calories burned (in the green): 3055, 756.25 average over 4 days, back to work and reflected in my weight loss. The corrected weekly calendar is now on page 2.

    2nd week goal weight: 142.2 or less - Still wanting to get back to the start weight from the previous 100
    2nd week actual weight: 142.6 - Started the week (high) at 145.0 after a restaurant meal of salad and grilled chicken.
    Excess calories burned (in the green): 2553 - Average of 364.7 (had a day in the red)

    3rd week goal weight: 139.2
    3rd week actual weight: 141.0. Started the week at 141.2
    Excess calories burned (in the green): 4913. Average over 7 days 701.85 - I knew that I had burned a lot.

    4th week goal weight: 139.2 - plugging this number in until I hit it - too lofty for this week methinks
    4th week actual weight: 141.0 Started the week at 142.0, 2nd out of 6 restaurant visits for the year.
    Excess exercise calories burned (in the green on MFP): 5744 - Average over 7 days: 820.57 - Not a typical week, but seemed to have helped with weight loss (as well as not having much time to eat)

    5th week goal weight: 141.0
    5th week actual weight: 141.0 - Started the week at 141.0 - Once every 3 month Ribs consumed for this 100, glad that I got that off in one week.
    Excess exercise calories burned (in the green on MFP) - 4636 - Average of 662.28 over 7 days

    6th week goal weight 139.8
    6th week actual weight: 143.6 - Started the week at 140.8, crazy weight gain at one point 4.4 pounds
    Excess exercise calories burned (in the green on MFP: 2892, 413.14 average over 7 days

    7th week goal weight - Mini goal of 4 pounds by May 10th would take me to 136.8, seems unrealistic because of last week's gains, but I will plug that number in as a goal each week until I hit it.
    7th week actual weight: 142.6 - Started the week at 144.8
    Excess exercise calories burned (in the green on MFP): 5323, average over 7 days = 760.42 per day

    8th week goal weight: Donna's Mini goal of 4 pounds by May 10th would take me to 136.8, using that as my goal until I hit it - started her mini challenge at 140.8 - Only 12 days until that, ugh
    8th week actual weight: 142.8 Started the week at 143.8
    Excess exercise calories burned (in the green on MFP): 4595, average over 7 days 656.42 per day

    9th week goal weight: Donna's Mini goal of 4 pounds by May 10th would take me to 136.8, using that as my goal until I hit it - started her mini challenge at 140.8
    9th week actual weight: 141.8 - Started the week at 142.2
    Excess exercise calories burned (in the green on MFP) - 5397, Average over 7 days = 771

    10th week goal weight: Donna's Mini goal of 4 pounds by May 10th would have taken me to 136.8
    10th week actual weight: 144.8 - Started the week at 143.2
    Excess exercise calories burned (in the green on MFP) - 4095 - average of 585 over 7 days

    Day 68 – Sat May 13 - 144.8 - Time to quit whining and somehow turn this ship around!
    Day 69 – Sun May 14 - 144.0 - It was a late dinner last night after the play, and it will be another tonight since I will be working on my day off - all hands on deck for Mother's Day at the restaurant. Happy Mother's Day to all of you who are Mothers. I am not btw.
    Day 70 – Mon May 15 - 144.4 - Late eating after working late. I am working 15 days straight, but only 2 of them include evenings, so hoping to be able to drop some weight. I plan to get the rest of my garden planted over the next 10 days : - )
    Day 71 – Tue May 16
    Day 72 – Wed May 17
    Day 73 – Thurs May 18
    Day 74 – Fri May 19

    11th week goal weight - 139.8 - I know that this sounds ridiculously ambitious, but I am putting that number in now until I hit it.
    11th week actual weight: Started the week at 144.8
    Excess exercise calories burned (in the green on MFP)

    Start weight of the 100: 143.4, up 1.2 from the start weight of the previous 100, 142.2
  • Nana_Booboo
    Nana_Booboo Posts: 501 Member
    What an encouraging journey!
  • 39flavours
    39flavours Posts: 1,494 Member
    Hi all, I'm Rowan, I live in Northamptonshire, UK.
    I have been off and on MFP since 2013 and have been 128lbs at my lowest, 180.8 at my highest.
    In the summer of 2021, I was at my highest weight and feeling utterly sick, tired, and depressed. I restarted tracking my calories, with no exercise other than walking 5 miles a day most days, and managed to lose 43lbs in about 5 months. But then I took a break in March last year and didn't come back until January this year, by which time I'd regained 26lbs. So I got back in the game and am now down about 13lbs since then.
    I am taking a different approach this time, I have raised my calories slightly and am focusing on getting lots of protein and staying hydrated. I have been strength training for about the last month, which I am really enjoying, but it does leave me feeling quite tired at times, so it can be difficult to get my steps in every day.
    I have a health tracker watch which tells me that I have a BMR of 1254 calories a day and on days that I work out I burn around 1800-2000 calories in 24hrs, 1500 calories on days that i don't. I aim to eat around 1200 calories a day with 40% protein. I have a BMI of 26.5 and I have a high body fat percentage of 40.4%, so I really need to lower my body fat to at least 30% and raise my muscle mass. Hopefully this will help increase my metabolism, which seems to crawl along at a snail's pace. Gaining any muscle while eating at a deficit is really difficult, but at least I can do my best to retain the muscle that I have.
    I should be losing about 1.5lbs a week, however things aren't always so straightforward, so I have set a target for 1lb a week for the first 50 days of this challenge, then 0.5lb a week for the second 50 days. If I manage to get to within the healthy BMI range by the end of this, I will be very happy. So that's 143lbs for me, about 9lbs to lose, but I'm hoping for 141lbs.

    Sorry for the essay! Good luck to everyone, we can do this!

    F42 5'4
    Highest weight: 180.8lbs July 5th '21
    Current weight: 151.6lbs
    Challenge goal weight: 144.0lbs
    Ultimate goal weight: Under 130lbs
    Target lbs to lose: 7.6lbs

    Day 1 – Tues March 07 151.6
    Day 2 – Wed March 08 151.8
    Day 3 – Thurs March 09 151.2
    Day 4 – Fri March 10 151.2

    1st week goal weight: 151.0
    1st week actual weight: 151.2

    Challenge weight lost: 0.4
    Challenge weight to go: 7.2

    Not the best start, but I think I'm in the middle of my usual monthly plateau, and water retention from muscle soreness is also at play.
    I'm fully in my routine now of gym 4/5 days a week, cals 1200 or less and walking 8500 a day, so I just need to stay consistent and let the magic happen. I would like to find ways to be more active, outside of intentional exercise. When the weather improves it should become easier. I have loads of DIY that I need to get done but traipsing in and out of my cold garage in the sleet and rain really doesn't appeal.
    A couple of days ago we booked flights to Portugal, leaving on the 22nd, back on 28th. I'm thinking of taking a food scale and an exercise band with me to help me stay on track. There's a pool at our apartment and push bikes we can use, so hopefully I'll be able to counteract any excesses by staying active. OH will be working while we're there, so I'll have a lot of time to kill. I'm wondering if I'm brave enough to do a sea kayaking tour on my own... I'm a water baby but OH can't swim and has a bit of a fear of deep water, so I don't often get the chance to get out on the waves. Need to brush up on my Portuguese, I was doing daily lessons for a few months then stopped abruptly about 2 weeks ago and I'm shocked how much I've forgotten already! Agora, eu vou a commer o pequeño-almoço, depois eu vou para o gym. Até tarde!

    Day 5 – Sat March 11 150.2
    Day 6 – Sun March 12 151.6
    Day 7 – Mon March 13 151.6
    Day 8 – Tues March 14 150.6
    Day 9 – Wed March 15 147.2 How is that even possible?
    Day 10 – Thurs March 16 150.8 Oh well.
    Day 11 – Fri March 17 151.4 Not impressed.

    2nd week goal weight: 150.0
    2nd week actual weight: 151.4

    Challenge weight lost: 0.2
    Challenge weight to go: 7.4

    That really sucks. I don't think there's anything else I can do, I have been sticking to my calories and macros, doing my best to stay hydrated, walking at least 8500 steps, weight training at least 4 times a week and not eating back any exercise calories. And I have lost NOTHING since the start of the month. I do not want to drop calories any further, I average 1100 a day. So frustrating. I need to keep reminding myself that my trend weight is down 2.5lbs from the start of the month, and even though progress is slow, there's still progress.

    Day 12 – Sat March 18150.8
    Day 13 – Sun March 19150.4
    Day 14 – Mon March 20149.2
    Day 15 – Tues March 21150.2
    Day 16 – Wed March 22DNW
    Day 17 – Thurs March 23DNW
    Day 18 – Fri March 24DNW

    3rd week goal weight: 149.0
    3rd week actual weight: DNW

    I'll be away end of this week and half of next week.

    Day 19 – Sat March 25DNW
    Day 20 – Sun March 26DNW
    Day 21 – Mon March 27DNW
    Day 22 – Tues March 28DNW
    Day 23 – Wed March 29DNW
    Day 24 – Thurs March 30149.4
    Had a great week away in Portugal, lots of cycling, kayaking, and walking, but also too much food and booze in the evenings! I took a sneak peak at my weight yesterday when I got back but decided not to record it as I could tell I was holding onto loads of water from flying. I'm so happy to see this weight today! Things may take a bit of time to settle back down, and it's going to take some discipline to get back into tracking properly and going to the gym but I'm motivated to get back on it. I think I will adjust my weekly goal weights for the rest of this challenge, 1lb a week isn't realistic for me and it can be demotivating when i don't meet it, so I'm going to do half pound targets starting next week.
    Day 25 – Fri March 31149.2

    4th week goal weight: 149.5
    4th week actual weight: 149.2

    Challenge weight lost: 2.4
    Challenge weight to go: 5.2
    So I have gone back and amended my overall 'goal to lose' for this challenge and my 'challenge weight to go' numbers to reflect my now half pound a week goal. I'm still hoping to lose more than this, but with weight training 4 times a week, I think muscle gain is raising my body weight as I lose fat. I don't want to be discouraged from the weight training by obsessing over a slow weight loss. And if I lose slower than half a pound a week, so be it. I'm sticking to 1200 calories, focusing on protein and fibre, getting my steps in and exercising.

    Day 26 – Sat April 01 148.8 Met my weekly goal already... should I revise it? Arghh, I dunno!
    Day 27 – Sun April 02 149.2
    Day 28 – Mon April 03 150.0 oh dear!
    Day 29 – Tues April 04 150.0 😖
    Day 30 – Wed April 05 149.6
    Day 31 – Thurs April 06 148.8
    Day 32 – Fri April 07 148.6

    5th week goal weight: 149.0
    5th week actual weight: 148.6

    Challenge weight lost: 3
    Challenge weight to go: 4.6

    Didn't think I was going to make my goal this week so I'm relieved. I'm finding it hard to stay on track this week, I've lost a bit of my discipline. The good weather is making me want to go out and enjoy things, and as I'm seeing the 140s more regularly, I'm losing a bit of the urgency to get the weight off. I guess it's a good thing, it means I'm more happy and content inside myself! But I can so easily slip back into old ways and regain, so I need to make sure I weigh every day and make sure I'm keeping up with strength training. It's OK to allow myself more treats, so long as it's not every day and doesn't cause my weight to trend upwards.

    Day 33 – Sat April 08 149.6
    Day 34 – Sun April 09150.6
    Day 35 – Mon April 10150.4
    Day 36 – Tues April 11151.4 😬
    Day 37 – Wed April 12150.2
    Day 38 – Thurs April 13149.4
    Day 39 – Fri April 14150.4

    The real work starts when you want to stop.

    6th week goal weight: 148.5
    6th week actual weight: 150.4

    Challenge weight lost: 1.2
    Challenge weight to go: 6.4

    So this week really didn't go well. I have been finding it hard to track food in the evening so I don't really have the data to see what's going wrong, but I'm pretty sure I haven't gained nearly 2lbs of fat. I have gone over my 1200 calorie goal on most days, but only by a few hundred at most. One area I'm really lacking is in my daily steps, so I am going to make that my focus for the next week, as well as tightening up my tracking in the evenings and continuing to weight train at least 4 days. The weather looks dry for the next 10 days (rain today), so I'm setting myself a challenge to get out for a walk every morning and hit 8,500 steps each day.

    Day 40 – Sat April 15149.6
    Day 41 – Sun April 16150.0
    Day 42 – Mon April 17151.8 😖
    Day 43 – Tues April 18151.0
    Day 44 – Wed April 19150.4
    Day 45 – Thurs April 20150.0
    Day 46 – Fri April 21148.4 😁

    The real work starts when you want to stop.

    7th week goal weight: 149.5
    7th week actual weight: 148.4

    Challenge weight lost: 3.2
    Challenge weight to go: 4.4
    I had an unexpectedly low weight this morning, and not one I deserve after having wine and salty snacks instead of dinner last night, so I'm assuming it's just dehydration. I haven't done very well with tracking my evening calories this week and have been eating closer to maintenance levels. Walking has been my big success this week, with over 80,000 steps in the last 7 days. I've really enjoyed getting out in the mornings for a countryside ramble and clearing my head. Weight training is going well, although I'm slowing down in my progression as I'm reaching a point where adding more weight to my lifts each session is becoming less possible. Keeping up enthusiasm when I'm not making gains might become a challenge mentally, we'll see. It looks like a wet week ahead so walking might be less enticing too, but it's got to be done.
    I'm drinking too much, which is my main issue at the moment, all those empty calories and toxins. I need to find some new ways of making my evenings more fun and interesting that don't involve alcohol.

    Day 47 – Sat April 22149.0
    Day 48 – Sun April 23149.4
    Day 49 – Mon April 24150.0
    Day 50 – Tues April 25 149.2
    We're at the halfway point, and I'm just relieved that I'm not higher than when I started! I've definitely been slacking in terms of calorie control, but other than that, I'm proud that I've been consistent with working out and have more recently been more determined to reach my step goal every day. Drinking, snacking, and meals out have been my failing and is the reason why I've not made much progress. So, 50 days to go, can I lose 5.2lbs in 50 days? If I cut out alcohol altogether and stick to my calorie goal whilst keeping my steps up, then I think I have a chance to pull things around...🤞🤞🤞🏆🏆🏆I will give myself a trophy on each day I meet my steps and calorie goal for a little incentive.
    Day 51 – Wed April 26148.4 🏆
    Day 52 – Thurs April 27146.8 😁
    Day 53 – Fri April 28147.8 🏆

    8th week goal weight: 148.5
    8th week actual weight: 147.8

    The real work starts when you want to stop.

    Challenge weight lost: 3.8
    Challenge weight to go: 3.8

    I had a surprise low weigh-in yesterday, due to not eating much the day before and waking up dehydrated. I'm back up 1lb but I'm really happy with that. So now I'm halfway done with my weight loss goal for this 100 and only a few days off target, yay! But... it's the weekend and my OH is leaving for India on Sunday for 10 days, so we're probably going to do some date-type things over the next few days. Tomorrow is a walk and pub lunch, and maybe out for drinks tonight. The saving grace is that after he goes, I'm committing to really upping my efforts to burn calories and stay below my calorie goal on every day. I want him to say "Wow, you look really slim!" when he gets back 😂😂 Boredom might be an issue in the evenings, but hopefully the weather will be nice so I can fit 2 walks a day and get some gardening done.
    Day 54 – Sat April 29 145.8 🫨
    Day 55 – Sun April 30 148.2 😖
    Day 56 – Mon May 01 146.8
    Day 57 – Tues May 02 147.2
    Day 58 – Wed May 03 147.0 🏆
    Day 59 – Thurs May 04 146.8 🏆
    Day 60 – Fri May 05 147.0 🏆

    9th week goal weight: 147.0
    9th week actual weight: 147.0

    The real work starts when you want to stop.

    Challenge weight lost: 4.6
    Challenge weight to go: 3

    I've had a good week on the whole, a big meal on Saturday and carby treats on Monday set me back a bit, but I have pulled through and managed to avoid a rebound. I have been walking loads this week but have only weight trained twice, and likely won't be today as I'm going clothes shopping (yuck).
    I'm really pleased to be back on track and hope I can keep it up. I've been really hungry the last few days but have resisted going over calories, however my body feels like it's crying out for a big, decent, nutritious meal so it can replenish its energy stores. Why won't it just use all the stored body fat instead? There's plenty to spare!
    The weekend shouldn't be too tricky as my husband is away so can't lead me astray, and I don't have any plans so it's business as usual. There's lots of festivities in my town this weekend for the coronation so I'll go and have a look but I won't be tempted to 'eat, drink, and be merry' with the crowds as I'll be on my own so will just use it as an excuse to get out and get in some steps.

    Day 61 – Sat May 06 145.8
    Day 62 – Sun May 07 145.2
    Day 63 – Mon May 08 145.8
    Day 64 – Tues May 09 145.6
    Day 65 – Wed May 10147.4 😖
    Day 66 – Thurs May 11 145.6
    Day 67 – Fri May 12 146.2

    10th week goal weight: 146.5
    10th week actual weight: 146.2

    The real work starts when you want to stop.

    Challenge weight lost: 5.4lbs
    Challenge weight to go: 2.2lbs

    I had a bit of a weight spike over night, probably just water weight from carby snacks last night as I went a bit crazy with bread sticks and veggies with dip. I still managed to reach my weekly goal. I picked up my husband from the airport yesterday evening and was starving hungry after 6 hours in the car so lost a bit of control. We also went to the pub for a pint and a catch up, so that didn't help! I'm glad to be getting back to my normal routine but also a bit worried about the extra temptation that spending time with someone who is a foody and can eat whatever he wants, brings. I already had to talk him out of a takeaway last night!

    Day 68 – Sat May 13 146.0
    Day 69 – Sun May 14146.6 😩 I'm losing my mojo again! I need to have a really strict week I think, no excuses!
    Day 70 – Mon May 15146.4
    Day 71 – Tue May 16146.8 ☹️
    Day 72 – Wed May 17
    Day 73 – Thurs May 18
    Day 74 – Fri May 19

    11th week goal weight: 146.0
    11th week actual weight:

    The real work starts when you want to stop.
  • 39flavours
    39flavours Posts: 1,494 Member

    You've got this.
    You are exactly 5 pounds down from where you started this 100. Good going!

    Thank you for this reality check, Dawn! It's sometimes easy to lose sight of how far we've come. It's been about 5 months of effort this year and I'm down over 18lbs. Although it does feel painfully slow at times, from mid March to now I'm only down 3lbs, sigh! This is why weighing every day is important for me, as with slow weight loss daily fluctuations can really mess with your head!
  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,953 Member
    edited May 2023
    100 Days of Accountability 3/7 -6/14
    I need to quit losing the same pounds over and over. If you are tired of starting over, STOP giving up.

    Female, Age 62, 5’3”
    Challenge Starting Weight: 231.6 (3/6/2023)
    Challenge Goal: <219
    History & Goals
    Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in day out.
    Ultimate Lifetime Goal: Weigh Less Each Year Than the Last
    2019 SW: 245 BMI 43.4 (1/2/2019) Lost 15 lbs in 2019 then regained 5
    2020 SW: 235 BMI 41.6 (1/1/2020) Then back up to 241 before refocusing in Aug
    2021 SW: 212 BMI 37.6 (1/1/2021) NOTE: Low 201.1 in August 2021
    2022 SW: 209 BMI 37.0 (1/1/2022)
    2023 SW: 232 BMI 41.1 (1/1/2023)

    UGW: 165 BMI 29.2 Overweight NOT Obese
    🎯 Mini Goals & Weight:
    * Get out of the 230s!!!!!!
    * Making below 225 stick
    * Into the teens again: <220
    * Less than I started year 2022: <209
    * Prior to Oct 2021 roadtrip damage: <206
    * Onederland: 199
    * Obese stage 1 BMI 34.9: 197
    * 50 lbs lost never to be found: 195

    My goal for 2023 is to get into ONEderland and make it stick. Changing my life.
    🔹Find workout routine that works (walk, bike, planks, yoga, swim, strength training, take advantage of retirement to be more active); target walking 100 miles each month
    🔹Drink more water (target min 64-80 oz daily; start with 1 glass before coffee)
    🔹Journal Food Daily (tracking with MFP since 12/28/2018; basically skipped June-Dec 2019; recommit 1/1/2020; skipped out April-July 2020; recommit 8/6/2020; derailed in 2022; recommit 1/3/2023)
    🔹Daily Vitamins (Dr’s orders; need to not ignore)
    🔹Drink less alcohol (3 AF days per week; ~12-16 AF days per month; limit 1-2 glasses per day)

    My challenge this round will be a cruise scheduled in June so I won't be around at the end of the challenge and will likely start the following round with a crazy gain. So THIS 100 days I need to really get back into the weight loss grove so that I don't let my weight continue to creep up higher.

    Day/Weight/Previous Day’s Comment
    Tracking: W=walk miles, SF=strong & fit strength class 1 hr, B=bike minutes, S=swim laps, A=water/agua ounces, J=tracked/journaled all my food cal/net carbs, V=vitamin, AF=alcohol Free
    Total March Walking = 12.4 of target 100 miles

    Day 1: 3/7 - 231.2 - W 1 mile, SF, AF. NO J, A, V Starting today I begin journaling every bite no matter the calories. I can and will do better.
    Day 2: 3/8 - 230.4 - J (1503 cal / 149 net carbs / -250 remain), AF. So busy planning a cruise to Norway that I forgot to walk after teaching ESL! Need to make sure that I don’t let things continue to distract me from my goal.
    Day 3: 3/9 - 231.2 - J (1951 cal / 228 net carbs / -657remain) W .6 mile. Enjoyed the day with my granddaughter and DIL.
    Day 4: 3/10 - 229.9 - J (1216 cal / 92 net carbs / 128 remain) W 1 mile, garden.

    1st week goal: < 231
    1st week actual weight - 229.9
    Total March Walking = 15 of target 100 miles

    Day 5: 3/11 - 230.4- J (1628 cal / 165 net carbs / -83 remain) W 1.2 miles, SF 1 hr, AF.
    Day 6: 3/12 - DNW - W 2 miles. No journaling this weekend.
    Day 7: 3/13 - 231.4 @ 3:30am - Didn’t accomplish much … crawfish boil so retaining lots of bloat and water. Back to journaling Monday!
    Day 8: 3/14 - DNW - W 1.2 miles
    Day 9: 3/15 - 230.4 - W 3.8 miles
    Day 10: 3/16 - 231.2 - W 1.2 miles
    Day 11: 3/17 - 232.1 - W 1 mile

    2nd week goal weight: < 230 and stay under!
    2nd week actual weight
    Total March Walking = 25.4 of target 100 miles

    Day 12 : 3/18 - 232.7 - W 1.3 miles
    Day 13: 3/19 - 231.4 - W 1 mile
    Day 14 : 3/20 - DNW - W 3.2 miles
    Day 15: 3/21 - DNW - W 1.2 miles
    Day 16 : 3/22 - 232
    Day 17: 3/23 - 232.7 - W 1.8 miles
    Day 18: 3/24 - 231.7 - W 1.8 miles

    3rd week goal weight
    3rd week actual weight: 231.7

    Day 19: 3/25 - 232.7 - W 1.1 miles
    Day 20: 3/26 - DNW - W 3.5 miles
    Day 21: 3/27 - DNW - W 3.4 miles
    Day 22: 3/28 - DNW
    Day 23: 3/29 - 231.2 - W 1.2 miles
    Day 24: 3/30 - 230.9
    Day 25: 3/31 - DNW

    4th week goal weight
    4th week actual weight

    Day 26: 4/01 - DNW
    Day 27: 4/02 - DNW - W 3.2 miles
    Day 28: 4/03 - 231.4 - W 3.2 miles
    Day 29: 4/04 - W 3.4 miles
    Day 30: 4/05 - W 1.4 miles
    Day 31: 4/06 - 232.4 - 2 hrs playground
    Day 32: 4/07 - 232.6 - W 1.2 miles

    5th week goal weight
    5th week actual weight
    Day 33: 4/08 - 232.7 -
    Day 34: 4/09 - 232.7 - Long day round trip to visit my son for his birthday in Austin
    Calories / Remaining / Net Carbs
    Day 35: 4/10 - 231.7- W 3.2 miles, 943 / 524 / 92, AF
    Day 36 : 4/11 - 231.6 - W 1 mile, SF, 1950 / 13 / 124
    Day 37: 4/12 - 231.4
    Day 38: 4/13 - 231.7 -
    Day 39: 4/14 - 233.1

    6th week goal weight
    6th week actual weight

    Day 40: 4/15 - 231.9
    Day 41: 4/16 - DNW
    Day 42: 4/17 - 230.3
    Day 43: 4/18 - 231.3
    Day 44: 4/19 - 231.3
    Day 45: 4/20
    Day 46: 4/21

    7th week goal weight
    7th week actual weight

    Day 47: 4/22
    Day 48: 4/ 23
    Day 49: 4/ 24
    Day 50: 4/25
    Day 51: 4/26
    Day 52: 4/27
    Day 53: 4/28

    8th week goal weight
    8th week actual weight

    Day 54: 4/29
    Day 55: 4/30
    Day 56: 5/01
    Day 57: 5/02
    Day 58: 5/03 - 230.9
    Day 59: 5/04
    Day 60: 5/05

    9th week goal weight
    9th week actual weight

    Day 61: 5/06
    Day 62: 5/07
    Day 63: 5/08 - 228.3
    Day 64: 5/09 - 230.1
    Day 65: 5/10 - 229.4
    Day 66: 5/11
    Day 67: 5/12 - 230.0

    10th week goal weight
    10th week actual weight

    Day 68: 5/13 - DNW Out of Town
    Day 69: 5/14 - DNW Out of Town
    Day 70: 5/15 - 227.4
    Day 71: 5/16 - 227.2
    Day 72: 5/ 17
    Day 73: 5/18
    Day 74: 5/19

    It has been a very bumpy road. While I've lost focus and hardly exercised due to breathing & coughing since April I've also lost the motivation to even get out and walk. Hopefully this will be in the past soon.
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,826 Member
    Lilylady3k wrote: »
    100 Days of Accountability 3/7 -6/14
    I need to quit losing the same pounds over and over. If you are tired of starting over, STOP giving up.

    Female, Age 62, 5’3”
    Challenge Starting Weight: 231.6 (3/6/2023)
    Challenge Goal: <219
    History & Goals
    Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in day out.
    Ultimate Lifetime Goal: Weigh Less Each Year Than the Last
    2019 SW: 245 BMI 43.4 (1/2/2019) Lost 15 lbs in 2019 then regained 5
    2020 SW: 235 BMI 41.6 (1/1/2020) Then back up to 241 before refocusing in Aug
    2021 SW: 212 BMI 37.6 (1/1/2021) NOTE: Low 201.1 in August 2021
    2022 SW: 209 BMI 37.0 (1/1/2022)
    2023 SW: 232 BMI 41.1 (1/1/2023)

    UGW: 165 BMI 29.2 Overweight NOT Obese
    🎯 Mini Goals & Weight:
    * Get out of the 230s!!!!!!
    * Making below 225 stick
    * Into the teens again: <220
    * Less than I started year 2022: <209
    * Prior to Oct 2021 roadtrip damage: <206
    * Onederland: 199
    * Obese stage 1 BMI 34.9: 197
    * 50 lbs lost never to be found: 195

    My goal for 2023 is to get into ONEderland and make it stick. Changing my life.
    🔹Find workout routine that works (walk, bike, planks, yoga, swim, strength training, take advantage of retirement to be more active); target walking 100 miles each month
    🔹Drink more water (target min 64-80 oz daily; start with 1 glass before coffee)
    🔹Journal Food Daily (tracking with MFP since 12/28/2018; basically skipped June-Dec 2019; recommit 1/1/2020; skipped out April-July 2020; recommit 8/6/2020; derailed in 2022; recommit 1/3/2023)
    🔹Daily Vitamins (Dr’s orders; need to not ignore)
    🔹Drink less alcohol (3 AF days per week; ~12-16 AF days per month; limit 1-2 glasses per day)

    My challenge this round will be a cruise scheduled in June so I won't be around at the end of the challenge and will likely start the following round with a crazy gain. So THIS 100 days I need to really get back into the weight loss grove so that I don't let my weight continue to creep up higher.

    Day/Weight/Previous Day’s Comment
    Tracking: W=walk miles, SF=strong & fit strength class 1 hr, B=bike minutes, S=swim laps, A=water/agua ounces, J=tracked/journaled all my food cal/net carbs, V=vitamin, AF=alcohol Free
    Total March Walking = 12.4 of target 100 miles

    Day 1: 3/7 - 231.2 - W 1 mile, SF, AF. NO J, A, V Starting today I begin journaling every bite no matter the calories. I can and will do better.
    Day 2: 3/8 - 230.4 - J (1503 cal / 149 net carbs / -250 remain), AF. So busy planning a cruise to Norway that I forgot to walk after teaching ESL! Need to make sure that I don’t let things continue to distract me from my goal.
    Day 3: 3/9 - 231.2 - J (1951 cal / 228 net carbs / -657remain) W .6 mile. Enjoyed the day with my granddaughter and DIL.
    Day 4: 3/10 - 229.9 - J (1216 cal / 92 net carbs / 128 remain) W 1 mile, garden.

    1st week goal: < 231
    1st week actual weight - 229.9
    Total March Walking = 15 of target 100 miles

    Day 5: 3/11 - 230.4- J (1628 cal / 165 net carbs / -83 remain) W 1.2 miles, SF 1 hr, AF.
    Day 6: 3/12 - DNW - W 2 miles. No journaling this weekend.
    Day 7: 3/13 - 231.4 @ 3:30am - Didn’t accomplish much … crawfish boil so retaining lots of bloat and water. Back to journaling Monday!
    Day 8: 3/14 - DNW - W 1.2 miles
    Day 9: 3/15 - 230.4 - W 3.8 miles
    Day 10: 3/16 - 231.2 - W 1.2 miles
    Day 11: 3/17 - 232.1 - W 1 mile

    2nd week goal weight: < 230 and stay under!
    2nd week actual weight
    Total March Walking = 25.4 of target 100 miles

    Day 12 : 3/18 - 232.7 - W 1.3 miles
    Day 13: 3/19 - 231.4 - W 1 mile
    Day 14 : 3/20 - DNW - W 3.2 miles
    Day 15: 3/21 - DNW - W 1.2 miles
    Day 16 : 3/22 - 232
    Day 17: 3/23 - 232.7 - W 1.8 miles
    Day 18: 3/24 - 231.7 - W 1.8 miles

    3rd week goal weight
    3rd week actual weight: 231.7

    Day 19: 3/25 - 232.7 - W 1.1 miles
    Day 20: 3/26 - DNW - W 3.5 miles
    Day 21: 3/27 - DNW - W 3.4 miles
    Day 22: 3/28 - DNW
    Day 23: 3/29 - 231.2 - W 1.2 miles
    Day 24: 3/30 - 230.9
    Day 25: 3/31 - DNW

    4th week goal weight
    4th week actual weight

    Day 26: 4/01 - DNW
    Day 27: 4/02 - DNW - W 3.2 miles
    Day 28: 4/03 - 231.4 - W 3.2 miles
    Day 29: 4/04 - W 3.4 miles
    Day 30: 4/05 - W 1.4 miles
    Day 31: 4/06 - 232.4 - 2 hrs playground
    Day 32: 4/07 - 232.6 - W 1.2 miles

    5th week goal weight
    5th week actual weight
    Day 33: 4/08 - 232.7 -
    Day 34: 4/09 - 232.7 - Long day round trip to visit my son for his birthday in Austin
    Calories / Remaining / Net Carbs
    Day 35: 4/10 - 231.7- W 3.2 miles, 943 / 524 / 92, AF
    Day 36 : 4/11 - 231.6 - W 1 mile, SF, 1950 / 13 / 124
    Day 37: 4/12 - 231.4
    Day 38: 4/13 - 231.7 -
    Day 39: 4/14 - 233.1

    6th week goal weight
    6th week actual weight

    Day 40: 4/15 - 231.9
    Day 41: 4/16 - DNW
    Day 42: 4/17 - 230.3
    Day 43: 4/18 - 231.3
    Day 44: 4/19 - 231.3
    Day 45: 4/20
    Day 46: 4/21

    7th week goal weight
    7th week actual weight

    Day 47: 4/22
    Day 48: 4/ 23
    Day 49: 4/ 24
    Day 50: 4/25
    Day 51: 4/26
    Day 52: 4/27
    Day 53: 4/28

    8th week goal weight
    8th week actual weight

    Day 54: 4/29
    Day 55: 4/30
    Day 56: 5/01
    Day 57: 5/02
    Day 58: 5/03 - 230.9
    Day 59: 5/04
    Day 60: 5/05

    9th week goal weight
    9th week actual weight

    Day 61: 5/06
    Day 62: 5/07
    Day 63: 5/08 - 228.3
    Day 64: 5/09 - 230.1
    Day 65: 5/10 - 229.4
    Day 66: 5/11
    Day 67: 5/12 - 230.0

    10th week goal weight
    10th week actual weight

    Day 68: 5/13 - DNW Out of Town
    Day 69: 5/14 - DNW Out of Town
    Day 70: 5/15 - 227.4
    Day 71: 5/16 - 227.2
    Day 72: 5/ 17
    Day 73: 5/18
    Day 74: 5/19

    It has been a very bumpy road. While I've lost focus and hardly exercised due to breathing & coughing since April I've also lost the motivation to even get out and walk. Hopefully this will be in the past soon.

    @Lilylady3k Welcome back! I am so happy to see you. I'm sorry to hear about the medical issues. They definitely stand in the way. But I am glad to see that you are focusing on YOU!
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,826 Member
    100 Days of Weighing In ^^^^^ March 07, 2023 through June 14, 2023
    My Name is Donna, Age 63. I am 5’5” tall & I live in Northern Michigan USA

    My mini-challenge is to lose 6 pounds between My birthday and July 4th. My birthday morning weigh-in (May 10th) was 195.1. I hope to be at 189.1 by the morning of July 4th, 2023.


    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    “We will encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.” ~Maya Angelou

    Starting Weight from End of Last Challenge: : 191.2
    Goal This Round: 176.2
    Ending Weight: xxxxx
    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 01-03/07-191.6-(Trend weight 192.9)

    Day 02-03/08-190.6-(Trend weight 192.7)

    Day 03-03/09-192.2-(Trend weight 192.6)

    Day 04-03/10-191.6-(Trend weight 192.5)

    Day 05-03/11-189.2-(Trend weight 192.2)

    Day 06-03/12-189.0-(Trend weight 191.9)

    Day 07-03/13-189.4-(Trend weight 191.6)

    WEEK 1 LOSS OR GAIN: 1.8 lbs LOST
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 1.8 lbs. LOST

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 08-03/14-187.8-(Trend weight 191.3)

    Day 09-03/15-188.8-(Trend weight 191.0)

    Day 10-03/16-188.8-(Trend weight 190.8)

    Day 11-03/17-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 12-03/18-189.0-(Trend weight 190.7)

    Day 13-03/19-188.2-(Trend weight 190.4)

    Day 14-03/20-188.6-(Trend weight 190.4)

    WEEK 2 LOSS OR GAIN: 0.8 lbs LOST
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 2.6 lbs LOST

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 15-03/21-188.6-(Trend weight 190.3)

    Day 16-03/22-188.2-(Trend weight 190.1)

    Day 17-03/23-188.4-(Trend weight 190.0)

    Day 18-03/24-188.0-(Trend weight 189.8)

    Day 19-03/25-187.2-(Trend weight 189.5)

    Day 20-03/26-187.8-(Trend weight 189.3)

    Day 21-03/27-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    WEEK 3 LOSS OR GAIN: ????
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: ?????

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 22-03/28-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 23-03/29-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 24-03/30-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 25-03/31-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 26-04/01-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 27-04/02-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 28-04/03-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    WEEK 4 LOSS OR GAIN: ?????
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: ?????

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 29-04/04-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 30-04/05-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 31-04/06-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 32-04/07-190.6-(Trend weight 192.4)

    Day 33-04/08-188.8-(Trend weight 191.6)

    Day 34-04/09-188.2-(Trend weight 191.4)

    Day 35-04/10-191.4-(Trend weight 191.6)

    WEEK 5 LOSS OR GAIN: 3.6 lbs. GAINED (I’m using the weight from my last weekly weight on 3/26/23
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 0.2 lbs. GAINED

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 36-04/11-192.8-(Trend weight 191.8)

    Day 37-04/12-193.2-(Trend weight 192.0)

    Day 38-04/13-192.2-(Trend weight 192.5)

    Day 39-04/14-189.4-(Trend weight 192.2)

    Day 40-04/15-191.0-(Trend weight 192.0)

    Day 41-04/16-187.4-(Trend weight 191.6)

    Day 42-04/17-188.4-(Trend weight 191.3)

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    WEEK 6 LOSS OR GAIN: 3.0 lb LOSS
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 2.8 lb LOSS

    Day 43-04/18-187.8-(Trend weight 190.9)

    Day 44-04/19-188.4-(Trend weight 190.7)

    Day 45-04/20-188.8-(Trend weight 190.7)

    Day 46-04/21-188.8-(Trend weight 190.7)

    Day 47-04/22-190.2-(Trend weight 190.8)

    Day 48-04/23-190.6-(Trend weight 190.9)

    Day 49-04/24-190.4-(Trend weight 190.9)

    WEEK 7 LOSS OR GAIN: 2.0 lb. GAIN
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 0.8 lb. LOSS

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 50-04/25-190.4-(Trend weight 191.0)

    Halfway Progress Report: …..Pounds Lost so Far:

    Day 51-04/26-191.8-(Trend weight 191.3)

    Day 52-04/27-191.6-(Trend weight 191.4)

    Day 53-04/28-191.4-(Trend weight 191.4)

    Day 54-04/29-191.6-(Trend weight 191.6)

    Day 55-04/30-192.6-(Trend weight 191.8)

    Day 56-05/01-193.0-(Trend weight 192.2)

    WEEK 8 LOSS OR GAIN: 2.6 lbs. GAINED
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 1.8 lbs. GAINED

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 57-05/02-193.6-(Trend weight 192.3)

    Day 58-05/03-193.4-(Trend weight 192.6)

    Day 59-05/04-193.6-(Trend weight 192.7)

    Day 60-05/05-193.6-(Trend weight 192.7)

    Day 61-05/06-193.0-(Trend weight 192.7)

    Day 62-05/07-194.0-(Trend weight 193.0)

    Day 63-05/08-193.4-(Trend weight 193.2)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 2.2 GAINED

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 64-05/09-194.2-(Trend weight 193.3)

    Day 65-05/10-195.1-(Trend weight 193.6)

    Day 66-05/11-195.3-(Trend weight 193.7)

    Day 67-05/12-195.3-(Trend weight 193.9)

    Day 68-05/13-193.6-(Trend weight 193.9)

    Day 69-05/14-194.8-(Trend weight 194.1)

    Day 70-05/15-193.8-(Trend weight 194.1)So very very sick the past couple of days but Covid negative. Blood pressure is way too low again and my throat is swollen up pretty bad. Knocking me off my feet and into bed. I will catch up on posts later.

    WEEK 10 LOSS OR GAIN: 0.4 lbs. GAINEd
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 2.6 lbs. GAINED

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 71-05/16-193.6-(Trend weight 194.3) I ended up going to the emergency room yesterday. I have a strep throat and the infection is what threw my heart off. I’ve been given an antibiotic, must closely monitor blood pressure and heart rate. De-stress and rest. That is easier said than done. So today is another day of travel for me. About 2 hours away to the endocrinologist for my diabetes. I’ll try to rest tomorrow Wednesday before the babysitting marathon begins again on Thur, Fri and Sat. Sunday off this week. No rest for the weary, as they say.

    Day 72-05/17-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 73-05/18-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 74-05/19-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 75-05/20-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 76-05/21-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 77-05/22-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 78-05/23-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 79-05/24-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 80-05/25-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 81-05/26-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 82-05/27-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 83-05/28-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 84-05/29-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 85-05/30-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 86-05/31-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 87-06/01-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 88-06/02-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 89-06/03-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 90-06/04-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 91-06/05-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 92-06/06-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 93-06/07-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 94-06/08-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 95-06/09-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 96-06/10-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 97-06/11-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 98-06/12-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 99-06/13-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 100-06/14…..(Final Weigh- In)-xxxxx-(trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,804 Member

    Yay!! So happy to see you back : - )
    We really missed you!
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,804 Member

    Strep throat!! Argh.
    Does that mean that you shouldn't be around your DGS?
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,804 Member
    Hi everyone.
    I am Dawn. 5'2", 62 years old.
    My BMI and stuff like that shows my optimum healthy weight should be between 110 and 120.

    I have steadily gained in all but one of the last bunch of 100s (gained 2.2 pounds this past one)
    I need to turn that around.
    I am not cutting out any food groups, or anything at all really because I want weight loss to be sustainable for life. I have learned to have less of certain things, and have moved some other stuff to once per week or once per 3 months (Ribs, very fattening). If I thought that I couldn't have them at all I believe that it would be worse. For the most part I eat very healthy foods.
    I have had quite a bit of success since I started MFP October 28.18, but this past year has been an almost 15 pound gain after being in the 130s for 2 years.
    I am into my biggest pair of pants and have no desire to buy bigger pants. I have lots of cute clothes that I was wearing at 130, and at that point I was driving hard to get into the 120s and beyond.

    I love this long length of 100 days, and seeing how each week is going,

    As always, I am open to suggestions. I think most of us have tried everything at this junction.
    Calories in vs. Calories out really should work though.

    I have made a decision to limit restaurant food to 6 times per year since I seem to gain a few pounds each time which could take 3-6 months to get back off from one visit.
    Rolling total so far: 2 out of the 6

    Best of luck to everyone.

    1st week goal weight: 142.2 - Start weight from the last 100 and go from there.
    1st week actual weight: 142.4 - Started the (short) week at 143.4
    Excess calories burned (in the green): 3055, 756.25 average over 4 days, back to work and reflected in my weight loss. The corrected weekly calendar is now on page 2.

    2nd week goal weight: 142.2 or less - Still wanting to get back to the start weight from the previous 100
    2nd week actual weight: 142.6 - Started the week (high) at 145.0 after a restaurant meal of salad and grilled chicken.
    Excess calories burned (in the green): 2553 - Average of 364.7 (had a day in the red)

    3rd week goal weight: 139.2
    3rd week actual weight: 141.0. Started the week at 141.2
    Excess calories burned (in the green): 4913. Average over 7 days 701.85 - I knew that I had burned a lot.

    4th week goal weight: 139.2 - plugging this number in until I hit it - too lofty for this week methinks
    4th week actual weight: 141.0 Started the week at 142.0, 2nd out of 6 restaurant visits for the year.
    Excess exercise calories burned (in the green on MFP): 5744 - Average over 7 days: 820.57 - Not a typical week, but seemed to have helped with weight loss (as well as not having much time to eat)

    5th week goal weight: 141.0
    5th week actual weight: 141.0 - Started the week at 141.0 - Once every 3 month Ribs consumed for this 100, glad that I got that off in one week.
    Excess exercise calories burned (in the green on MFP) - 4636 - Average of 662.28 over 7 days

    6th week goal weight 139.8
    6th week actual weight: 143.6 - Started the week at 140.8, crazy weight gain at one point 4.4 pounds
    Excess exercise calories burned (in the green on MFP: 2892, 413.14 average over 7 days

    7th week goal weight - Mini goal of 4 pounds by May 10th would take me to 136.8, seems unrealistic because of last week's gains, but I will plug that number in as a goal each week until I hit it.
    7th week actual weight: 142.6 - Started the week at 144.8
    Excess exercise calories burned (in the green on MFP): 5323, average over 7 days = 760.42 per day

    8th week goal weight: Donna's Mini goal of 4 pounds by May 10th would take me to 136.8, using that as my goal until I hit it - started her mini challenge at 140.8 - Only 12 days until that, ugh
    8th week actual weight: 142.8 Started the week at 143.8
    Excess exercise calories burned (in the green on MFP): 4595, average over 7 days 656.42 per day

    9th week goal weight: Donna's Mini goal of 4 pounds by May 10th would take me to 136.8, using that as my goal until I hit it - started her mini challenge at 140.8
    9th week actual weight: 141.8 - Started the week at 142.2
    Excess exercise calories burned (in the green on MFP) - 5397, Average over 7 days = 771

    10th week goal weight: Donna's Mini goal of 4 pounds by May 10th would have taken me to 136.8
    10th week actual weight: 144.8 - Started the week at 143.2
    Excess exercise calories burned (in the green on MFP) - 4095 - average of 585 over 7 days

    Day 68 – Sat May 13 - 144.8 - Time to quit whining and somehow turn this ship around!
    Day 69 – Sun May 14 - 144.0 - It was a late dinner last night after the play, and it will be another tonight since I will be working on my day off - all hands on deck for Mother's Day at the restaurant. Happy Mother's Day to all of you who are Mothers. I am not btw.
    Day 70 – Mon May 15 - 144.4 - Late eating after working late. I am working 15 days straight, but only 2 of them include evenings, so hoping to be able to drop some weight. I plan to get the rest of my garden planted over the next 10 days : - )
    Day 71 – Tue May 16 - 145.0 - I feel like this is my new norm even though I definitely don't want it to be!
    Day 72 – Wed May 17
    Day 73 – Thurs May 18
    Day 74 – Fri May 19

    11th week goal weight - 139.8 - I know that this sounds ridiculously ambitious, but I am putting that number in now until I hit it.
    11th week actual weight: Started the week at 144.8
    Excess exercise calories burned (in the green on MFP)

    Start weight of the 100: 143.4, up 1.2 from the start weight of the previous 100, 142.2
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,826 Member

    Strep throat!! Argh.
    Does that mean that you shouldn't be around your DGS?

    @dawnbgethealthy Probably means that. I don't get him until either late Thursday night (bedtime for him) or early Friday morning. Hopefully the antibiotics will make things much better by then but I'll have to keep my distance to be safe. He is usually upstairs where his own TV and all his toys are. I am usually on the main floor. He comes down and I go up, but honestly most of the time he likes his own space with his toys. He doesn't bring any down often because he doesn't want to carry them back up lol.