my accountability thread Day one



  • gregphopkins
    gregphopkins Posts: 23 Member
    Today, a strong surge of well-being and energy was present. Got out in the yard to finish up some work, and avoided getting trapped by the computer right out of the chute. Eating well, beautiful weather. Went downtown with the dog, throngs of people everywhere. Chaos. Yesterday I got some thin slices of turkey breast. This, with a couple of eggs, is a good, low carb and lean breakfast. Tilda *the dog* is pooped after a good deal of walking down along the lake.
  • Marla86336
    Marla86336 Posts: 50 Member
    Good morning, I did a very sloppy job of barely staying on track this weekend. It has been raining every day since Friday. Thunder storms and heavy rain is predicted for the next 5 days. I miss the sun!
    I got out my art supplies and plan to do something creative. I've come too far to not keep going to the finish line which could be November.
    Hope every one is doing well.
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    Hi All! that area you describe sounds so beautiful! I live in the city and love it but there are no lakes around here....large creeks that are nice to walk around. I live by a University and enjoy walking around that in the evening when students are done for the day.
    @ Marla I didn't do too well this weekend either. Weekends are hard for me for some reason. You can get to your finish line!
    Today was my weigh in and although I was hoping for one pound I was at .8 pound down. At least the scale is heading down. I am off to go swimming! Have a great day everyone and try and eat well!
    @Beverly is it going with the running coach?
  • Viridian1539
    Viridian1539 Posts: 155 Member
    I'm getting very good at dropping off the face of the Earth... yikes. Work is busy with end of year coming on fast, personal life is busy trying to market a book with no financial resources, trying to keep myself healthy and alive is busy lol. Too many things.

    I had a good weekend tracking wise though! I'm finding that my weight plateaus when I'm not eating *enough* which is a little backwards feeling, but it's where I'm at. Trying to make 1600 calories a day with good fuel (protein over candy, lower sodium, etc) is very difficult for me. And usually I'm not feeling hungry either, which is annoying to overcome.

    My PT has finally figured out all my hip and knee issues though, and treatment will, Lord willing, be complete at end of month. Then I can get back to running and going to the gym! I'm 15lbs down now (as of yesterday!) and hope to get another 15-30 down by next summer.

    Hope everyone is doing well and staying encouraged!
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 554 Member
    Happy Monday !
    Welcome back Viridian! I try to imagine what it is not to feel hungry because I can always eat and have never had that "not feel hungry" problem. And not just eat, I feel hungry most of the time. (I blame my mother!!!). Anyway nuts will add calories quickly!!!
    Sarah, Down .8 is Terrific! I was down .4 Friday but I'm afraid this week will not be down. I'm working hard towards maintain.
    Running coach is going good, just getting started tho!
  • gregphopkins
    gregphopkins Posts: 23 Member
    Back on track, energy-wise and in general. Weight today 173.6. I'll take it. In the next month hope to be bouncing between 169 and 172. The urge to eat extra treats after dinner is lessoning. That's been the biggest battle. I've been working quite hard, home alone taking care of things. We have a 100 foot hedge that needed trimmed, hand whackers are best. Almost finished with that and now it's a lot of bagging up the debris.

    A trip to Budapest and a night cruise on the blue Danube coming up at the end of the week. Something to look forward to is always inspiring. I can't imagine such a place, and the idea of going to Hungary is preposterous. Nonetheless, continually marching into the unknown seems to be the path I'm on. As David Byrne sang, "Well, how did I get here?"

    Beverly--you're such a good cheerleader! Thanks for letting me blather on here. It helps to label what's happening and motivation ticks upwards a bit from doing this.
  • gregphopkins
    gregphopkins Posts: 23 Member
    Raining like hell today! Plan is to make a big pot of chicken soup, maybe clean up the house a bit. Resisting it, but need to get in a proper workout, the rowing machine and some weights

    Yesterday at the supermarket I found some tuna fish patties, quite dense protein and low cal. Stocked up on a lot of salad fixings. Damn good thing I got to the store, and also finished the yard work. Just in time. Tilda the dog got me up at 3 a.m. worried sick about the thunder.
  • SweetHeart299
    SweetHeart299 Posts: 31 Member
    Good morning everyone and happy Wednesday! It has been over a week since communicating. Welcome Greg and don’t be discouraged it is not an easy journey. My difficulties is emotional eating and snacking while watching TV; Sarah I am so glad you are able to loose CONGRATULATIONS! You are an encouragement to others. I wish I had a remedy for not sleeping well, as I have the same issue. Beverly, Darla and Marla….you are an inspiration to keep exercising. It does go hand in hand with our calorie intake.
    I lost .6 lbs and sad it was not more; however will take the loss and work at keeping it off.
    Hubby and I are going on a day trip which can be challenging as it means will have a meal out.
    Take care everyone and have a wonderful day.
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    Hi All! @greg....keep up the good work...I love to hear about your travels! @SweetHeart - thank you for encouragement , btw, I love your name "sweetheart" always reminds me of my mom.....she used to call me that :blush: I am doing well! So happy to be staying healthy. I actually have had 6 hours sleep that last two nights which is fantastic! Have a good day all and keep on eating healthy. Health is Wealth.
  • Marla86336
    Marla86336 Posts: 50 Member
    Hello Everyone! Wonderful surprise to check in this morning and see all the posts. We truly are all on the same journey no matter our age or where we live. Wednesday is my weigh-in day and I am down 1#. Next week I could be in a new weight decade.
    When there is an under 1# loss, I remind myself that even if 1/2# was lost if that amount was lost consistently for 1 year, that would be a 26# loss, not shabby.
    Sarah: Love the motto...Health is Wealth!
  • Viridian1539
    Viridian1539 Posts: 155 Member
    @BeverlyW1108 I think a lot of my problem is that I do always feel a little hungry. It's just something as part of my sensory issues that I've never been able to shake. So then I end up ignoring it and not realizing when I actually need food :sweat_smile:

    But I'm on track to meet my calories today! And going to meal plan for the next two days to make sure I can get enough fuel for all my activities I want to do!
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    HI All! I hope everyone is doing well. @ Marla ...way to go on losing 1 lb. Nice work! @ Viridian and Beverly....unfortunately I am not always hungry but I am if I do not get enough protein (I don't eat meat). I do eat protein bars and put protein in my smoothies to get me to enough protein. That seems to really satiate me . What is even crazier sometimes after i eat I am still really hungry when I know I should not be so I usually set a timer for 30 minutes and see if I am still hungry after that and 90% of the time I am not. Just something that works for me. I have two potlucks to go to tomorrow. Yikes! One for lunch and one for dinner. Have a great day everyone.
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 554 Member
    Hello All!
    It sounds like this has been a winning or loosing :) week for us! Today was my weigh in and I am down 1.6 pounds from last Friday. I have to admit it was a struggle at times, but I did like you suggested Sarah and when I thought I was hungry, I waited 30 minutes and a lot of times the hunger subsided. Have you tried the Intermittent Fasting? I guess I have, sort of bc I've quit eating in the morning b4 I run or go to the gym. I definitely think it helped me loose the weight this week. I need to keep this 1.6# off and loose more in the next couple of weeks because my running will soon become difficult to do without calories/energy. We are going out to eat tonight so I'm changing my goal for today only to be maintain instead of loose. I can't do this more than 1, maybe 2 days a week if I want to see a loss.
    It was Fantastic to hear from everyone this week! Keep Up the good work and Have a Fun Weekend!
  • SweetHeart299
    SweetHeart299 Posts: 31 Member
    Happy weekend everyone. I am doing good. I’m not losing greatly but keeping strong in my attempt to log my meals, get exercise and to give myself a break when I get off track. This past Wednesday my husband and I went on a day trip to port Dover. The weather could not have been better and we enjoyed taking a walk along the beach. I was 14 calories and I feel good about it, as I usually throw caution to the wind and eat everything in sight. I left French fries on my plate.
    I was in the routine of trying to eat every 3 hours to curb my hunger. It seemed to work until my husband retired. It can be stressful having him under foot, but we have managed not to kill one another 😆 LOL🤗
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    @Beverly 1.6 pounds...that is amazing. I am happy to lose 1 pound a week. No I have not tried the Intermittent Fasting really. If I do I would need to give up breakfast and that is really hard for me. I did one day last week and i really didn't miss the breakfast as long as I kept busy. I'm not sure it is the right thing for me. SweetHeart....your trip to Dover sounds so nice. The weather here and finally turned fallish and feels so great. Yesterday I did swim and walk two miles. It rained pretty much the whole day so I couldn't work out in my yard which I love to do. Tomorrow is my weigh in day and I will be so happy if I lose one pound. I'm trying! Have a good day everyone.
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    Hi All! Well today was not a good day to weigh in! I am up TWO yes...TWO pounds. I fell off the wagon (well more like a semi truck) yesterday. Let's just say I should not have made home made focaccia yesterday that was slathered in olive oil. It came out of the oven screaming my name. Ugh....back on the wagon today. I still have one month to get to my goal and will buckle down this week. Have a great week everyone.
  • SweetHeart299
    SweetHeart299 Posts: 31 Member
    Happy Monday! It was a disastrous weekend. Went out for dinner and show with my daughter, which is a once a year tradition. We see each other often but it is mostly with her family. However, I blew calorie wise on the dinner. Back on track today and not looking forward to my weigh in on Wednesday.
  • MamaBear5445
    MamaBear5445 Posts: 59 Member
    Looking for an accountability thread, so I'm in too.
    Doing 30 days of a home exercise app that uses HIIT exercises, I'm on day 17, would like to get to 30 days, and then repeat. My goal - fit stomach and 1lb/month weight loss until goal weight with HIIT exercises being part of my every day routine.
    Need some accountability everyone!
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 554 Member
    Good Morning!
    Welcome MamaBear! It sounds like you have a good plan in place, sounds very doable. Sarah, that bread sounds so good. My mouth is watering just thinking of it! My husband is very sensitive to savory smells, like garlic and onion so I won't be making that~ Sweetheart, sometimes when I think I've totally went over my calorie goal my weight isn't really as bad as I imagined. Time spent with your daughter is so special and worth every calorie <3 I've been doing ok. Of course, my weight is up a pound from my weigh in Friday but it normally is, and it will go down. Hubby and I went out to eat Friday night. I had All you can eat crab legs, floating in butter and they were Great! Then a frozen custard for dessert. Oh well! I have been back at it since then and feeling really good. Today is a hard run for me so I'm thinking of going to maintenance calories very soon. We just made plans to fly to Pittsburgh to see my son and his family for Thanksgiving. I'm so excited to see him and also because his fiancé' is such a good cook! I wish you all a Terrific Tuesday!
  • Marla86336
    Marla86336 Posts: 50 Member
    Good morning. I've consistently stayed within calorie range and walking this past week. Down .8 pounds which placed me into a new decade range. I am getting close to my goal weight. Non-scale victory: Bought jeans in a size smaller this week. I am no longer overweight according to the BMI god. Hoping the best for everyone.