my accountability thread Day one



  • Marla86336
    Marla86336 Posts: 50 Member
    Good morning, Weigh-In Wednesday for me. Down 2.2#. Hit my goal weight!! I haven't seen this weight since college which was a very long time ago. I plan to continue on to lose a few more # and then maintain. I'm trying to imagine what it will feel like to 'not have to lose weight'. That will be something new for me. A different goal for 2024.
    I read all the posts to see where everyone is at. Slow but sure we are doing it!
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 554 Member
    edited November 2023
    Good Morning!
    CONGRATULATIONS MARLA!!!!! I am so happy for you. Please don't leave us though. Success breeds success!
    I'm feeling good. I've been staying under my calorie budget for 3 days now and the scale is showing it. Going for a run this morning.
    Sarah, How's the kitchen remodel coming along. Send us some pics.
    Mamabear, How are those workouts coming along? I love to run but not so much strength or stretch exercises. Thinking of you I'm going to make myself do "something" today. One plank, one pushup? Idk. I just need to do something before my arms and core go to jelly!

    My word today is resilience!!!
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 554 Member
    Happy Friday - Not an excuse to overindulge!

    Well I failed at the strength / stretch yesterday. I ran 6 miles and loved it, the weather has been so nice.
    I'm house sitting for the neighbor so in addition to my running I'm walking the dog once a day. And going over there in the evening for an hour keeps me from snacking while watching the boobtube!
    Today was my weigh in and it is looking good. I plan to keep up the low calorie until we go on our trip for Turkey Day!

    Happy Weekend!~

  • MamaBear5445
    MamaBear5445 Posts: 59 Member
    Keep it up @BeverlyW1108 !

    I'm back in the groove of doing some home workouts every day. Taking a mental break from tracking and the scale for at least a week (I was becoming obsessive). With keeping up some basic exercises every day I'm fairly confident I will have stomach abs showing in a few months. Bye bye mama pouch!!!
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 554 Member
    I went over my calorie goal yesterday, so I am not a happy camper this morning. Too much sugar and my tummy hurt, and I still feel it. My weight was up, of course. Friday is weigh in but I weigh every day and I accept that it will always be up on Saturday, but dang! Anyway, going to walk the dog and do a 6-mile run today. It's been a couple days since I said I would commit to at least a little strength exercise; a couple times a week, and I still haven't done one minute. Congrats on getting back in the groove MamaBear!

    I hope everyone has a Fun Day!
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,461 Member
    My habit is to munch more on the weekends and then my weight is up on Mondays, then am working to get it down again during the weekdays. repeat, and repeat, and repeat. I am determined this weekend to have structure and planning!
    Would like to do something different for Thanksgiving this year but don't know what - it's always been a food feast in the past but both dh and myself are trying to lose weight (and I want to avoid hours of work cooking and cleanup). I would like to do something non food involved with other family members that's fun. Hiking is out with my knee arthritis.
  • SweetHeart299
    SweetHeart299 Posts: 31 Member
    Good morning everyone! I have not been tracking as I ought to be; yesterday did a lot of walking at the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto and just got in from logging steps this morning. The fresh air feels great. I am still tracking my meals. I confess I don’t like to face the scale especially if I feel I have gained.
    Ready now for a nap, but I have some chores to accomplish.
  • Marla86336
    Marla86336 Posts: 50 Member
    Good morning! My 1st week of maintenance went well. I didn't count calories. I added a few items to my meals very carefully. I weighed in this morning and I was down 1#. I was pleased with that outcome. So now on to week 2 which includes our anniversary and Thanksgiving. I feel confident that I can do it!
    We can all do it!
    Remember: If you have lost 1#, you can lose the pounds it will take to get to your personal goal weight!
  • SweetHeart299
    SweetHeart299 Posts: 31 Member
    Weighed myself this morning; down 2.2 lbs. I feel encouraged 🤗
  • SweetHeart299
    SweetHeart299 Posts: 31 Member
    Congratulations Marla. You can do it!
    It does take work and effort but it is soooo worth it 🤗🤗🤗
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 554 Member
    So happy to hear from everyone!
    Cory, On my birthday last week hubby asked if I wanted a cake. I said no so he said we will go shopping and get you a Thanksgiving outfit! That worked really well. I usually do crafts or make out Christmas cards on Thanksgiving. This year we are spending the week with my son and his family so I know I will be overeating.

    Marla and SweetHeart!!! You are both inspiring me with your loses! Keep it up and I will join you!

    Missing Sarah!

    Have a Good Thursday Friends,
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    Hi All! I'm sorry I have been MIA! I have been babysitting my baby granddaughter daily and as much as I love doing it - it has really impeded my social life! It is only until Jan that I need to do it. That way they can hold off until she is 6 mos to put in day care. I am doing well. I am at my goal!! I have been eating healthy and trying to walk the baby in the stroller daily if I can. It is so nice to hear from all of of you. Kitchen is almost done and I will try to send some pictures. I love it and I am going to get to cooking with my new appliances! @ cory I am with you on the weekends. I usually over indulge and then try to make up on the weekends. Such a vicious cycle. I am going to break that cycle too. What are you all doing for Thanksgiving? We are having the family over. I know this time of year is hard for all of us but hope we can be of support for all of us. Thanks all for checking in. I wish you all the very best for a happy Thanksgiving. @ Beverly I always would do a turkey trot race before Thanksgiving. Do you have those where you are??
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 554 Member
    Hello Peeps!
    Daughter and family are coming over today (6 grandkids - 16-2yo!!!). I baked cookies yesterday and that did not go well as far as my healthy diet is concerned. I don't have much time this morning as I want to get a short run in, but I wanted to check in. Hope everyone has a Nice Day!
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    @ Beverly....I know how that goes when baking cookies!! Dangerous! Here I was bragging I was at goal yesterday and today up 2lbs!! in the crackers last night. Oh well. Have a great run jealous ...but I will get a walk in today.
  • MamaBear5445
    MamaBear5445 Posts: 59 Member
    Hello fellow accountability peeps!
    Love reading this daily, though not always posting. Sounds like most of us are doing alright!

    I'm having a bit of a setback with old habits. Trying to break an extreme sugar addiction. For maintenance I'm at 3000cal, buy I just can't seem to help and break into eating an excessive amounts of sweets again bringing total calories well over. I am thankful it was easy to lose weight initially (a ridiculous 5000+ cals/day because of sweets), but I am going back to old habits.

    On a positive note, I've continued to do ab and leg exercises daily. I'm looking forward to hopefully posting here with some actual abs showing. (As long as I can get my sugar addiction back under control).
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 554 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving to All!
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    Thank you Beverly and Happy Thanksgiving to all!!! I am going to really be conscience of what I eat and drink today. Sometimes after a glass of wine or two all sense will go out the window.
    @MamaBear sugar addiction is so real. Sometimes if i just have one sweet it sets of something in my brain that makes me just want to binge on sugar like I can't get enough. Fortunately, I don't do that often because the next day I really feel bad almost like a hangover that can last for two days! Maybe there is a support type group for that? I feel your pain. My only advice is to not eat any simple carb sweet but I know that is hard to do especially today.
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 554 Member
    Good Morning!
    I got on the scale this morning and to my surprise I got off of it smiling. No loss, but if I do good this week, I should hit my before Thanksgiving weight on Friday (my weigh in day)! Oh my, Sugar, dirty 5 letter word! I don't get headaches very often but if I eat a lot of sugar, which I usually do if I have the first bite then bam! I try to put it in my mind that I will not have 1 or 2 cookies but a dozen and do I really want to eat a dozen cookies! Ok, then don't have the first one. So it's that first cookie that does all the damage.
    I'm going for a long run this morning. My training has suffered tremendously this training cycle. I hope I can do as well as my last half marathon, but if I don't it's ok, being with family was worth a slow race <3
    I hope everyone has a nice day!
  • Marla86336
    Marla86336 Posts: 50 Member
    Hello dear losers! Always good to read everyone's updates.
    I maxed out calories celebrating our anniversay and Thanksgiving. I forgave myself and resumed my rational eating and exercise the day after Tday.
    When I weighed in yesterday I was down 1#. My challenge is to maintain my weight up or down one pound. So far so good. It is a matter of controlling my mind to make the correct food choices and keep up the exercise.
    The next few weeks will be a challenge for all of us. I want to have a plan for every social eating event and then get back to healthy eating the very next day. Also, I will be checking in with everyone here every Wednesday for accountability.
    I too am addicted to sugar. Once I start I want more.....
  • dietnowcuddles
    dietnowcuddles Posts: 4 Member
    Wow luved reading all your posts. Just starting out so reading all your comments were I have it right I should eat within the calories given to me and excersise calories are a cushion. Not sure how this works😊