Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 218



  • jedaschultz
    jedaschultz Posts: 1,020 Member
    edited April 2023
    Thanks @quiltingjaine for another round.

    Hi, I’m Debbie.
    I am 60 yr old, 5' 6" female from Missouri.
    OSW 213.4 (July 2012)

    Round 164 (Round 1) SW 206.6 RGW 205 EW 204 (-2.6)
    Round 165 (Round 2) SW 204 RGW 204 EW 205.4 (+1.4)
    Round 166 - I skipped this one. Husband started radiation. (+2.4)
    Round 167 (Round 3) SW 207.8 RGW EW 207.2 (-.6)
    Round 168 (Round 4) SW 207.2 RGW 204 EW 205.8 (-1.4)
    Round 169 (Round 5) SW 205.8 RGW 204 EW 206 (+.2) Thanksgiving
    Round 170 (Round 6) SW 206. RGW 204 EW 206.8 (+.8)
    Round 171 (Round 7) SW 206.8 RGW 204 EW 208.6 (+1.8)
    Round 172 (Round 8) SW 208.6 RGW 206 EW 207.8 (-.8)
    Round 173 (Round 9) SW 207.8 RGW 205’s EW 208.6 (+.8)
    Round 174 (Round 10) SW 208.6 RGW 206 EW 204.6 (-4.0)
    Round 175 (Round 11) SW 204.6 RGW 203 EW 207.4 (+2.8)
    Round 176 (Round 12) SW 207.4 RGW 205 EW 208.6 (+1.2)
    Round 177 (Round 13) SW 208.6 RGW 205 EW 206.2
    Round 178 (Round 14) SW 206.2 RGW 205 EW 205.8
    Round 179 skipped this one - traveling
    Round 180 (Round 15) SW 208 RGW 205 EW 210.2
    Round 181 (Round 16) SW 210.2 RGW 209 EW 209.2
    Round 182 skipped
    Round 183 (Round 17) SW 209.2 RGW 208 EW 208.2
    Round 184 (Round 18) SW 208.2 RGW 207 EW 210.2
    Round 185 (Round 19) SW 210.2 RGW 208 EW
    Round 186 skipped
    Round 187 skipped
    Round 188 skipped
    Round 189 skipped
    Round 190 SW 209.6 RGW 209 EW 210
    Round 191 SW 210 RGW 209 EW 205.2
    Round 192 SW 205.2 RGW 204.2 EW 205.8
    Round 193 SW 205.8 RG 205 EW 213.2
    Round 194 SW 211.4 RG 207 EW 213.2
    Round 195 Skipped
    Round 196 SW 210.2 RG 209 EW211
    Round 197 SW 211 RG 209 EW
    Round 198 Skipped
    Round 199 Skipped
    Round 200 EW 211.8
    Round 201 SW 211.8 RGW 209 EW 210.2
    Round 202 SW 210.2 RGW 208 EW 210.6
    Round 203 SW 210.6 RGW 209 EW 209.8
    Round 204 SW 209.8 RGW 208.4 EW 210
    Round 205 SW 210 RGW 208.4EW 208.8
    Round 206 208.8 RGW 208 EW
    Round 207 skipped
    Round 208 skipped
    Round 209 skipped
    Round 210 SW RGW 209.2 EW
    Round 211 SW RGW EW 210.2
    Round 212 SW 210.2 RGW 208 EW 208.8
    Round 213 skipped
    Round 214 skipped
    Round 215 skipped
    Round 216 skipped
    Round 217 skipped
    Round 218 SW 204 RGW 202 EW 203.4

    Thanks for all the condolences. Keeping busy and staying focused is my goal each day now. I have a knee replacement scheduled for July 19 and would really like to be lighter by then to make it easier.

    3/23 - 204
    3/24 - 203
    3/25 - 201.8 Not really feeling much like eating right now. I am eating something for each meal though and must prepare meals for my daughter.
    3/26 - 201.8 Staying the same, that’s good. I don’t want to creep up.
    3/27 - 201.8
    3/28 -200.6 Friend visiting
    3/29 201.8 Friend visiting
    3/30 202.2 I've had a friend come and stay with me for a few day. She also has lost her husband 15 months ago and so it has been nice to talk about the process of grieving, future expectations, goals and also reality.
    3/31 201.8 Yesterday was busy with three hours of raking and moving leaves. DH was sick in the fall and
    it didn’t get done. Massive amount of leaves with 20 trees in the yard. My very kind and generous neighbors came over and started working on them yesterday. Big surprise and I am so grateful, it probably would have taken me three weeks to get that accomplished.
    4/1 203.4 We went to Panda Express for lunch yesterday and overate plus the salt. Keeping busy and getting out of the house once a day is my goal right now.
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 6,163 Member
    @GirlOnTheRebound There are dozens of recipes available for fat bombs. Here is one site - https://www.delish.com/cooking/g4845/keto-fat-bomb-recipes/

    They are bite size snacks. You can make them super simple or more elaborate-like peanut butter cups or “Better than Mounds”
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,844 Member
    Hi, I'm Charissa - Round 217

    Thank you, again, QuiltingJaine for hosting this challenge!

    Just going to take it day by day.....again. Seemed to work in 217. I like the dates of this round and my goal is just to maintain. I will be on vacation for 4 days and it could go either way! The nice part is we usually eat at decent restaurants and technically, can't go back for seconds so there's the portion control. The challenge will be offerings of appetizers (guilty) desserts (it depends) and fancy drinks! BUT...there should be lots of walking so my goal is simply to maintain.

    62 y/o female
    OSW 2022-03 230.3
    1SW 2023-01 221.8

    Goals This Round per Day:
    - Water: 64 ounces (minimum)

    Round Goal - Maintain
    Stats and Previous Rounds

    HW: 230
    CW: 217.4
    Goal Weight #1 199 Target Date 4/1/2023 5/13/2023 - Tough but doable.
    Goal Weight #2 180 Target Date 6/10/2023
    Goal Weight #3 160 Target Date 9/30/2023
    Goal Weight #4 150 Target Date 12/30/2023

    Round 210/1 SW: 221.8 EW: 220.6 Loss 1.2 Total Loss 1.2
    Round 211/2 SW: 220.6 EW: 218.6 Loss 2.0 Total Loss 3.2
    Round 212/3 SW: 218.6 EW: 216.6 Loss 2.0 Total Loss 5.2
    Round 213/4 SW: 216.6 EW: 219.8 Gain -3.2 Total Loss 2.0 Yikes!
    Round 214/5 SW: 219.8 EW: 219.4 Loss 0.4 Total Loss 2.4
    Round 215/6 SW: 219.4 EW: 216.9 Loss 2.5 Total Loss 4.9
    Round 216/7 SW: 216.9 EW: 219.5 Gain -2.6 Total Loss 2.3
    Round 217/8 SW: 219.5 EW: 217.4 Loss -2.1 Total Loss 4.4
    Round 218/9 SW: 217.4 EW: 221.7 Gain -4.3 Total Loss .1 Oh, well.

    SW: 217.4

    3/23 218.1

    3/24 - Vacation

    3/25 - Vacation

    3/26 - Vacation

    3/27 - Vacation

    3/28 - 220.8 - How much damage did I do on Vacation? Up 3.4 since the start of the round. Lots of food, lots of drink and lots of walking. It should be gone by the end of the challenge.

    3/29 - 221.9 - It's still catching up with me.

    3/30 - 220.5

    3/31 - 220 - I am soooooo ready for the next round.

    4/1 - 221.7 - lots of water yesterday. This has to be retention. Not going to get upset even though I just wiped out all losses to date. Ready for Round 219

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,723 Member
    Thank you, @quiltingjaine !
    72 year old female...5'5" ...I used to be 5'7" but arthritis hit and I lost two inches, so now that two inches is squished around my waist like the billows of a big accordion...
    ...Oh, well. I'll just keep working on it.
    Heaviest: 192.2
    Round GW: 152.0
    UGW: 132.2
    03/21 - 156.0 at 6:45 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then ...zero
    03/22 - 155.1 at 5:45 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/my trainer
    03/23 - 157.2 at 6:15 a.m. ...Grandson duty in the morning then 6.16 miles in 119 mins
    03/24 - 156.8 at 5:45 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/my trainer
    03/25 - 156.2 at 8:50 a.m. ...7.45 miles in 141 mins
    03/26 - 157.0 at 7:00 a.m. ...rest day
    03/27 - 159.8 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/my trainer
    03/28 - 156.5 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then...zero...rain here in no. California
    03/29 - 154.6 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/my trainer
    03/30 - 154.6 at 5:20 a.m. ...new Grandson Duty then 2.38 miles in 65 mins w/6 y.o. Grandson!
    03/31 - 153.6 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/my trainer
    04/01 - 152.7 at 8:00 a.m. ...6.53 miles in 130 mins
  • shaumom
    shaumom Posts: 1,003 Member
    R217 3/22/23 end weight: 259.6
    R218 4/1/23 end weight: 258.4

    I am struggling with losing as much as I’d like, as quickly as I like, which feels like it just adds stress to my daily life at a time when I already have quite enough to cope with.

    But losing, period, is what I want, and managing to meet my goals is very motivating, so…lowering the 10 day goal for this round in acknowledgment that I may just need to slow down in order to be happy in the end.

    Lose 2 lbs
    30 minutes of activity daily
    outside 30 minutes daily
    2 cups of iron tea

    R219: starting weight: 258.8
    R219: ending weight:

    Day, Weight, Comment

    4/2 - 258.8 30 min activity, 30 min outside, 2 cups iron tea
    4/3 - 260.8 30 min outside, 30 min outside
  • shaumom
    shaumom Posts: 1,003 Member
    oh goodness, lol, wrong one. Thanks!
  • chloeguo
    chloeguo Posts: 235 Member
    SW (12/27/22): 150.2lb
    Round 215: 138.6
    Round 216: 138.4
    Round 217: 135.8

    Round 218 goal: 134.3
    3/24 134.6
    3/25 134.8
    3/27 134
    3/28 134.2
    3/29 133.4
    4/1: 134.4