Small and huge things, an accountability thread



  • donidaily
    donidaily Posts: 825 Member
    Fruit only from the office snacks ❌ sigh, we had a birthday celebration at work today and having cake set me off so yeah, I did hit the snacks
    Took the stairs ✅
    Weighed my food ✅
    In bed by 10pm ❌

    Summer picnic at work tomorrow, I’m anxious about the food and drinks.
  • misssixtea
    misssixtea Posts: 35 Member
    @donidaily checking in..
  • 18922
    18922 Posts: 127 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I will add you as I need some accountability as well. I’m 54 and lost 60 pds over 3 yrs. I set a target of 20pds a year no more no less. It’s getting harder as I’m closer to my goal. ( trying to figure out what it should be)
    I was a Type 2 diabetic and am now in remission. I also suffer from eating everything in site lol. It’s part of the whole comfort food thing for me.
    I try not to buy the things that trigger me so when it happens socially I just let it be.
    I will add you all as friends and hope you accept me as well. Look forward to motivating and being accountable with all of you 💕