🌺🌸July Daily Weighing and Logging Challenge 🌺🌸



  • Buckeyebabe7l7
    Buckeyebabe7l7 Posts: 603 Member
    edited July 2023
    My name is Kelly. I am 52 and watch my grandkids 5 days a week. I watch 4 of them 5 days a weeks and 6 on Wednesdays so I keep busy with babies all week. They are all 3yrs and under. I weigh weekly. This daily group accountability is awesome! I absolutely love this group.

    Goals for July:
    Walk for 30 minutes a day 6 days a week
    Log all my food daily
    Hit at least 10,000 steps 6 days a week

    July SW:177
    July GW:167

    1. Logged, rest day
    2. Walked, logged, 15k+
    3. Walked, logged, 10k+
    4. Walked, logged, 14k+
    5. Walked, logged, 18k+
    6. Walked, logged, 21k+
    7. Walked, logged, 24k+
    8. Walked, logged, 13k+, weight 173 😊
    9. Logged, rest day
    10. Walked, logged, 23k+
    11. Walked, logged, 23k+
    12. Walked, logged, 24k+
    13. Walked, logged, 25k+ (first time I have hit 25k...and I am beat)
    14. Walked, logged, 17k+
    15. Logged and was over...I decided to treat myself today. 😊 , weight 171
    16. Walked, logged, 10k+
    17. Walked, logged, 23k+
    18. Walked, logged, 21k+
    19. Walked, logged, 24k+
    20. Walked, logged, 25k+
    21. Walked, logged, 21k+
    22. Logged, rest day, weight 168 😊
    23. Walked, logged, 16k+
    24. Walked, logged, 10k+
    25. Walked, logged, 25k+
    26. Walked, logged, 17k+
    27. Walked, logged, 21k+
    28. Walked, logged, 16k+
    29. Logged, rest day, weight 166 😊 Hit my goal for the month!🎉
  • joans1976
    joans1976 Posts: 2,201 Member
    Kelly! You are only a few pounds away from having lost 100 pounds!!! What a milestone! I love seeing your hard work and think it’s amazing what you do with those babies by yourself! @Buckeyebabe7l7
  • joans1976
    joans1976 Posts: 2,201 Member
    Hello, I’m Amanda, a crazy cat lady from Michigan. July is already here! This is a wonderful, supportive, non-judgemental bunch!

    SW: 250
    CW: 199 (as of 6/29)
    July GW: 199

    7/1: DNW
    7/2: DNW
    7/3: 198.6
    7/4: 198.6
    7/5: 198.6
    7/6: 198.6
    7/7: DNW
    7/8: 199.6
    7/9-7/19: fell off the face of the earth
    7/20: 201.6
    My clothes and my lymphedema are telling me I’m gaining so I’m very surprised at a mere 2 pound weight gain. I’m trying not to be troubled by being out of Onederland.
    7/21: 200.8
    7/22: 200.8
    7/23: 199.9
    I actually changed my July goal from 195 to 199 a few days ago-is that cheating? Will the MFP rulers come and strike me down? 😵
    7/24: 200
    Whoops! I overslept this morning so I couldn’t post but I’m trying to show up every day. It was one heck of a Monday!
    7/25: 200.8
    I have today off work but actually have 5 appointments, 3 of them being medical. Let the fun begin!
    7/26: 199.9
    Like @jm216 said boing boing boing!
    7/27: 198.6 (!)
    Ladies, I dont know what I did to have the Gods smile upon me but not only did I have a woosh during the night, I woke up for the first time in about 10 months without being in excruciating pain! It feels so nice!
    7/28: 199.4
    7/29: 199.4
    I get stuck here.
    7/30: 199.4
    This is almost laughable.
    A reprieve from the heat today. I’m in Michigan so I know our heat hasn’t been like the rest of the US but it’s nice to have a little break from it.

  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,909 Member
    edited July 2023
    Hello, I’m Jill. 🥰I’m 53, 5’7” and I live in Michigan. My hubby and I have 2 kids.
    My son graduated from college on May 6th and my daughter is now officially a sophomore in college.

    My goals for July:

    🏡 Yardwork
    🤿 Swim
    📝 Log consistently
    🐶 Walk and train puppies
    🥗 Continue the high-protein, lower carb, lower fat plan

    Starting weight January 1st: 224.5
    January weight lost: 7.7 pounds
    February weight lost: 5 pounds
    March weight lost: 6 pounds
    April weight lost: 6.5 pounds
    May weight lost: 2.6 pounds
    June weight lost: 1.6

    1: 199.6
    2: 198.5
    3: 198.8
    4: 198.7
    5: 199.6
    6: 200.5 🎶Whoop.. there it is.. whoop there it is!🎶 My July 4th festivities have caught up with me and now the leftover chips and cupcakes have been consumed… mostly by me. I’m not mad at myself… it’s just time to get things moving back to healthier.

    I’m a cruncher by nature, so on the way to work I’ll pick up a veg tray as my chip substitution for the next few days.

    Plus, swimming makes me ravenous! I need these easy healthy snacks to conquer the munchies!

    July 7: 200
    July 8: 199.2
    July 9: 199.6
    July 10: 200.1
    July 11: 199.8 experiencing some yo-yo-ing🪀
    It’s all good though. Right now I’m very happy with my progress. I like being at and under 200 pounds since this has been my goal for a long time.
    July 12: 198.8
    July 13: 201.3 saw this one coming… time to get snacking back to better choices. Today is my Monday, so I’m back at the office.
    July 14: 201.3
    July 15: 202.1….too much pizza last night. I have to remember that I can have pizza…. Just not ALL of it! 🤣
    July 16: 201… happy with progress in the right direction.
    July17- 200.9
    July 18- 200.3…. So close!
    July 19- 200.6… I am 1 pound away from my July start weight…. This is my new July goal. I’d like to lose that 1 pound and be at maintenance this month.
    July 20- 200.4 👍 love the slow creep in the right direction.
    July 21- 199.8… happy 💃🏻 🕺🏻
    July 22- 200.2
    July 23- 198.8
    July 24- 202.2
    July 25- 198.1 🪀 boing boing boing
    July 26- 197.5
    July 27- 197.2 👍🥰
    July 28- 200.1
    July 29- 200.3
    July 30- 200.2

  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,823 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 5’ 5” tall, 63 years old and from the Michigan USA. In 2016 I weighed 253 lbs. I am on a journey of health and to get back to the real me.
    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    Starting Weight (from June 30th): 198.2
    Goal: (Five lb Loss) 193.2
    Actual Ending Weight: xxxxx

    Mini challenge: My monthly goal is always about 5 pounds per month. HOWEVER, I never seem to make that. I will continue to keep that goal because it Should Be achievable (even though it is not for me) but never say never, right? So, Between Independence Day Holiday (July 4th) and Labor Day Holiday (Sept 4th) I will weigh somewhere, ANYWHERE in the 180’s. I don’t care if it’s on the brim. I’ve got to start getting further away from the 200’s again! Starting Weight on 7/4 is 195.4.

    **************************************ONE DAY, ONE STEP, ONE DECISION AT A TIME************************************

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    07/01-197.8-(Trend Weight 197.4)-

    07/02-197.6-(Trend Weight 197.5)-

    07/03-196.6-(Trend Weight 197.4)-

    07/04-195.4-(Trend Weight 197.2)-

    07/05-195.4-(Trend Weight 197.0)-

    07/06-196.6-(Trend Weight 197.0)-

    07/07-195.6-(Trend Weight 196.8)-

    07/08-195.8-(Trend Weight 196.7)-

    07/09-195.6-(Trend Weight 196.6)-

    07/10-194.4-(Trend Weight 196.4)-

    07/11-197.8-(Trend Weight 196.5)-

    07/12-196.4-(Trend Weight 196.5)-

    07/13-195.2-(Trend Weight 196.4)-

    07/14-196.8-(Trend Weight 196.4)-

    07/15-196.8-(Trend Weight 196.4)-

    07/16-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)-

    07/17-198.4-(Trend Weight 197.2)-

    07/18-198.4-(Trend Weight 197.3)-

    07/19-197.8-(Trend Weight 197.4)-

    07/20-196.6-(Trend Weight 197.3)-

    07/21-194.4-(Trend Weight 197.0)-

    07/22-195.6-(Trend Weight 197.0)-

    07/23-195.2-(Trend Weight 196.8)-

    07/24-193.8-(Trend Weight 196.5)-

    07/25-194.0-(Trend Weight 196.2)-

    07/26-193.8-(Trend Weight 196.0)-

    07/27-194.6-(Trend Weight 196.0)-

    07/28-194.8-(Trend Weight 195.8)-

    07/29-194.6-(Trend Weight 195.7)- Boy oh Boy was I EVER TEED OFF last night, and still yet today. I bought 3 cases of Lipton Green Tea Citrus for a refreshing drink in the heat. I have been drinking them off and on for a couple of weeks now. I THOUGHT I bought the diet version that I’ve bought before. Last night when my daughter picked up my DGS (after I babysat) I offered her some and she checked the label for aspartame which she is allergic to. The 2nd ingredient was sugar. REAL SUGAR. I had to see for myself, and I went through the roof! The 100 calories I could live with, but it had 33 carbs for the bottle. 33, my friends! That comes uncomfortably close to my goal for the entire day! How in the world did I buy the regular and not diet? Were they on the wrong spot on the shelf? Was I in that big of a hurry that I just didn’t pay attention? Luckily I love to eat my sweets, not drink them so I have not had one every day, but I have had one 2 or 3 times per week for weeks and weeks now. This may have caused a few of my stalls! It certainly has affected my glucose numbers. Anyway, I sent them all home with my daughter so she can sneak a little healthy green tea in from time to time. She’ll prolly take them to work as she works in a hot factory in Quality Control. I had one yesterday too, before I knew. Weight fluctuated back down so I’m grateful for that. Overall I’ve done better this round, but how much better could it have been this round or the previous couple of rounds? I’m still SEETHING!

    07/30-194.2-(Trend Weight 195.6)- I am doing well this round. I’m down exactly 4 pounds. That is really good for me in a month. However, I would have to lose one full pound overnight to make goal and I don’t think that is going to happen. However, it wouldn’t be the first time….. We’ll see what happens. I’m planning a perfect day today. NO SELF SABOTAGE DONNA, PLEEEEEEASE!!!

    07/31-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-
  • Buckeyebabe7l7
    Buckeyebabe7l7 Posts: 603 Member
    joans1976 wrote: »
    Kelly! You are only a few pounds away from having lost 100 pounds!!! What a milestone! I love seeing your hard work and think it’s amazing what you do with those babies by yourself! @Buckeyebabe7l7

    Thanks! I can't believe how close I am the the century mark. Losing all this weight certainly helps me be able to keep up with all the grands. 😊
  • Buckeyebabe7l7
    Buckeyebabe7l7 Posts: 603 Member
    My name is Kelly. I am 52 and watch my grandkids 5 days a week. I watch 4 of them 5 days a weeks and 6 on Wednesdays so I keep busy with babies all week. They are all 3yrs and under. I weigh weekly. This daily group accountability is awesome! I absolutely love this group.

    Goals for July:
    Walk for 30 minutes a day 6 days a week
    Log all my food daily
    Hit at least 10,000 steps 6 days a week

    July SW:177
    July GW:167

    1. Logged, rest day
    2. Walked, logged, 15k+
    3. Walked, logged, 10k+
    4. Walked, logged, 14k+
    5. Walked, logged, 18k+
    6. Walked, logged, 21k+
    7. Walked, logged, 24k+
    8. Walked, logged, 13k+, weight 173 😊
    9. Logged, rest day
    10. Walked, logged, 23k+
    11. Walked, logged, 23k+
    12. Walked, logged, 24k+
    13. Walked, logged, 25k+ (first time I have hit 25k...and I am beat)
    14. Walked, logged, 17k+
    15. Logged and was over...I decided to treat myself today. 😊 , weight 171
    16. Walked, logged, 10k+
    17. Walked, logged, 23k+
    18. Walked, logged, 21k+
    19. Walked, logged, 24k+
    20. Walked, logged, 25k+
    21. Walked, logged, 21k+
    22. Logged, rest day, weight 168 😊
    23. Walked, logged, 16k+
    24. Walked, logged, 10k+
    25. Walked, logged, 25k+
    26. Walked, logged, 17k+
    27. Walked, logged, 21k+
    28. Walked, logged, 16k+
    29. Logged, rest day, weight 166 😊 Hit my goal for the month!🎉
    30. Walked, logged, 10k+
  • iLive2Walk
    iLive2Walk Posts: 4,742 Member
    edited July 2023
    I'm Darlene. I'm 62. I'm Married, and have one kid (28) and one pup (Monty). I have been retired since 2020.

    July Goals
    Lose 4 pounds ⚖️
    Log 175+ Miles on Fitbit 🏃‍♂️ Hit the 1,500 fitbit miles mark towards my 2,023 in 2,023.
    Drink 6-8 Glasses of Water Daily 💦
    Read daily 📖
    Do something creative daily - Knit, Crochet, Color, puzzel etc. 🧶 🖍️ 🧩

    Highest Weight - 227
    Jan Loss - 9 Pound
    Feb Loss - 5 pounds
    March Loss - 5 Pounds
    April Loss - 8 Pounds
    May Loss - 5.2 Pounds
    June to Date - 6.4 Pounds
    June Ending weight to date: 188.4

    Total weight lost to date: 38.6 Pounds

    Goal Weight - 160 (May change as I get closer)
    July 1: DNW - Had a girls overnight (me and my two sisters) at Foxwood Casino. A lot of fun!
    July 2: 187.4 😁
    July 3: 188.2
    July 4: 187 😁
    July 5: 186.8 😁 Had a quiet 4th of July - just hubby and me. It rained all day, but we did get in an outside walk in the AM.
    July 6: 187.2
    July 7: 186.6 - Leaving for Nashville in a couple hours. Won't be back until Tuesday AM. I'm going to go off plan and have fun - but am sure that I won't binge as much as I did in the past. Have a wonderful weekend.
    July 12: 189.6 Had a wonderful time in Nashville with family; it was fun, but not somewhere I would visit again. Too crowded for my taste; guess I'm getting old. Now back to it!
    July 13: 189.5
    July 14: 187.6 That was a pleasant surprise - Getting closer to my pre-vacation weight.
    July 15: 186.6 😁 I'm back!
    July 16: 187 - It was short lived, but expected. We were visiting my husband's 91 year old cousin and ate more than I should with no exercise. Was under my calorie limit, but the salt gets me every time.
    July 17: 186.4 😁
    July 18: 186.2 😁
    July 19: 186.2 :|
    July 20: 185.8 😁
    July 21: 186.2 ☹️
    July 22: 185.4 😁
    July 23: 185.2 😁 I met this milestone yesterday!
    July 24: 185.6 ☹️
    July 25: 185.4
    July 26: 185.2 I have a tough week coming up. Friends from college moved to FL a couple of years ago. When they come back home for a visit they stay with us. They are arriving this afternoon and will be here a week. They are big eaters and drinkers. They know that I am on a goal to get healthy, but . . . . I am excited to see them, but feel the pressure already. Wish me luck.
    July 27: 185 😁
    July 28: 184.4 😁
    July 29: 184.4
    July 30: DNW
    July 31: 187.4 ☹️ Two days of free for all. We had a group of college friends come over for a party to see our friends from Florida. Too much salt, too much booze. I made my 4 pound goal just for a second - now down just a pound this month. First time I haven't made my 1 pound a month goal - but it was expected. Looking forward to a better August.
  • joans1976
    joans1976 Posts: 2,201 Member
    Hello, I’m Amanda, a crazy cat lady from Michigan! July is already here! This is a wonderful, supportive, non-judgemental bunch!

    SW: 250
    CW: 199 (as of 6/29)
    July GW: 199

    7/1: DNW
    7/2: DNW
    7/3: 198.6
    7/4: 198.6
    7/5: 198.6
    7/6: 198.6
    7/7: DNW
    7/8: 199.6
    7/9-7/19: fell off the face of the earth
    7/20: 201.6
    My clothes and my lymphedema are telling me I’m gaining so I’m very surprised at a mere 2 pound weight gain. I’m trying not to be troubled by being out of Onederland.
    7/21: 200.8
    7/22: 200.8
    7/23: 199.9
    I actually changed my July goal from 195 to 199 a few days ago-is that cheating? Will the MFP rulers come and strike me down? 😵
    7/24: 200
    Whoops! I overslept this morning so I couldn’t post but I’m trying to show up every day. It was one heck of a Monday!
    7/25: 200.8
    I have today off work but actually have 5 appointments, 3 of them being medical. Let the fun begin!
    7/26: 199.9
    Like @jm216 said boing boing boing!
    7/27: 198.6 (!)
    Ladies, I dont know what I did to have the Gods smile upon me but not only did I have a woosh during the night, I woke up for the first time in about 10 months without being in excruciating pain! It feels so nice!
    7/28: 199.4
    7/29: 199.4
    I get stuck here.
    7/30: 199.4
    This is almost laughable.
    A reprieve from the heat today. I’m in Michigan so I know our heat hasn’t been like the rest of the US but it’s nice to have a little break from it.
    7/31: 199.9
    Yowch! Coming in at the end of the month by the skin of my teeth! I woke up in the Mondayest of Monday moods today. I will spare you ladies the details 🙄
    See you in August.

  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,909 Member
    Hello, I’m Jill. 🥰I’m 53, 5’7” and I live in Michigan. My hubby and I have 2 kids.
    My son graduated from college on May 6th and my daughter is now officially a sophomore in college.

    My goals for July:

    🏡 Yardwork
    🤿 Swim
    📝 Log consistently
    🐶 Walk and train puppies
    🥗 Continue the high-protein, lower carb, lower fat plan

    Starting weight January 1st: 224.5
    January weight lost: 7.7 pounds
    February weight lost: 5 pounds
    March weight lost: 6 pounds
    April weight lost: 6.5 pounds
    May weight lost: 2.6 pounds
    June weight lost: 1.6

    1: 199.6
    2: 198.5
    3: 198.8
    4: 198.7
    5: 199.6
    6: 200.5 🎶Whoop.. there it is.. whoop there it is!🎶 My July 4th festivities have caught up with me and now the leftover chips and cupcakes have been consumed… mostly by me. I’m not mad at myself… it’s just time to get things moving back to healthier.

    I’m a cruncher by nature, so on the way to work I’ll pick up a veg tray as my chip substitution for the next few days.

    Plus, swimming makes me ravenous! I need these easy healthy snacks to conquer the munchies!

    July 7: 200
    July 8: 199.2
    July 9: 199.6
    July 10: 200.1
    July 11: 199.8 experiencing some yo-yo-ing🪀
    It’s all good though. Right now I’m very happy with my progress. I like being at and under 200 pounds since this has been my goal for a long time.
    July 12: 198.8
    July 13: 201.3 saw this one coming… time to get snacking back to better choices. Today is my Monday, so I’m back at the office.
    July 14: 201.3
    July 15: 202.1….too much pizza last night. I have to remember that I can have pizza…. Just not ALL of it! 🤣
    July 16: 201… happy with progress in the right direction.
    July17- 200.9
    July 18- 200.3…. So close!
    July 19- 200.6… I am 1 pound away from my July start weight…. This is my new July goal. I’d like to lose that 1 pound and be at maintenance this month.
    July 20- 200.4 👍 love the slow creep in the right direction.
    July 21- 199.8… happy 💃🏻 🕺🏻
    July 22- 200.2
    July 23- 198.8
    July 24- 202.2
    July 25- 198.1 🪀 boing boing boing
    July 26- 197.5
    July 27- 197.2 👍🥰
    July 28- 200.1
    July 29- 200.3
    July 30- 200.2
    July 31- 198.3

  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,909 Member
    July was an interesting month for many of us. I somehow squeaked in a 1.3 pound loss for the month.

    On to August!
  • gomifune
    gomifune Posts: 446 Member
    Start weight: 206
    Goal weight: 146
    July goal weight: 172

    January end weight: 200.7
    February end weight: 192.1
    March end weight: 185.6
    April end weight: 179.1
    May end weight: 177.7
    June end weight: 177.6

    1 176.3
    2 177.0
    3 176.2
    4 176.7
    5 174.8
    6 176.1
    7 176.1
    8 176.0
    9 176.1
    10 176.3
    11 176.7
    12 176.8
    13 177.6
    14 176.9
    15 177.4
    16 176.5
    17 177.7
    18 177.3
    19 177.3
    20 177.4
    21 177.2
    22 176.7
    23 177.2
    24 177.2
    25 176.1
    26 176.5
    27 176.1
    28 176.7
    29 176.9
    30 176.5
    31 177.7

    We’ll, I guess July was another maintenance month! Was hoping to lose but I’m also happy to have stayed on track. Fingers crossed for a good August! Thanks everyone and see you tomorrow :)
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,823 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 5’ 5” tall, 63 years old and from the Michigan USA. In 2016 I weighed 253 lbs. I am on a journey of health and to get back to the real me.
    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    Starting Weight (from June 30th): 198.2
    Goal: (Five lb Loss) 193.2
    Actual Ending Weight: 193.8

    Mini challenge: My monthly goal is always about 5 pounds per month. HOWEVER, I never seem to make that. I will continue to keep that goal because it Should Be achievable (even though it is not for me) but never say never, right? So, Between Independence Day Holiday (July 4th) and Labor Day Holiday (Sept 4th) I will weigh somewhere, ANYWHERE in the 180’s. I don’t care if it’s on the brim. I’ve got to start getting further away from the 200’s again! Starting Weight on 7/4 is 195.4.

    **************************************ONE DAY, ONE STEP, ONE DECISION AT A TIME************************************

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    07/01-197.8-(Trend Weight 197.4)-

    07/02-197.6-(Trend Weight 197.5)-

    07/03-196.6-(Trend Weight 197.4)-

    07/04-195.4-(Trend Weight 197.2)-

    07/05-195.4-(Trend Weight 197.0)-

    07/06-196.6-(Trend Weight 197.0)-

    07/07-195.6-(Trend Weight 196.8)-

    07/08-195.8-(Trend Weight 196.7)-

    07/09-195.6-(Trend Weight 196.6)-

    07/10-194.4-(Trend Weight 196.4)-

    07/11-197.8-(Trend Weight 196.5)-

    07/12-196.4-(Trend Weight 196.5)-

    07/13-195.2-(Trend Weight 196.4)-

    07/14-196.8-(Trend Weight 196.4)-

    07/15-196.8-(Trend Weight 196.4)-

    07/16-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)-

    07/17-198.4-(Trend Weight 197.2)-

    07/18-198.4-(Trend Weight 197.3)-

    07/19-197.8-(Trend Weight 197.4)-

    07/20-196.6-(Trend Weight 197.3)-

    07/21-194.4-(Trend Weight 197.0)-

    07/22-195.6-(Trend Weight 197.0)-

    07/23-195.2-(Trend Weight 196.8)-

    07/24-193.8-(Trend Weight 196.5)-

    07/25-194.0-(Trend Weight 196.2)-

    07/26-193.8-(Trend Weight 196.0)-

    07/27-194.6-(Trend Weight 196.0)-

    07/28-194.8-(Trend Weight 195.8)-

    07/29-194.6-(Trend Weight 195.7)-

    07/30-194.2-(Trend Weight 195.6)- I am doing well this round. I’m down exactly 4 pounds. That is really good for me in a month. However, I would have to lose one full pound overnight to make goal and I don’t think that is going to happen. However, it wouldn’t be the first time….. We’ll see what happens. I’m planning a perfect day today. NO SELF SABOTAGE DONNA, PLEEEEEEASE!!!

    07/31-193.8-(Trend Weight 195.4)- I lost 4.4 lbs in July. I’m pretty proud of that even though I usually strive for 5 pounds per month. I am still aiming for ANYTHING in the 180’s by Labor Day (early Sept). As of right now, it is still very do-able. I just have to keep my sleeves rolled up and my hat on straight. Thanks Jill for another great month and for posting the next one. See you all there!

    August Challenge:
  • Buckeyebabe7l7
    Buckeyebabe7l7 Posts: 603 Member
    My name is Kelly. I am 52 and watch my grandkids 5 days a week. I watch 4 of them 5 days a weeks and 6 on Wednesdays so I keep busy with babies all week. They are all 3yrs and under. I weigh weekly. This daily group accountability is awesome! I absolutely love this group.

    Goals for July:
    Walk for 30 minutes a day 6 days a week
    Log all my food daily
    Hit at least 10,000 steps 6 days a week

    July SW:177
    July GW:167

    1. Logged, rest day
    2. Walked, logged, 15k+
    3. Walked, logged, 10k+
    4. Walked, logged, 14k+
    5. Walked, logged, 18k+
    6. Walked, logged, 21k+
    7. Walked, logged, 24k+
    8. Walked, logged, 13k+, weight 173 😊
    9. Logged, rest day
    10. Walked, logged, 23k+
    11. Walked, logged, 23k+
    12. Walked, logged, 24k+
    13. Walked, logged, 25k+ (first time I have hit 25k...and I am beat)
    14. Walked, logged, 17k+
    15. Logged and was over...I decided to treat myself today. 😊 , weight 171
    16. Walked, logged, 10k+
    17. Walked, logged, 23k+
    18. Walked, logged, 21k+
    19. Walked, logged, 24k+
    20. Walked, logged, 25k+
    21. Walked, logged, 21k+
    22. Logged, rest day, weight 168 😊
    23. Walked, logged, 16k+
    24. Walked, logged, 10k+
    25. Walked, logged, 25k+
    26. Walked, logged, 17k+
    27. Walked, logged, 21k+
    28. Walked, logged, 16k+
    29. Logged, rest day, weight 166 😊 Hit my goal for the month!🎉
    30. Walked, logged, 10k+
    31. Walked, logged, 24k+

    Hit my goals and feel pretty good about this month. On to August!
  • tassieboy
    tassieboy Posts: 65 Member
    G'day all. I'm Adam from Tasmania. I started around 142kg late last year and made good progress.
    Lately, I've been stuck in a bit of a holding pattern. I got lazy with logging my food.
    Time to get back under control.

    I dropped my phone a few weeks ago so June logging ground to a halt. I finally bought myself a new phone last weekend.

    01/08/2022 - 142.2 kg (Starting Point)
    17/06/2023 - 122.6 kg (Lowest Point)
    01/07/2023 - 122.5 kg
    02/07/2023 - 123.8 kg
    03/07/2023 - 123.5 kg
    04/07/2023 - 123.3 kg
    05/07/2023 - did not weigh
    06/07/2023 - did not weigh
    07/07/2023 - 125.5 kg (eek)
    08/08/2023 - 124.4 kg
    09/07/2023 - 124.6 kg
    10/07/2023 - 124 kg
    11/07/2023 - 123.7 kg
    12/07/2023 - 123.4 kg
    13/07/2023 - 122.8 kg
    14/07/2023 - 123.2 kg
    15/07/2023 - 123.6 kg
    16/07/2023 - 123 kg
    17/07/2023 - 132.2 kg
    18/07/2023 - 123.4 kg
    19/07/2023 - 123.4 kg
    20/07/2023 - 123.6 kg
    21/07/2023 - 124.4 kg
    22/07/2023 - 123.8 kg
    23/07/2023 - 126.2 kg (I think this was a typo, but not sure what it really was)
    24/07/2023 - 122.9 kg
    25/07/2023 - 122.1 kg
    26/07/2023 - 121.5 kg
    27/07/2023 - 121.8 kg
    28/07/2023 - 122.3 kg
    29/07/2023 - 122.6 kg
    30/07/2023 - 121.7 kg
    31/07/2023 - 121.6 kg
    01/08/2023 - 121.5 kg

    After dropping the ball mid-month I've worked pretty hard and very happy with what I've achieved at the end of the month.
    I have a new all-time low of 121.1 kg on the 25th of July.
    I have lost 22 kg (48.5 pounds) since I began this journey almost a year ago.

  • iLive2Walk
    iLive2Walk Posts: 4,742 Member
    July Reflection
    July was a challenging month for me. First, hubby retired and a change in my routine. Fortunately, he is a great support system, and it was an easier adjustment than I thought. He joins me every day for my morning walk. I also incorporated 10-minute resistance training first thing in the AM to make up for not getting a daily afternoon workout. Mid-month we had a trip to Nashville with family. I gained on the trip, but it quickly came off. I had met my 4-pound goal a few days before the end of the month, but we had/have guests staying at our house this past week and I gained a few pounds while they were/are here. They leave tomorrow so will be back to my normal routine this week and hopefully it will come off quickly. Total loss for July was only one pound – but at least not a gain – Total loss since I started this weight loss journey – just short of 40 pounds.
    I logged 209 Fitbit miles in July, 1,363 year to date. Only 659 more miles to go to meet my 2,023 in 2023 goal.
    I started a new sweater (back to knitting)- hope to be finished by Christmas. I’m making it a size smaller! I finished the Shadow and Bone series – pretty good. Started reading a classic – And Then There were None.
    The garden is producing – we have had quite a few zucchini and grape tomatoes. The beefsteak tomatoes are growing. Unfortunately, the slugs got to the broccoli and brussels sprouts, so pulled them out of the garden and planted some more tomatoes.
    Looking forward to August and what it brings. A lot of festivities, but nothing that will hinder my goals. It is my birthday soon, but just plan a quiet dinner with Hubby and Daughter. Later in the month we are renting a house on a lake in Vermont for our anniversary. But again, just hubby, Monty and me so shouldn’t be too difficult to stay on plan.
  • joans1976
    joans1976 Posts: 2,201 Member
    @ddainiak Great reflections! You are one of my biggest sources of inspiration here. I know you were disappointed in yourself for the end of month weight gain because your friends were in town but I also know you know you can easily get those pounds off and it is not something you do all the time and friends dont visit every day.
    August holds a vacation for me and I havent been on vacation in 2 years so Im not going to weigh or log but Im also not going to eat a gallon of ice cream every day. I plan to put myself and my mom's relaxation first.
    We can do this. We got this. Onward.