Shape Shifters Team Chat - DECEMBER 2023



  • SavageMrsMoose
    SavageMrsMoose Posts: 631 Member
    Good morning all!

    Going to yoga this morning with my daughter for a different kind of workout.


    12/27. 15,132
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,436 Member
    edited December 2023
    Welcome back, @abowersgirl! It can be difficult to navigate to the community so I’m glad you didn’t give up on us. I bookmark the monthly discussion page and then scroll to the bottom of the community’ page and click on the bookmarks link so I can get back to our Shape Shifters page. @frankwbrown always has helpful guidance on finding the right pages and linking to other fitness and nutrition information. 🙏🏼

    @itadakimasu7 - How disappointing to miss out on the fruit! I’m sorry to hear the gift spoiled but I guess the deer were happy! I hate when anything goes to waste so I tell myself the worms in our compost bin will be happy and our garden will benefit. 😊 I hope you recover from your injury soon. We can’t rush the healing process so I encourage you to give yourself grace and just concentrate on slow and steady improvements.

    Swimming is always a great rehab option @SavageMrsMoose! I never think about it ahead of time but when I see the pool at the YMCA, I think I should swim more! I also like @Pupowl’s idea about moving to ‘support’ status instead of leaving the group. In my experience, it’s too easy to stray without support and then I just have further to go when I return, but I trust you know what’s best for you @Itadakimasu7.

  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,436 Member
    edited December 2023
    I hope everyone has had a good Christmas ?
    I did feel like I spent the whole day in the kitchen even though my youngest son was helping. …
    Still it was a lovely meal & enjoyed by all.

    So now we have lots of leftovers & goodies that I normally never buy like chocolates, mince pies, biscuits, so I'm trying hard to avoid them.
    Those from across the pond, do you have mince pies? …

    I'm taking a walk to place some flowers on my Mum's grave today as it was 10 years since she passed yesterday 😞

    Thank you for the holiday wishes, @izzyred9400! I was also busy cooking, chauffeuring, and hosting so I can relate to your over-ambitious feelings!

    I’m staying at my sister’s house while she is traveling with her husband and daughter. So, I enjoyed Christmas dinner with my nephew (their son/brother), my mother, and my mother’s aunt. My great-aunt (or grand aunt) stayed with us from about 1-5pm and then I took her home shortly after more relatives arrived. She has hearing aids and isn’t very social so she greeted my husband and sons, and my older brother and his girlfriend, but left soon after they arrived.

    Later, my younger brother, his wife, and my two nephews arrived, followed by our uncle, his wife, and my cousin (with her husband, three children, and her nephew). I was so happy to see so many family members. We joked that I was hosting a big party 🎉🎄🎉 while ‘the parents’ (my sister and her husband) were away. 🙄

    We have minced pies available, and I have English friends (dual citizenship) who make them, but Italian cookies and pie seemed to be the favorite desserts this year. I’m also trying to resist the leftovers!

    I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your mother at this time of year. It’s nice that the family gathers so there can be some support, but the first few years are especially difficult.
  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,416 Member
    Wednesday Weigh In
    PW: 160.4
    CW: 165.3
    Accountability post - holiday gain - working on it little by little
  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,416 Member
    12/26 5,358
    12/27 6,752
  • Itadakimasu7
    Itadakimasu7 Posts: 313 Member
    I didn't know about a support mode - that would be great @AmazingModerators !! :-)

    Thanks for thinking of me everyone. I'm walking better today. I bent over to pick up a laundry basket. Geesh! I had a back injury when I was younger and recovered by strengthening my core muscles but these days I sit a lot and have some other health issues so it really got me! Ouch.
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,436 Member
    @Zaxa2021 - You’ve got this! I hope everything went well with your run. It will probably be easier to work your way back to your usual routine now that the holiday season is winding down. I remember how vigilant we had to be with our toddlers to keep them out of trouble when they were so curious about the lights, ornaments, etch. The mental load is challenging enough without putting extra pressure on yourself. Take care!
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,861 Member
    angmarie28 wrote: »

    @angmarie28 I posted a message yesterday and several over the past week asking for updates from you. Received no response, so you were removed from this month's challenge due to lack of reporting. Please feel free to register again, when you're able to commit to reporting in every 2-3 days.

    Sorry I was unaware. I did not receive any messages from MFP saying I had a message, I just went and checked and I have not received a message from you since April. Thanks for letting me know, I will refrain from reporting the remainder of my steps
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,916 Member
    @angmarie28 We ping you here in the thread all the time and never get a response.
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,436 Member

    … Yesterday was my son’s birthday and today is my daughter’s birthday. It’s another beautiful day here so I’m hoping to go skiing with her. My husband has been for days. I’m a little worried. Up here at altitude I think it’s harder to recover when you’re down.

    We also have a lot of December birthdays. My aunt was born December 26, niece’s (older brother’s daughters) have back-to-back birthdays on December 27 and 28. My uncle’s birthday was December 3 and my other niece (sister’s daughter) was born on December 10. I hope you enjoyed all your celebrations!!
  • Zaxa2021
    Zaxa2021 Posts: 566 Member
    @Zaxa2021 - You’ve got this! I hope everything went well with your run. It will probably be easier to work your way back to your usual routine now that the holiday season is winding down. I remember how vigilant we had to be with our toddlers to keep them out of trouble when they were so curious about the lights, ornaments, etch. The mental load is challenging enough without putting extra pressure on yourself. Take care!

    Thanks! I ended up running 3 miles last night. Not my longest run, but it felt good to be moving again. I'm planning on going tonight too (sharing this primarily for self accountability)!
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,861 Member
    Alright, Christmas is OVER, thank goodness. I work in memory care, and families thank us at Christmas with sugar. ALL the sugar. The last tin of cookies and chocolate was just about empty when I left last night, so I am hopeful they will be no more when I return, haha. I am starting my "new years resolution" early. I have been trying to find the balance between work, workouts, and life, it's a struggle and as soon as I feel I have a routine, life hits, lol. But I am hopeful. I plan to start meal prepping this week, hugely because although I can eat at my work, the food is terrible, and makes me feel like garbage, and the "real food" they do make is cooked in loads of butter and all their veggies come from a can, yuck. Anywhere, I took new "before pictures" I'm about to hit the gym, and when I'm done I am going to set some goals. Hope everyone had a great Christmas.
  • kcpond
    kcpond Posts: 661 Member

    Previous Weight: 237.5
    Current Weight: 238.3
  • Armygirlarmyof1
    Armygirlarmyof1 Posts: 526 Member
    Thursday steps 3623
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,776 Member
    Hi SS..You have a new member joining your amazing team ...Please welcome @tatilove1988 :)
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,432 Member

    Hi @tatilove1988 and glad you found our team! When you get a second, go back to page 1 of this chat thread and read our FAQ file which should answer many of your basic questions. Anything else, just ask us. We're a very open group. Finally, take time to introduce yourself to the team and let us know a little bit about your goals for January and beyond.

    Good luck in January and hope to be celebrating milestones with you soon!
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,432 Member
    angmarie28 wrote: »
    angmarie28 wrote: »

    @angmarie28 I posted a message yesterday and several over the past week asking for updates from you. Received no response, so you were removed from this month's challenge due to lack of reporting. Please feel free to register again, when you're able to commit to reporting in every 2-3 days.

    Sorry I was unaware. I did not receive any messages from MFP saying I had a message, I just went and checked and I have not received a message from you since April. Thanks for letting me know, I will refrain from reporting the remainder of my steps

    @angmarie28 when I said I posted a was in the chat thread because the IM messages can be so wonky and you can never count on them going through correctly. You're welcome to rejoin, but when you do, make sure you report in every 2-3 days. Thanks!
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,776 Member
    Hi Again SS ...You have a returning member re-joining your team ..Please welcome back @alleykat69 :)
  • alleykat69
    alleykat69 Posts: 302 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm back and ready to start off a new year right. New Year new me! I've been with myfitnesspal since 2018 and started off weighing 255.1 lbs. Looking forward to see what my weigh is starting the new year. Looking forward to losing 50 lbs in 2024.

This discussion has been closed.