What should be my Plan after weight loss?



  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,283 Member
    My goal is to drop to at least 80 Kg and lose my belly fat,
    AnnPT77 wrote: »

    Welllll. . . . dude said he's at 88.2 kg, wants to go to 80. That'd be 18.4 pounds. Even if he goes for half a pound (0.25 kg) a week, which would be sensible given his goals, that's less than a year.

    I'm not saying this to nitpick you, but out of a sense (based on this and other posts) that he's feeling quite a sense of urgency here and therefore over-reacting to short timespans. Suggesting it's a year or two for the loss part might be a stressor, y'know? For muscle gain, sure - longer time spans.

    Sorry @AnnPT77 . Just saw this reply when I was looking at @WernerZiegler1 ’s latest post.

    I took him literally when he said he wanted to lose 80kg. 🤷🏻‍♀️