LESS Alcohol ~ AUGUST 2024 ~ One Day at A Time



  • SurferGirl1982
    SurferGirl1982 Posts: 202 Member
    @forestdweller1 That's exactly how I feel when I post my days..."Boring".

    I take it you have a cat? My 16 yo was recently diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. I tried the transdermal stuff you put in the ear. But she didn't like it. She usually loves pill pockets. So I got pill form. Well I guess she can smell it and won't touch it. So I smashed it in her food. Have you ever had to give your cat pills? Any advice?
  • SurferGirl1982
    SurferGirl1982 Posts: 202 Member
    @NonnieDoiron Isn't it amazing how a bottle of wine just appears on your countertop? 😁
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,713 Member
    xbowhunter wrote: »
    Hello my LA friends! :)

    Planning a no alcohol day today. Wish me luck... lol

    AF - 6
    A - 21

    Good luck! The struggle is real.
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,713 Member
    edited August 29
    I had two glasses of wine at dinner out on Tuesday. I was having a really rough and depressed day, for no reason at all. But my wonderful husband took good care of me, and he suggested taking me out to dinner. I really got a good one!

    Last night 6 oz pour of the low alcohol wine, and that was it. I was very bummed because I thought all this time I had been pouring 5 oz when I measured it a year ago, and last night it was slightly over six! What gives? Same damn glass! Ugh ugh ugh!!

    The good news is that 6 oz of low alcohol wine is still less than a standard serving of regular wine, according to my drinking app. The bad news is that 6 oz of regular wine is over the standard limit! I guess I have to be more careful about my pours.

    Tonight is one planned glass. Tomorrow probably 2-3 because we close on the new boat tomorrow!!! Whee!

    @NonnieDorion glad to hear your hubby was less grouchy yesterday. It really is tough to be a caregiver. But I imagine it’s also tough to be the patient. Oh, and congrats on the weight loss!

    @SurferGirl1982 you had an amazing streak going. You can get back on the LA horse- don’t beat yourself up over one A day, it happens. Just pick up and move on. Re-read your posts if you need more inspiration to keep going.

    @forestdweller1 I love “Boring is Beautiful.” Should be our banner for next month!
  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 557 Member
    @Womona I admire you ability to have just one...or even two...glasses so much even if it is an extra ounce. Go you!!
  • SurferGirl1982
    SurferGirl1982 Posts: 202 Member
    edited August 29
    Thanks for the support everyone!

    I'll be back later 🙂

  • forestdweller1
    forestdweller1 Posts: 398 Member
    @SurferGirl1982 ...Thankfully Catpuccino at age 8 has never had to take pills, or I would be severely battle scared.

    My daughters live in feline controlled households and Middle Daughter has this knack for allowing feral rescues to break into her house and take charge. Her latest is a ginger Tom that after years of living in a heated igloo outside her kitchen window decided that indoors was a better option. Decision was helped by her DH standing for 20 minutes with the kitchen door open in a blinding snowstorm holding a can of tuna. Bibbs had several alley cat health issues that required pills. Think it's hard to give a lap cat meds ?? Try one you can't touch. Disguising pills in Churus works for Bibbs, but YMMV.
    Catpuccino would probably only eat Churus if dipped in canned tuna juice [AKA kitty crack]. Cat also refuses to eat ANY kind of wet food since kittenhood.
    I guess rubbing your kitty's meds into his ear could lead to him refusing to let you pet him at all, if you had to do it every day. 😾 "Crazy hooman"
    Any cat people out here who have better ideas ??

    A - 0
    AF - 29
    12 pounds is not 20 pounds. Put down the wine order form. 😠