
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,441 Member
    Indian Pacific Train Adventure:
    Perth and almost all of Day 1


  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,223 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies!

    Teddy wants to go out a second time but he has been barking so much. There's a patch of brush just behind our yard and I'm sure it has critters. We even get an occasional deer, and he goes crazy. Then he won't come back in the house. So he is going to wait at least until it's light out, so my neighbors can sleep.

    He's been lethargic lately, and skipped some meals. I thought about taking him to the vet but chances are they wouldn't do anything but say watch him. My baby is just getting old. Except when he is barking at intruders.

    Not much going on today. We bought a new string trimmer and I need to assemble it and charge the battery. I will do that while Dad is at church so he won't help. He likes to move the pieces around.

    Well, have a great day! May you all be happy, healthy, safe, and free!

    Annie in Delaware

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,189 Member
    Dinner yesterday was a hamburger that Kevin ground himself from some tough sirloin topped with relish, baked beans, leftover smoked sausage with sauerkraut. I had veggies and humus for supper. Banana, apple, and Halo orange for fruit. Still feeling yucky so didn’t do much yesterday. I did roll 2 balls of the yarn I have for the afghan, then my hands and tendinitis kicked in so had to stop that. No picture of dinner as you all know what burger, beans, and sausage look like! LOL.

    RVRita in Roswell
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,189 Member
    lToday is: Happy Autumn or Spring (depending on where you live)! Enjoy the cooler weather! Lots more today!

    RVRita in Roswell

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,595 Member
    edited September 22
    Oh my word! I got back absolutely knackered from my shopping trip!! How can just walking around a store be so tiring! :#:o
    I did get a refund on my skirt, but bought no clothes as I couldn't find anything that really made my heart sing. Most stuff was sold out in my size anyway, and there were hardly any skirts. ( It's a very small M&S, a lot of it food.)
    I did have lunch there, and decided to have a scone, clotted cream, and strawberry jam. >:) Just the one. Haven't had a 'cream tea' in years!
    Then I bought some fresh mushroom ravioli for dinner. I'm making a cream of spinach sauce to go with them. Also bought some old favourites from when I was single - prawns in chilli and garlic, and chilli squid. Yummo! They have gone in the freezer. Also Italian fennel sausages for tomorrow 😋.
    I was beyond anything when I got home and went out in a nap for an hour and a half.
    Poor John had been struggling with the new toilet seat and his back was hurting. He has now got the new one on.
    He has just wrapped Edie's presents and now to decide how to get them over to the family.

    Ouff! Now relaxing with an aperitif. B)

    Love Heather UK xxxxxx
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,575 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    Happy First Day of Autumn in our hemisphere.

    Checking in - I'm doing better. No more temperature, yesterday was horribly drippy nose, slightly sore throat. Today not so many drips, but some sneezing. Coughing a little, not sleeping real well. Thank goodness I'm retired. My appetite is roaring back, lol.

    Alex's crew came by on Friday and got a lot done, about 90% of what was on the list. Their trailer was too packed to load more junk and branches. They were going to come back yesterday morning and spray the weeds in my driveway but I looked up the weed killer they use... uh, no. So I'm not going to worry about the weeds this fall (it's not the right time to spray anyhow, spring/early summer is much better! And the bees are still on some of the blooms.) The garden centers sell 20% vinegar which does a good job the few times I used it this year. I need to get a new pump sprayer, I think Home Depot has them in stock. So I'll be ready next spring.

    Beth - sorry your mom is getting so confused, glad she's in such a good place. Sounds like you are doing a great job with the extra apples.

    Tracey - sounds like you had a lot of fun shopping with Lauryn and Michaela. Nice to get some new clothes for work.

    Lisa - lovely purse, you are truly a fiber artist. I admire your brain and sense of design. Awesome job organizing your material - isn't it fun to be able to see what you have. ;)

    Machka - isn't it fun to plan the landscaping at your new place. Can't wait to see what you and your DH come up with, I'm sure it will be nice. What do you call the first day of our Autumn? Is it Spring where you live?

    Barbara - awesome job on the continued decluttering. Joe has a sense of humor like my DH had. Ask Joe if he thinks the Johnson rod needs to be adjusted. ;):p

    Rita - Crossing fingers you'll find a place where you can have a sewing/craft room soon. I loved your fingerless mittens, understand how frustrating it is when hands and fingers are painful and don't want to cooperate.

    Michele - what determines when you close the pool? Temperature? Falling leaves/debris that might litter it?

    Allie - Delia is a doll, so glad she's doing well.

    Heather - I love reading about your walks and outings. And the yummy stuff you are able to pick up at the stores. Just like the old days. :p

    That's all I can remember for now, lol.

    Weekly check-in reminder for all who are participating, please get info to me by tomorrow noon. TIA

    Lanette B)
    Sunny SW WA State
  • mcmillonmail
    mcmillonmail Posts: 73 Member
    Hello, everyone. My Dh would yell at me to go to bed if he were here. I am having a busy weekend at the hospital, but I missed hearing from you all. I am taking care of the cutest kids and babies. I know I am new here on this site, but I wanted to tell you all that I value each and every one of you. Lisa, I love the poem, and Machka, I appreciate your post of encouragement. Annie- I am getting a Fleetwood Mac T-shirt. I remember when my dad surprised me with the Dreams album. Do not forget to model your new hairdo. Allie- how are you after doing the tedious work of making sure your granddaughter Selina gets cremated as planned? You may need to take a beat and grieve or say goodbye to her. I am praying for your family in this bittersweet time. Lanette, I hope you get better soon. Well, I better go to bed to deal with whatever comes my way tonight.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,990 Member
    Well I don't know how long it takes for cremation and im hoping she comes home before I leave before I leave for the cruise..I think they will call me when she is ready for the ride home.. and I will pick her up.. I am paying for the cremation..
    Yes I will have alone time when I am on the cruise to let my thoughts go..poor sweet baby..
    Kyle is out detailing his car,so Tracy is dealing with Miles and Delia..She isn't much of a problem..but trying to keep up with Miles is..

    Going to work on the suitcase now..
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Deb – I’m glad it wasn’t a grass stain. If it was, I was going to give you a hint how to get it out of the clothing, but since it isn’t, that’s great

    Tracey – we usually don’t grill in winter. But I think we just might if the weather cooperates. I think the curtains look just fine. How much shorter were you thinking of going?

    So happy to see some of the grass that I planted coming in. This was the grass in the shade-only area. I may have to reseed, but at least some of it is coming in.

    Carol – I don’t like the sound of redness and heat. I fully agree with Barbara, you need to have that looked at

    Vince still has the plantar fasciatia (sp). I told him the other day that he needs to stretch his calf. It just frustrates me that he doesn’t listen to me, but Dr. Google knows it all and if uTube recommends a stretch, then it’s what should be done. Regardless of the fact that I told him a few days ago that that’s what should be done. But I’m not the one with the pain, so I’m not going to worry.

    Speaking of pain: I can still feel something where the “callous” was, but it’s no where near as bad as it was. If he has to dig more out in a month, so be it. But at least I’m not walking weird (making a blister somewhere else). So I’ll just give it time

    I spoke with C about the grass. He's going to come next Tues (24th). I didn't realize it, but Vince has a doctor appt at 9 and I have to count so I won't be home until around 12. C said he forgot about the stumps, he talked about covering them with dirt (?). To me, they need to be removed. He also said something about using a chainsaw to get them lower. So we shall see. I'm thinking that I may just go into work early, usually there isn't as much to have to do since I do a lot of Mondays, come home for a bit before I have to leave for the church.

    Michele NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,990 Member
    Sorry about doubling the pictures lol