
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,441 Member
    I grew up in a relatively poor family and just about everything we bought had to be researched and justified. I still do that. It has taken months for me to make large purchases because of all the research involved.

    I also didn't get a credit card until sometime in my 30s. I had started travelling with my cycling and discovered I needed a credit card to do things like book accommodation and flights. But I didn't use it for anything else. In fact even now, nothing (except bookings) goes on a credit card.

    My only debts have been loans for education (up to $5000) and the very occasional venture into a small overdraft. Oh, and a couple car loans which have been long since paid off.

    Meanwhile I still research all large purchases to death! 😀

    M in Oz
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,782 Member
    edited September 26
    Hello, dear hearts,

    Busy day for me... but productive. Rain in the middle of the night pulled me right straight out of the bed to go shut windows, but Corey didn't even stir - that extra workday on Saturday really takes it out of him... one day of rest instead of two days off just really isn't enough.

    But, not enough sleep, even though I slept in until 4 (it's all relative, the term "sleeping in" 😂

    Thank you to those who commented on brands and styles of washers. I was able to read everyone's posts, including Mo's (you talk as much as I do! Well done!😹) but held onto very little. More tomorrow,

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,986 Member
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,782 Member
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,223 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies!

    Dr Katie hang tough! You can eat better on weekends. You are worth it! Make yourself a reminder card of all the reasons you want to lose, and carry it with you.

    Barbara glad your rib is healing. Yay!

    Lanette glad you found something besides roundup.

    Heather Yay for back on the machines!

    I read some last night because I wanted to feel my tribe around me, but now I don't remember what else I wanted to comment on. But you all know I'm listening.

    I lost five pounds being sick. I guess that's good. Food still doesn't quite appeal.

    I'm getting closer to my trip. I've been sleeping in sweats so I need pajamas of some sort. It's Last Vegas so it will be hot, but it's a trip with older women so the a/c might be cold at night. Hmm. Maybe a sleep shirt and a pair of light sweatpants. I think I will skip taking a book, to force me to be social. I'm nervous my habit of getting up at six eastern time will translate to lots of alone time. But I can buy a book at the airport. Or two.

    I'm nervous about lots of things, but I think I have the main things covered. I get nervous about telling people about my life. I retired early because of medical cognitive issues which may have been related to menopause, falling off a horse, numerous concussions or who knows what. But that doesn't define me. And I feel awkward about my life now, taking care of Dad while I imagine my friends on cruises and seeing the world. But this is fulfilling, if stifling. And I have traveled some earlier, and worked a lot, too.

    The most exciting thing in my life other than my trip is that my dad has started putting up the flag in the middle of the night. It bothers me to think what he might not be wearing, and whether he might wander off. But I have to sleep. I tried getting up every time I heard him, and I was ragged in two days.

    Anyway, so glad to have you ladies around. This type of communication suits me, where I have time to pick my words. I'm so happy to make real friends this way.

    Have a marvelous day! May we all be happy, healthy, safe and free!

    Annie in Delaware

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,990 Member
    Morning ladies
    I slept hard last night,which I guess is good..we are finally going to get some rain today.. it's been dryer than a rat hole .
    Brother has a continuance i guess until sometime next year,but who knows whats going to happen between now and then poor guy.
    Getting used to my new glasses ,have to say I can see alot better with them..lol
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,516 Member
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,689 Member
    Today is gym, shopping, donating blood, trying out a new place for lunch, and making taco meal. Lots to do and I'm sucking down coffee to do it!
    I appreciate you all even though I don't always type it. I'm like that annoying teenager that rushes in the morning, grabbing a poptart, giving their mom a quick peck while pulling on their coat and heading out the door (of chat).

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,055 Member
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,138 Member
    just catching up on here- didn't go online at all yesterday- we took MIL back to SF again. Thought everything was going great, was almost out the door of the consulate-then, a proof reader found a problem on one of the papers. The paper we didn't have last time so had to go back yesterday- someone, not sure who or when, crossed out MIL's name on the koseki(family registry). They couldn't tell us when, why or who did it but, they couldn't use it so, unless her niece in Japan has her reinstated, they won't accept it. We were there from 1-3:30 again. I should have eaten before we left here at 10 but I wasn't hungry-big mistake. Finally got to grab a quick snack at 5pm but had to change, drop off dh at home and then get to class. Grabbed a Clif bar as I was getting ready. Need to keep a snack bag if we ever take her back. She was complaining about being hungry- we stopped to get fried chicken- she told dh to just pick up a small one for her, not the big one(so we could have some)- so selfish after we just spent the day taking care of her stuff. Dh did tell me he appreciated me going and helping- that surprised me.

    This morning I didn't go walk the dog- dh has a dentist appt right after he is at his moms then he is going back over there with the helper is coming by-they are trying her again-with a list of what she needs to do(not just sit around watching mil, playing on her phone or taking a nap(that is what MIL said the lady did and paid $25 an hour)
    I did get two things done that I have been procrastinating on. I HATE talking on the phone- needed to call Amazon- about a refund they said was going to be put in but got charged for it on my cc bill.
    the other was to contact the tax board for my mom. I had talked to the lady(super sweet) the first of Sept about closing out my mom's account-not selling veggies anymore and hasn't the past 5 yrs but she has been paying the bills they sent her. The lady said she would send the paper work to get mom a refund but mom says she still hasn't received it- I had lost the ladies number so had to search to find contact info for her. Emailed her and asked her to contact me- maybe they can send it here and I will take it up, get mom to sign it and I will mail it in for her.

    Walking the wetlands today and tomorrow- a bit chilly but better than being too hot.
    Tomorrow is the last aqua zumba- hope more people show up for it. Although, one on one was fun too but not much $$ for the teacher.

    Time to grab a quick snack before walking.

    Napa Valley,CA

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,138 Member
    What is everyone making for dinner- I need some ideas-
    No class tonight so I have more time to cook.
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,865 Member
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,138 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Today’s dance class was the first time in weeks I was able to dance the whole ltime. Thankful the rib pain has eased and the stamina is returning after the summer cold from heck. Felt GOOD!

    Debbie, I’d be very very uncomfortable not knowing how much we as a couple had in the bank, or what the bills are. Do you suspect his spending has put you in debt?

    Vicki and Tracy ((hugs)) it must be so frustrating, and scary, to have the responsibility of paying the bills but not the control of DHs’ spending (or in Rodgers case deciding whether or not to work.) ((hugs)). I’d resent the $$ being burned up too. IMHO if he insists on smoking, he must work to pay for it, but I realize that might not work for you. If you do write it out, can you keep it to three bullet points? That seems to be the male maximum. For example:
    Monthly outgo: $XXXX.
    Monthly income with Tracey working and Rodger on EI $XXX difference =short fall
    Monthly income with both working. $XXXX difference =to the good.
    Good luck, I’m rooting for you both!

    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    Move more than yesterday, fuel better than yesterday, live NOW.
    Open heart and mind before mouth.
    2024: Strengthen: body, mind, heart-connections

    No, I know we are not in debt- no housepayment(paid that off 2 yrs before he retired along with the car payment we had at the time). He talks about how much is each account(have accounts at different banks)
    He hasn't worked the past two weeks but he is still getting his pension, I am working part time and getting a small amount for SS(mine is low because I worked for myself most of my working years-just worked at preschools three different times). I do need to have him write all the accounts(payable and receivable) so I know what is coming in and going out. With his health and state of mind- it is something I need to know sooner,rather than later- he just tells me, everything is in the blue folder in his filing cabinet.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,055 Member
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    What is everyone making for dinner- I need some ideas-
    No class tonight so I have more time to cook.

    We are camping, so fajitas or pasta tonight, I picked pasta w/chicken (shredded). Yesterday was chicken nachos, day before that was club sandwiches, befor that was sausage gravy and biscuits, his gravy is made from scratch, he makes the biscuits. We have pretty good camping food. Last day will be tuna sandwiches so he doesn’t have to cook anything.