

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,054 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Walk w/family- 2hrs 12min 29sec, 108elev, 2.71ap, 76ahr, 101mhr, 6.01mi= 527c
    Strava app = 728c
    Outside jog around rv park w/kirby- 20.29min, 156aw, 117ahr, 160mhr, 159spm, 10.06min mi, 2.02mi= 202c
    Strava app= 246c

    Total cal 729

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,986 Member
    Went to sleep doctor today for a followup appointment. I have been using a mouth appliance for sleep apnea. Now she wants a sleep study done at the sleep lab not just a home study so I guess they will be calling to schedule that.

    Found out yesterday that my sister has moved up here to Granite Falls to live with her son. She has a mobile home set up on his property there. Her DH died a few months ago and her kids have more or less forced the move. I have always been told you should wait at least 1 year before making big decisions like this. But she does not seem to have a lot of choice. I do not forsee her being happy up here for the long term.

    We have not talked for a long time due to her DH trying his bullying, threatening tactics on me. I was advised to block all communication. Now she says she will only talk to me with a counselor present. That is her choice and I am willing to do that.

    Sorry ladies, this had made me anxious and I got no sleep last night.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member
    Sue - big hugs! family drama is yucky!!!
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,516 Member
    Sue ~ So sorry to hear about your sister's reluctance to communicate unless there is a counsellor. Just wondering if her children support her with this attitude or if it's just a mental issue.

    Mo ~ Is your husband a Baptist minister? Would love to listen to his social media posts. We love Dr. David Jeremiah and I listen to him a lot.

    Dr Katie & Rosemarie ~ Stay safe tonight and in the morning. Helene is said to go through your part of Ga. with a vengeance. We have a rental house that I worry about all the pine trees falling. But then, I just need to realize that we have some very tall trees in our own house. DH cleaned out the drainage spouts today and took the patio umbrella down.

    Kylia ~ Where are you? Miss hearing from you.

    Didn't do a darn thing today. Just resting! But, that's OK.

    Carol in GA

  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,781 Member
    Sue - Anxiety is completely understandable, no apology necessary.

    Debbie -
    Same as Pip, chicken and cold pasta salad that I make myself - fried chicken from the grocery store deli, which doesn't sound good, but we heat it up in the air fryer, which gets most of the oil off and makes it super crunchy. We won't actually deep fry anything, so fried chicken is a special treat. Eating it with a chilled pasta salad with garden rotini with asiago Caesar dressing, light mayo, pine nuts, green olives, black olives, capers, caper brine, crumbled feta, cubed Swiss and anything else I could think to throw in there.

    Rebecca - good to see you even without a long post.

    Rita - Hope things are OK, start wondering when I don't see you for a day.

    Katiebug - I agree with Annie, you can do this, you've done it before. It was actually easier this time to start again with tracking my intake than I think it has ever been. I was quite surprised! I'm not even sure why - just a really easy habit to drop back into. Not forcing myself to stay within the 1400-1500 calorie range, but a reasonably easy restriction most days. The busier I stay, the easier it is to stay in CICO. And it's working, too.

    Mo - I do love seeing you interact with everyone, it does my heart good. It's kind of a labor of love as we move into this group, and some can keep it up (Barbara AHMOD), but I tend to be kind of spotty with it. Folks seem to forgive me, though.

    Allie - Love watching you make preparations for your cruise. I so hope your weight loss does amazing things for your mobility this time, and you're able to do everything you want. I know you love being on and around the ocean.

    Heather - Such a lovely gift, taking the whole family out for dinner--I had JUST read a good article from Daniel Pink, who usually writes about business, about giving out gifts to others for his 60th birthday rather than getting them, and how much better it made him feel. I also love the life your grands lead. My rural upbringing did not provide that kind of comfort in varying restaurants that they enjoy. Glad you're back on the machines. Baby steps.

    Reasonably good day - a sinus headache laid me down for an hour or so this afternoon, even with 8 hours sleep under my belt. But the cool, lovely, fall air is doing a tapdance on my joints that is... not comfortable. So... to combat that, I'm going to go back to yoga, to see if stretching them and working on my flexibility will help with waking up so stinking stiff and ouchy.

    Had to talk to the VA - the hospital where I go for my gastroenterology referral here is completely shutting down its gastro department. Very frustrating, as I'm literally in the middle of this one-year prescription to Skyrizi. So... I had to talk to the VA Community Care folks to get me switched over, and they were actually very kind, very helpful and quite efficient at swapping me to my old GI doc, who left that hospital six months ago to go into private practice. Should be hearing from them for an appointment reasonably soon. Pleasant surprise.

    Hope it's been a good day for you,
    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,138 Member
    Sue - Anxiety is completely understandable, no apology necessary.

    Debbie -
    Same as Pip, chicken and cold pasta salad that I make myself - fried chicken from the grocery store deli, which doesn't sound good, but we heat it up in the air fryer, which gets most of the oil off and makes it super crunchy. We won't actually deep fry anything, so fried chicken is a special treat. Eating it with a chilled pasta salad with garden rotini with asiago Caesar dressing, light mayo, pine nuts, green olives, black olives, capers, caper brine, crumbled feta, cubed Swiss and anything else I could think to throw in there.

    Had to talk to the VA - the hospital where I go for my gastroenterology referral here is completely shutting down its gastro department. Very frustrating, as I'm literally in the middle of this one-year prescription to Skyrizi. So... I had to talk to the VA Community Care folks to get me switched over, and they were actually very kind, very helpful and quite efficient at swapping me to my old GI doc, who left that hospital six months ago to go into private practice. Should be hearing from them for an appointment reasonably soon. Pleasant surprise.

    Hope it's been a good day for you,
    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR

    I do the same thing with the fried chicken for the exact same reason- I used to not like Church's fried chicken but dh loved it- then I tried reheating it in the air fryer- Such a huge difference. It renders that layer of fat below the skin out, the excess oil from frying also drips out of it- so much crispier than when we first get it. I did eat one wing yesterday when we were at MIL's just because I had to eat something(hadn't eaten a thing all day, was 5pm, and I needed to eat and get to class). was ok but not as good as reheating it in the air fryer.

    Glad you got your issue with dr fixed so quickly.