Oh please, some pizza...



  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    So my BMR is around 1500, and I don't do anything during the day. I'm stuck in front of a computer as I work from home and I live in an area where it rains almost constantly at this time of the year, so it's hard to get out and about to do things. I'm joining a gym as soon as I can move out of my current apartment complex, at the end of October. But for the next two months, I'm stuck inside with nothing to do. I've decided to stay at 1000 calories a day, and I've been following this faithfully. However...I'm craving pizza like crazy. It's one of my favorite foods. I love this place up the road that has amazing New York style pizza that is just to die for. But...but won't that kill my diet? I can't just eat pizza. Or is it okay to have a cheat day once in a while where you go above your calorie limit? I'm already at 500 right now, and I know I probably wouldn't be able to eat any today for sure, but I don't know what to do. I don't want to just freak out and binge one day, which is what I'm worried about the most. What do you do when you're starving for your favorite food?

    I'm not sure why you're only eating 1,000 calories a day. Even with a sedentary lifestyle you should be able to lose weight on at least 1,200 if not more. You sit in front of a computer, but you also get up and move around, clean your apartment, cook food, do laundry, etc.

    And yes, you can just eat pizza. Pizza isn't evil or "bad" it's got carbs, fat, and protein. Eat what you enjoy.

    Mostly, I'd suggest that you reconsider your daily intake.
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    mmmm one is fresh outta the oven and I'm waiting for it to cool a bit. fresh cherry tomatoes from back yard (smashed and mixed with some tomato paste) , along with hot peppers, basil and oregano.. and MEAT. thanks for the thought.