Eating Healthy SUCKS!



  • You're not a lost cause! Start with just making a better choice for one of your vices. I didn't start to focus on weight again until last week. However, my family started making healthy choices a few months ago. We started with trading butter for soy butter. My kids actually like it better. Our next step is conquering BBQ sauce ;)

    Please research Soy that you are giving to your kids!!! Soy is not good for you at all.............

    Butter is all natural and saturated fats are not bad for you either!!! That is all lies and myths for the greater agenda the government and Big Pharma is selling and has been selling for years and years............

    To the Original Poster:
    If you like butter, mayonaise and cheese.............research either the Primal Blue Print or the Atkins Nutritional Approach.

    You do eat vegetables and beef, chicken, or pork?? Other kinds of fish????

    My sister and I both live a Primal lifestyle and it is great.

    Check out Marks Daily Apple.
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Don't consider it a diet. The term "diet" means, in your head, you think you can do it for awhile, stop, and go back to the way things were and expect everything to be fine. Diets are temporary things. If you want a permanent change, then call it what it is: a permanent change.

    Don't eat foods you hate, take foods you love and find ways to make them healthier. Check out hungry girl... she may use a lot of chemical substitutes but its a great way to get started eating healthier. Start cooking on your own instead of eating out. Keep the old junky food as an occasional treat. You can do it.
  • bloblynda
    bloblynda Posts: 99 Member
    It's not a diet. You can eat healthily and in fact you must eat healthily or your children will follow in your footsteps and eat junk. Now is the time to train them to think that healthy food is yummy food and that they don't need Big Macs and donuts. there are lost of good healthy things out there - Pasta with various vegetable based sauces; chicken (without the skin), turkey, white fish made into goujons. You can do this
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    There is also a really great magazine that my daughter and I love called Clean Eating. We found it originally in the magazine aisle at Safeway and after buying it for a couple of months and finding plenty of really great healthy recipes, that I got a subscription. The recipes are easy to make and we find three or four every month that we really love and make over again. It's not hard to eat healthy and it doesn't mean you are giving up great foods - we made a healthy Chicken Parmesean and a healthy pasta Alfredo just this week! The recipes aren't hard, either - so simple that my 15 year old has begin making dinner (which is double cool for me - healthy and I don't have to cook!! Bonus!)

    Some of the other posters have been right in saying that you need to teach your children healthy habits when they are young. I've seen some folks happily post in different forums that they were proud to have made great eating choices for themselves then say in the very same breath that they fed their kids chicken nuggets !! Yes, they made a good choice for themselves, but I don't see how that is helping their kids??!!??

    Good luck!
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    I think you just need to train your body to like eating healthy. Our taste buds adjust to what they are used to.. So if you are on a diet of pizza, chips, and cookies, then your tastebuds are accustomed to thinking that these foods taste good. Obviously, these foods do taste good but you have to give them a chance to taste other foods so that they are used to the taste of those as well.

    Try something new. Eggplant, zucchini, avacodo, spaghetti squash.. you never know what you may like if you don't give it try. If you don't like spinach.. blend it in your spaghetti sauce. Trick yourself! Allow yourself a treat once in awhile. Go out for an ice cream (don't buy a whole container.. if you are like me, it'll be gone in a matter of days). It's all about portions.

    You have no idea how sinful a serving of greek yogurt with fruit tastes.. but it's actually good for you! You just need to find your healthy addiction foods.
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    You're not a lost cause! Start with just making a better choice for one of your vices. I didn't start to focus on weight again until last week. However, my family started making healthy choices a few months ago. We started with trading butter for soy butter. My kids actually like it better. Our next step is conquering BBQ sauce ;)

    Please research Soy that you are giving to your kids!!! Soy is not good for you at all.............

    Butter is all natural and saturated fats are not bad for you either!!! That is all lies and myths for the greater agenda the government and Big Pharma is selling and has been selling for years and years............

    To the Original Poster:
    If you like butter, mayonaise and cheese.............research either the Primal Blue Print or the Atkins Nutritional Approach.

    You do eat vegetables and beef, chicken, or pork?? Other kinds of fish????

    My sister and I both live a Primal lifestyle and it is great.

    Check out Marks Daily Apple.

    Soy is fine for you, about 9000 years of Asian cultures have proven that. However extremely high exposure to it is most likely not a good thing thanks to the phytoestrogens.
    This is especially so in developing bodies. Most people will never see any issue eating soy regularly unless they decide to literally have soy in every single thing they eat (soy milk, soy butter, soy yogurt, soy mayo, soy lunch meat, etc). Likewise, there are issues in infant formula since it is the child's only source of nutrition. That's why all whey based formulas are supposed to be exhausted before giving an infant a soy based formula. The estrogens contained can really screw up hormones during critical development periods.

    I do agree overall though, real butter, cheese, and mayo are fine. The issue is people use too much of them! Portion control is huge. If portion control is a problem, try to find things that you can use more of in the interim until you have trained yourself to eat healthier portions.
  • bmq98
    bmq98 Posts: 78
    heeheee! its great to keep a sense of humor!

    you are definitely not a lost cause as evidenced by the steps you have already taken by joining the gym and counting your calories and joining this site.

    I joined yesterday and found lots of friendly people and lots of great tools here and they're free! feel free to add me as a friend.

    yours in the quest,
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