Dealing With Unsupportive Friends & Family



  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    Cut them loose. Really.

    Go where you're celebrated, not tolerated. :-) x
  • prove them wrong but more importantly prove yourself wrong..if you don't think you can. act as if you can. And if you're friends and family cant support you when discussing it then don't discuss it with them. It will be their loss when they miss out on you're incredible weight loss journey.. best of luck to you!
  • m1key87
    m1key87 Posts: 113
    I would not cut them out your life I would use there stupid comments to be in your mind when you work out so its gets you mad and makes you push harder
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    It sounds like a good time to do what you need to do, for your health and happiness, and not talk about it with friends who aren't supportive. Doing is more important than talking anyway.
  • lovejonz82
    lovejonz82 Posts: 8 Member
    Misery loves company and that is probably why you are getting so much negativity. Try to ignore it and do this for you despite what others around you are saying. You are in control of your one else. You have the power to accomplish losing weight and can do it. It may be tough at first but don't give up because you owe it to yourself. Think of a long term goal but take it day by day and gradually it will get easier. It's so hard to stay on track when others around you aren't supportive but don't let that deter you. When I first started myfitnesspal, in April of this year, it was hard and I gave up on myself just being doing what I was so use to was so much easier than trying to make a change (or so I thought). Two months later (in June) I decided to start again after becoming so frustrated with my size. Fast forward to today I am 22 lbs lighter and I feel great. I want you to experience that same feeling of accomplishment so please don't give up.
  • I'm very glad that your husband is supporting you now. That's awesome. All I can say is do it now. Don't wait because before you know it you'll be 45 years old with bad knees (Yep that's me, guilty).

    I just restarted and I am determined. The other day my sister texted me and said, "Want to go to Outback? They have all you can eat shrimp." I did not text her, I called her right then and there and said, "I'm back in the gym and so thanks, but no thanks. Also, my spinach artichoke dip that you like so much? I'm not making it until Christmas." She hasn't contacted me since but I'm sticking to my guns and so should you.

    BTW, negative people will bring you down, diet or no. I'd consider cutting the ties if you can.

  • Maybe this is the time in your life when you see who really has your back and who doesn't? Its a shame but sometimes you find out that a friend, co-worker, or family member is very unsupportive and is looking to sabotage your success....Please just don't let them do it! Good Luck in accomplishing all of your goals! The only one that can really help you or keep you from your success is "You".
  • evviamarshall
    evviamarshall Posts: 80 Member
    That's what MFP is for! We're here to support you. :-)
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