Running when overweight?



  • Still_Fluffy
    Still_Fluffy Posts: 341 Member
    I weighed 390 pounds when I started running. I started with running a minute and then walked a minute. Over time I ran longer and walked less. I ran my fist marathon weighing around 330 pounds. I was very heavy and I still finished the race. I've ran four other marathon and several other races in the past four years and my knees are fine. When I started out they hurt a bit, but as I lost weight and became a better runner they stopped hurting.

    Couple of things to think about: Being overweight will have a devastating effect overtime one your knees so get out there at run.

    If I could do it over again, I would add weight lifting with a focus on my hips and core. If your hips and core are strong it will help the knees.

    Go to a running store and get fitted for a good pair of shoes. This made a huge difference for me.

    Go to youtube and fine videos on good running form, bad form can cause knee pain.

    Although you said outside running in bad for your knees it actually good for you and your knees because uneven surface engages you stabilizing muscles which get stronger help protect you other joints.

    Several studies have shown regular runners have better joint health (including knees) then non-runners.

    F* the na-sayers and go out and run.
  • Laurayinz
    Laurayinz Posts: 929 Member
    For years I had/have knee problems... they crunch and crackle and sometimes hurt like a !)*@&!)@^! going up and down steps especially. it would come and go. Because of that, I figured running was a never-gonna-happen for me, overweight or not. But for the heck of it, I tried C25K last year and to my surprise, the knees didn't hurt at all from that. Sometimes they still hurt, but it's not related to running, for me anyway.

    I don't stretch much before or after either, other than maybe if it's cold and I'm trying to warm my body up a little anyway and even then I'll just do a minute. I have a fear & history of calf cramps, so I'll do a little with them. Good shoes for your stride can help you land properly, and could help alleviate pain.
  • tallieterp
    tallieterp Posts: 257 Member
    i actually started out with knee problems before i started working out again... while i had heard the same type of things - i got some decent braces to support my knees when I ran and I try to stick to flatter routes and avoid steep downhills if I can... my knees have certainly not gotten worse but instead as the weight comes off they continue to get stronger... i was 5'7" and 265 when I really started to run so don't be intimidated!
  • joyincincy
    joyincincy Posts: 228 Member
    OP -glad you brought up this topic as I start learning to run next Monday. Great info and suggestions from everyone on here.