Nothing Irritates Me More...



  • samcatchpole
    samcatchpole Posts: 3 Member
    I get quite irritated by juicing...

    well juicing when people only juice and don't eat anything...juices as part of a healthy diet is ok...except that I don't want to drink veg juice but that is just me...

    I get irritated by people who think that going to the gym once means they will lose weight with no change to their diet

    I get irritated by the people who glare at me for going into the free weights area

    I get irritated by the people who assume that because I am overweight I am lazy and do no exercise...I am overweight because for a while I ate really badly...I am still fit enough to run 5k and I exercise every day...really every day!

    I get irritated by Fitness magazines who only tell you about fads and not real ways to get fit and healthy..

    I get irritated a lot...I should avoid people...sorry!
  • RoyBeck
    RoyBeck Posts: 947 Member
    Get up 20 min earlier and go for a walk. :wink:

    Tru dat :)
  • samcatchpole
    samcatchpole Posts: 3 Member
    Get up 20 min earlier and go for a walk. :wink:

    Tru dat :)

    or walk in your lunch break or jog on the spot while watching the tv or forget the tv and run around the garden...or do squats every time you go on a loo break at work...just do something!!
  • kezzola
    kezzola Posts: 65 Member
    I get most annoyed by the people who say " but when you stop exercising your muscle will turn to fat".

    How stupid is that comment.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    the fitness myth/propaganda that irritates me the most by far, is the one about eating like a "caveman" coming from people who don't know the first thing about palaeoanthropology and haven't got a clue what "cavemen" actually ate (which is by far not just one single diet, because the palaeolithic era spans more than 2 million years and includes several species of human who had very different diets to each other.... oh and most of them probably didn't live in caves either).

    it went beyond irritation into utter bewilderment and bemusement when I discovered that there was such a thing as paleo protein powder. This inspired a blog post with cartoons on it:
  • I get annoyed when I go to the gym and I am standing waiting for a weight machine to be empty and I get weird looks from the guys in the room as if to say 'are you in the wrong room'? Being quite flexible I also get irritated when people stare at me when I stretch.

    I also hate the no carb thing. People tell me it is the easiest way to lose weight, but I am in this to get fit and healthy, not just to see a lower number on the scale. Besides if you don't do it right...just the thought of all that untoned excess skin makes me shudder.

    I hate people who tell me I am not working out when I am walking. They run for 20 minutes and seem to think that is better for their body than my hour walk.

    And my last pet hate...exercise bras that never seem to fit. Having a larger chest means finding a sports top that both supports and is comfortable is damn near impossible. And people wonder why I don't run...
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    I get annoyed when I go to the gym and I am standing waiting for a weight machine to be empty and I get weird looks from the guys in the room as if to say 'are you in the wrong room'? Being quite flexible I also get irritated when people stare at me when I stretch.

    Maybe they are admiring God's handy work?
  • the fitness myth/propaganda that irritates me the most by far, is the one about eating like a "caveman" coming from people who don't know the first thing about palaeoanthropology and haven't got a clue what "cavemen" actually ate (which is by far not just one single diet, because the palaeolithic era spans more than 2 million years and includes several species of human who had very different diets to each other.... oh and most of them probably didn't live in caves either).

    it went beyond irritation into utter bewilderment and bemusement when I discovered that there was such a thing as paleo protein powder. This inspired a blog post with cartoons on it:

    ^5 on that! Most of the people I know are doing a strict paleo diet right now, and its all I can do not to say, "you know that it just another fad diet, right?" But, because these people are so militant about it, I know I would get shot down in a second. But thank you, thank you for pointing out what I have been thinking all along.
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    I get annoyed when I go to the gym and I am standing waiting for a weight machine to be empty and I get weird looks from the guys in the room as if to say 'are you in the wrong room'? Being quite flexible I also get irritated when people stare at me when I stretch.

    Maybe they are admiring God's handy work?
    So? It's still rude to stare.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    So? It's still rude to stare.

    :cry: :cry:

    Occasional glance, ok??
  • srcardinal10
    srcardinal10 Posts: 387 Member

    If that is you in your avatar, than I say keep lifting.

    Your husband better be saying the same thing.

    LOL, thanks! Yep, that is me. Three kids and all. I actually am embarrassed to admit I haven't done any "barbell" stuff YET -- but I want to. I just do a ton of different exercises on all the muscle groups with dummbells, and I also do some of the Cybex machines.

    You're my hero! I hope I can get that like that!!!!!!!
  • SteveHunt113
    SteveHunt113 Posts: 648 Member
    Not a myth, and already posted, but can't state this often enough:


    Hey, good for you that you used 100 lbs dumbbells! You must be strong! Now go put them back where they belong! What ... you suddenly became weak?

    Only once did I have the nerve to approach someone who had left not 1 but 2 sets of dumbbells lying on the floor around a bench. I had given up the bench to him when I had finished using it, but was ready to use it again. He left his mess and was doing something else. I went up to him and asked, "Are you done with that bench? Cause you still have all those dumbbells lying around." He picked them up ... that time. But only because I said something.

    And along those lines, please use a towel and wipe off your sweat. There is nothing more disgusting that to see a puddle of sweat on equipment you want to use.
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    That is probably the one that gets me the most as well. I have unfortunately got out of the swing of lifting for many reasons (health being one of them) but I LOVED lifting and seeing how strong I was. I NEVER got bulky. I did have to watch how I trained my legs but they were naturally thicker to begin with and tended to get thicker easier. (did that make sense??? :tongue: ) I really do miss having that muscle strength and hopefully when I get all my health things straightened out, I can get back to it!

    I hate thick legs... said no man ever.
  • apachebat
    apachebat Posts: 119 Member
    "Swimming isn't the right exercise to do if you want to lose weight."

    Um, what?
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    "Swimming isn't the right exercise to do if you want to lose weight."

    Um, what?

    Michael Phelps.

    Dude will pound down 4,000 calories in one sitting.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    So I'm curious, what fitness "myths" irritate you?

    That more than 20 (or 30) minutes of cardio is either bad for you or useless.
  • runnermama81
    runnermama81 Posts: 388 Member
    I hate it when people think working out is only good for losing weight. Hello...what about all the other health benefits like a healthy heart, good blood pressure, fending off diabetes and osteoporosis, just to name a few.
    Oh, and the "you're only working out if you are in a gym" mentality.
  • cats847
    cats847 Posts: 131
    The myth that annoys me the most is that I'm being careless, crazy, asking to get injured/hurt, and that my body will snap in half...all because I am a female lifting weights heavier than 10 lbs.
  • That thin = in shape. When I mention to friends that I lift, I get this bewildered look like "YOU WORK OUT?!". Uh ya. Derp. People relegate themselves to minimal effort as they chalk others' success up to genes. I've been fortunate enough to be thin my whole life but when I started working out, that's when I realized the difference between thin and healthy. Got me some muscle definition now and I couldn't be happier:)
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    ****ing TONING....

    Diet = Weight Loss
    Exercise = Fitness
    Lifting Heavy Weight = Muscle Building/Definition