Three Day Diet



  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Okay. I was trying to be nice and thank everyone for their input. I was generally curious about what people thought. I wasn't going to NOT do it. I wanted to know what other people GENERALLY thought. For those of you who had constructive criticism. thanks. for the *kitten* who had to make some sort of nasty remark (which I'm sure you know who you are) eff off. seriously. I assumed this is the kind of place for people who have support or ask an opinion... No need for the hostility. It's just F.ucking rude.
    think you're angry now? wait til you keep up with that ridiculously inane fad diet. You've been given GREAT information, and yet you still have to get butthurt because people are telling you to not waste your time on something that isn't going to work?

    Good luck, you're gonna need it. Especially if your mantra is "I don't care if this is really... really dumb, I'mma do it anyway cause I'm no quitter."
  • emmaleejay88
    emmaleejay88 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm not angry, and I'm not "butt hurt." I was just saying it was rude for SOME people to say certain things. The information you gave me was great...

    Not that I need to explain myself.
    But I figured why not try everything. It's all trial and error with diets. Yes I get what everyone's saying, but why not lose maybe even a pound with it.

    Thank you.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Okay. I was trying to be nice and thank everyone for their input. I was generally curious about what people thought. I wasn't going to NOT do it. I wanted to know what other people GENERALLY thought. For those of you who had constructive criticism. thanks. for the *kitten* who had to make some sort of nasty remark (which I'm sure you know who you are) eff off. seriously. I assumed this is the kind of place for people who have support or ask an opinion... No need for the hostility. It's just F.ucking rude.

    How disappointing. I saw your initial follow-up, and it seemed like you were intelligent and gracious enough to acknowledge lots of good input you received. Not quite sure why you decided to do a 180.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Okay. I was trying to be nice and thank everyone for their input. I was generally curious about what people thought. I wasn't going to NOT do it. I wanted to know what other people GENERALLY thought. For those of you who had constructive criticism. thanks. for the *kitten* who had to make some sort of nasty remark (which I'm sure you know who you are) eff off. seriously. I assumed this is the kind of place for people who have support or ask an opinion... No need for the hostility. It's just F.ucking rude.
    think you're angry now? wait til you keep up with that ridiculously inane fad diet. You've been given GREAT information, and yet you still have to get butthurt because people are telling you to not waste your time on something that isn't going to work?

    Good luck, you're gonna need it. Especially if your mantra is "I don't care if this is really... really dumb, I'mma do it anyway cause I'm no quitter."

    This man speaketh the truth!!!
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    It sounds magical...

  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    It sounds magical...


    I like you. I love this gif!
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    But I figured why not try everything. It's all trial and error with diets. Yes I get what everyone's saying, but why not lose maybe even a pound with it.

    ...because you don't have to. Trial and error? Sure.. only in the "finding out how much I need to eat to lose weight" not in the "try the X diet, then the Y diet, then the 3 day diet, then this diet."
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    But I figured why not try everything. It's all trial and error with diets. Yes I get what everyone's saying, but why not lose maybe even a pound with it.

    ...because you don't have to.

    Trog...stop talking logic...We're not in Kansas anymore!
  • PhoenixStrikes
    PhoenixStrikes Posts: 587 Member
    Why can't people just take their time and lose wight the responsible way? It's so frustrating! If it was so easy to drop 10lbs no one would be over weight! I am a pretty blunt person so it's hard to say this nicely, but cut the crap diets, cut the fast fixes, start eating a healthy diet, move your little tushie around and you will lose weight! I'm sorry it's not fast enough for you but ultimately TOO BAD. I have been working my tail off since July with only 10lb loss and of course I would love for it to go faster but it ain't gonna happen! You say you aren't a quitter but you're trying to take the easy route, what's the difference?
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Why can't people just take their time and lose wight the responsible way? It's so frustrating! If it was so easy to drop 10lbs no one would be over weight! I am a pretty blunt person so it's hard to say this nicely, but cut the crap diets, cut the fast fixes, start eating a healthy diet, move your little tushie around and you will lose weight! I'm sorry it's not fast enough for you but ultimately TOO BAD. I have been working my tail off since July with only 10lb loss and of course I would love for it to go faster but it ain't gonna happen! You say you aren't a quitter but you're trying to take the easy route, what's the difference?

    You're mean! You're being logical.