Men- what do you find irritating about women??



  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Their soft, supple breasts and round bottoms.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    A woman who stops nagging is a woman who doesnt care

    Beyond wrong, my ex wife nagged until the day she dumped me for a co-worker. I promise you she didn't care long before that happened.

    :laugh: that was funny, not the situation just the way you said it... I have never nagged I always seem to get men that nag... imagine that. lol

    Me too. My boyfriend told me to act more like a girlfriend because he was tired of being the woman.
  • Donald_Dozier_50
    Donald_Dozier_50 Posts: 395 Member
    When SOME women bark about having total equal rights.....but only when it benefits them..... And also when THEY START a fight with a male and SHE hits HIM and thinks it's OK but then plays the total victim just becaue a male shouldn't hit a woman.
    :::I WOULD NEVER HIT A WOMAN, EVEN IF SHE HIT ME FIRST, NOR DO I AGREE WITH IT::: Just an observation from my line of work.

    Your observation is absolutely accurate. MY OBSERVATION from previous employment.
  • dirty_dirty_eater
    dirty_dirty_eater Posts: 574 Member
    Their insistence on my learning how to read minds.

    Insisting on hearing my opinion and then being pissed that it does not match hers. She doesn't actually want MY opinion, she wants HER opinion coming out of my mouth.

    Having possession of 1/2 the money and all of the pssy in the house...and not sharing.
  • Honey Boo Boo, Sista Wives, Tiaras and toddlers, The Duggers. This to name a few and not all women just mine. The crap she wants to watch on the tube actually makes me loose IQ points.

    Ironic post is ironic.

    Finally someone said something about this...
  • .
  • -Double Standards
    -The time it takes them buy clothes (unless they put on a show for me while I wait)
    -Not saying what they want, I can't read minds... yet.

    And maybe not every woman does this, but my last gf always compared me to other people, my uncle would've done this, my cousin just bought that... damn, well why don't you date your family members then, or at least tell me the kind of guy you'd want me to be in a less passive/aggressive way.
  • Sweetestthing87
    Sweetestthing87 Posts: 276 Member
    A woman who stops nagging is a woman who doesnt care

    OMG!! :brokenheart: Really ladies? :noway:
  • Aerosam
    Aerosam Posts: 121 Member
    Insisting on hearing my opinion and then being pissed that it does not match hers. She doesn't actually want MY opinion, she wants HER opinion coming out of my mouth.

    The last time me and her had the same opinion was when we both said "I do" 6 years ago. Its been downhill ever since...