is there a way to search "real" foods



  • I've found using the plural of the word helps - like bananas, potatoes, strawberries, etc. Then I look for the entry that doesn't have an asterisk next to it, meaning isn't not user-added. These MFP entries give you the option of what measurement you're using, everything from "1 medium onion" to grams, making it easy to add accurately. These entries have all the complete info, too - potassium and all. :bigsmile:

    You're exactly right. the non-user entries tend to be plural. Such as "Bananas"
  • ReadyToBeMeAt160
    ReadyToBeMeAt160 Posts: 149 Member
    If you're using the website and not the phone app then anything WITHOUT an " * " next to it is MFP USDA information. So if you type in "bananas" you'll see one that does not have an asterick next to it. That one is NOT a MFP user input item, that is the one that MFP put in the database from the USDA website. Sometimes you have to search for those but they're in there.

    Make sense?

    totally - thanks guys
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    It is annoying. You'd think the less complicated items would appear at the top of the list. I find myself looking for most things in my recent or frequent lists.
  • lambchristie
    lambchristie Posts: 552 Member
    A lot of 'fresh' food items are either under fruit, vegetable or GENERIC.

    You'd think that it would/could have those items listed as they are ... but when you have so many people entering info you will never get the consistency you are looking for.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Its 2013.

    At this point coming up with search keywords to find what you are looking for online should be a skill that everybody has mastered. Its not the 90's anymore.

  • newgirlhollie
    newgirlhollie Posts: 22 Member
    You would think so...

    I just wish that the Astrix was on the Generic food, not the user member food... so I could search for "*Banana", and it would give me the real data.

    Oh well... wish in one hand, poop in the other - see what fills up first LOL!

    In the meantime, if I want banana, I search for "Bananas, raw"... the plural and the raw help... :)
  • Target126
    Target126 Posts: 33 Member
    A lot of useful advice in this thread.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    seeing all those things listed out like "sweet potato fries" makes me crave things i'm trying to ignore

    The MFP forums are a minefield of triggers for cravings. How can anyone read a 7 page thread about Oreos, without wanting to scarf down a few? Come to think about it... my son has Oreos in the cupboard, and I ate a few last night. After reading that thread. Coincidence? I think not.....