What motivates you??



  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    right now, im close to getting to Twoterville (299 pounds) that will be fabulous for me!!! a milestone.

    What keeps me motivated - well every morning i weigh myself, so im excited to see if i went down a pound. funny how that can be exciting.. it means all my hard work is paying off for real.

    it means that every day i can do more and more. every day i notice i can get up off a chair with less effort, less huff and puff, less hurting in my abdomen area as i lift my weight up,,, the stiffness is leaving me more and more.

    im getting compliments about my weight loss - peopel are noticing already. thats great! i cant wait to see the person hiding underneath all this fat who i haven't seen in a long long time.

    pretty soon when i get down to a certain way of looking, i will buy some clothes and then I WILL GO OUT DANCING LIKE I USED TO and that will be so fun. i might have to do that every weekend. haha! im 57 years old but it will be so fun! THAT will be my big reward.
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    Vanity - I don't like being squishy
    Energy - I seem to have more when I'm eating better and regularly exercising
    I love seeing the changes in my body. Recently I am seeing muscles popping out, I think I have biceps, triceps and the cellulite is gone from my legs!
