Are u aware of BB hip thrusts work glutes more than squats?



  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    Jstarz, why is it that you have something to prove? Or are you just trolling?

    I am not trolling. This is my personality; I am antagonistic... don't really care about making friends or getting along with others. I like to debate online. So what?

    Wait, this wasn't some elaborate build-up to friend requests? I thought we had a lot in common.

    I denied every single friend request on bodybuilding forum and will do the same. I never even accept those. I won't accept any friend requests on this site either.

    You are missing out. I'm hella awesome. I'm funny, smart, shy, shmexy, use words like hella and shmexy, make amazing applesauce, rarely use words like amazeballs and totes, play the Hungarian Cimbalo, knit, write amateur mummy erotica (don't laugh, vampires have had their day), have at least 2 maternal bones in my body (or did twice leading up to it iykwis), can french braid, and use the oxford comma.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    If anyone is actually interested, check out Contreras' site, youtube vids and books - he does have solid info (just in case the messenger put anyone off) and yes, BB Hip Thrusts are excellent for a more isolated glute development.

    How do you correct having one glute that is larger than the other?

    You could probably try doing single leg exercises such as split squats and glute bridges and add a few reps onto the side where you are underdeveloped.

    Can I just use one ankle weight or put my wallet on the opposite side?

    Sounds legit.

    Putting something heavy in both my back pockets really helps my twerking.

    The OP apparently likes to twerk...maybe you can get some pointers.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member

    Why not just buy this and save yourself the hours of work at the gym?

    stop giving away my secret! :angry:

    Your secret was wearing it as a shirt!
  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member

    If anyone is actually interested, check out Contreras' site, youtube vids and books - he does have solid info (just in case the messenger put anyone off) and yes, BB Hip Thrusts are excellent for a more isolated glute development.

    How do you correct having one glute that is larger than the other?

    You could probably try doing single leg exercises such as split squats and glute bridges and add a few reps onto the side where you are underdeveloped.

    Can I just use one ankle weight or put my wallet on the opposite side?

    Sounds legit.

    Putting something heavy in both my back pockets really helps my twerking.

    The OP apparently likes to twerk...maybe you can get some pointers.

    Yes, she does... But I'm actually good at it.
  • Hi Jackiegirl007. I liked your twerking video and your squeaky asian girl voice video on youtube. :flowerforyou:
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member

    If anyone is actually interested, check out Contreras' site, youtube vids and books - he does have solid info (just in case the messenger put anyone off) and yes, BB Hip Thrusts are excellent for a more isolated glute development.

    How do you correct having one glute that is larger than the other?

    You could probably try doing single leg exercises such as split squats and glute bridges and add a few reps onto the side where you are underdeveloped.

    Can I just use one ankle weight or put my wallet on the opposite side?

    Sounds legit.

    Putting something heavy in both my back pockets really helps my twerking.

    The OP apparently likes to twerk...maybe you can get some pointers.

    Yes, she does... But I'm actually good at it.

    Youtube video or it didn't happen.
  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member

    If anyone is actually interested, check out Contreras' site, youtube vids and books - he does have solid info (just in case the messenger put anyone off) and yes, BB Hip Thrusts are excellent for a more isolated glute development.

    How do you correct having one glute that is larger than the other?

    You could probably try doing single leg exercises such as split squats and glute bridges and add a few reps onto the side where you are underdeveloped.

    Can I just use one ankle weight or put my wallet on the opposite side?

    Sounds legit.

    Putting something heavy in both my back pockets really helps my twerking.

    The OP apparently likes to twerk...maybe you can get some pointers.

    Yes, she does... But I'm actually good at it.

    Youtube video or it didn't happen.

    You must have me confused. I am very happy with the size of my vagina.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Oh lawdy. Not using a pad when you squat has nothing to do with being a 'wussy' or not and everything to do with form. /smh

    Aware but for most people they will still be sore in their back the first time they do it even WITH proper form because they are not used to having a bar on their back. However they are too wimpy to suck it up and get used to it and resort to using a pad etc.

    Maybe if you mentioned why a pad is not a good idea rather than some macho bs, then people would actually get something out of your posts.

    Have you ever thought that they do not know not to use it, rather than them just being wimpy?

    Nah I think they do know how to use it..... majority are guys... also i have seen many GUYS writing on that they prefer using a pad... even though they know about form etc... they were asking of others "judged" them on it..... which i btw DO. I think many guys are aware of proper form but still like to use the pad cause it's easier.

    Which answer are you going with? Your first one or the one immediately after it?

    Wimps... Espec if they are using gloves at the same time.

    It's the most unmasculine and unsexiest thing ever to see a guy squat with a pad and gloves. Turns me off. I am not trolling but totally serious. I cannot respect a guy that has a lower pain tolerance than me and I'm a petite female.
    That's important information, because all men structure their lives around what turns you on/off.
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member

    If anyone is actually interested, check out Contreras' site, youtube vids and books - he does have solid info (just in case the messenger put anyone off) and yes, BB Hip Thrusts are excellent for a more isolated glute development.

    How do you correct having one glute that is larger than the other?

    You could probably try doing single leg exercises such as split squats and glute bridges and add a few reps onto the side where you are underdeveloped.

    Can I just use one ankle weight or put my wallet on the opposite side?

    Sounds legit.

    Putting something heavy in both my back pockets really helps my twerking.

    The OP apparently likes to twerk...maybe you can get some pointers.

    Yes, she does... But I'm actually good at it.

    Youtube video or it didn't happen.

    I've seen it. 'Tis GLORIOUS!! Weep before me.

    Oddly enough, also a line from my mummy erotica.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member

    That's why I love using no pad when squatting and no gloves. Makes me feel superior when I see weak guys having to use a pad in the smith machine while gloves to protect his soft hands.

    Meh, i'll stick to wearing gloves. Having soft hands beats being a show off at the gym.


    I love my gloves, but i dont bring them anymore now that i use a false grip for everything - and that actually just kinda happened on its own.

    Im also one of those people who have that kind of quiet dignity when im working out alone at the gym, like everyone here is a badass (in the men's room, not the whole gym lol - lets not go crazy) in the weight room, everyone is on a mission, working toward something, completely wrapped up and breathing it in their brains. Sealing the fate of their demons one rep at a time. Just them and the barbell....

    They are my Justice League and I would never turn and watch them and judge them as being inferior to myself. (except this one chick who was doing jumping jacks and dancing on the treadmill and turning in circles WTactualF? - oh wait nervermind, that wasnt in the weight room).

    Anyway, no. I would never tempt gym karma like that. You judge yourself superior to someone who's story you dont even know? then prepare for an injury at the worst possible moment. It always ends up working out like that. And then that person ends up helping you recover. Its a fair and balanced universe.

    By the way, I love your posts and I totally wish I could friend you <3
  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member

    That's why I love using no pad when squatting and no gloves. Makes me feel superior when I see weak guys having to use a pad in the smith machine while gloves to protect his soft hands.

    Meh, i'll stick to wearing gloves. Having soft hands beats being a show off at the gym.


    I love my gloves, but i dont bring them anymore now that i use a false grip for everything - and that actually just kinda happened on its own.

    Im also one of those people who have that kind of quiet dignity when im working out alone at the gym, like everyone here is a badass (in the men's room, not the whole gym lol - lets not go crazy) in the weight room, everyone is on a mission, working toward something, completely wrapped up and breathing it in their brains. Sealing the fate of their demons one rep at a time. Just them and the barbell....

    They are my Justice League and I would never turn and watch them and judge them as being inferior to myself. (except this one chick who was doing jumping jacks and dancing on the treadmill and turning in circles WTactualF? - oh wait nervermind, that wasnt in the weight room).

    Anyway, no. I would never tempt gym karma like that. You judge yourself superior to someone who's story you dont even know? then prepare for an injury at the worst possible moment. It always ends up working out like that. And then that person ends up helping you recover. Its a fair and balanced universe.

    By the way, I love your posts and I totally wish I could friend you <3

    I say we risk it all, and run away together.
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member

    However I as a PETITE FEMALE (I seriously have rarely seen anyone more smaller than myself) cannot imagine that 70 lbs hip thrust being SUPER HARD for anyone except if they are physically challenged/handicapped/300 lbs overweight. A normal woman should be able to do that easily and if not then it most likely is all in her head.

    I'm a 4'10" female, exercise 6 days per week for at least an hour, not overweight, do weights 2 - 3 times a week. I am finding it a reasonable challenge to do the hip thrusts with 60 lbs. This while doing that single leg glue kick machine (you know the one at the gym) at 150 lbs.

    Any exercise that you're not used to will attack the body from different angles and we all start somewhere. I'm also limited by a lack of home equipment - no squat rack - so I have to manually hold the barbell and place it on my pelvis after safely descending to the mat. My forearms will give out long before my thighs. Just bought two 45 lb plates that will hopefully provide sufficient diameter to "roll" the bar over my hips. Way too chicken to try hip thrusts at the gym - and dare I say - little to no experience with barbells besides what I've read about on the web. Still getting a decent amount of activation from the hip thrusts.
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member

    However I as a PETITE FEMALE (I seriously have rarely seen anyone more smaller than myself) cannot imagine that 70 lbs hip thrust being SUPER HARD for anyone except if they are physically challenged/handicapped/300 lbs overweight. A normal woman should be able to do that easily and if not then it most likely is all in her head.

    I'm a 4'10" female, exercise 6 days per week for at least an hour, not overweight, do weights 2 - 3 times a week. I am finding it a reasonable challenge to do the hip thrusts with 60 lbs. This while doing that single leg glue kick machine (you know the one at the gym) at 150 lbs.

    Any exercise that you're not used to will attack the body from different angles and we all start somewhere. I'm also limited by a lack of home equipment - no squat rack - so I have to manually hold the barbell and place it on my pelvis after safely descending to the mat. My forearms will give out long before my thighs. Just bought two 45 lb plates that will hopefully provide sufficient diameter to "roll" the bar over my hips. Way too chicken to try hip thrusts at the gym - and dare I say - little to no experience with barbells besides what I've read about on the web. Still getting a decent amount of activation from the hip thrusts.

    Ahhh...but you're under 28. And for some reason, THAT is a magical threshold in this thread.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    Ahhh...but you're under 28. And for some reason, THAT is a magical threshold in this thread.

    How old are the characters in your mommy erotica? Have you ever used twerking in one of the plots and/or boudoir scenes?
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I don't know about hip thrusts and butts but this thread has done wonders for my abdominal muscles.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member

    If anyone is actually interested, check out Contreras' site, youtube vids and books - he does have solid info (just in case the messenger put anyone off) and yes, BB Hip Thrusts are excellent for a more isolated glute development.

    How do you correct having one glute that is larger than the other?

    You could probably try doing single leg exercises such as split squats and glute bridges and add a few reps onto the side where you are underdeveloped.

    Can I just use one ankle weight or put my wallet on the opposite side?

    Sounds legit.

    Putting something heavy in both my back pockets really helps my twerking.

    The OP apparently likes to twerk...maybe you can get some pointers.

    Yes, she does... But I'm actually good at it.

    Youtube video or it didn't happen.

    You must have me confused. I am very happy with the size of my vagina.

  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member

    That's why I love using no pad when squatting and no gloves. Makes me feel superior when I see weak guys having to use a pad in the smith machine while gloves to protect his soft hands.

    Meh, i'll stick to wearing gloves. Having soft hands beats being a show off at the gym.


    I love my gloves, but i dont bring them anymore now that i use a false grip for everything - and that actually just kinda happened on its own.

    Im also one of those people who have that kind of quiet dignity when im working out alone at the gym, like everyone here is a badass (in the men's room, not the whole gym lol - lets not go crazy) in the weight room, everyone is on a mission, working toward something, completely wrapped up and breathing it in their brains. Sealing the fate of their demons one rep at a time. Just them and the barbell....

    They are my Justice League and I would never turn and watch them and judge them as being inferior to myself. (except this one chick who was doing jumping jacks and dancing on the treadmill and turning in circles WTactualF? - oh wait nervermind, that wasnt in the weight room).

    Anyway, no. I would never tempt gym karma like that. You judge yourself superior to someone who's story you dont even know? then prepare for an injury at the worst possible moment. It always ends up working out like that. And then that person ends up helping you recover. Its a fair and balanced universe.

    By the way, I love your posts and I totally wish I could friend you <3

    I say we risk it all, and run away together.

    two badass delicate flowers, lifting heavy as frak :heart:
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member

    Ahhh...but you're under 28. And for some reason, THAT is a magical threshold in this thread.

    How old are the characters in your mommy erotica? Have you ever used twerking in one of the plots and/or boudoir scenes?


    Super old. Thousands of years old. They get up to sensuous hijinks with the aid of their mummy wrappings and occasionally from some tidbit that a loving family member left in their tomb. A scarab, an ancient, narrow drinking vessel and in one exceptionally hot portion...well, let's just say you'd be surprised at how many erogenous zones one has when their entire skeletal system is exposed to jello.

    No twerking, but I may try to work that into the sequel.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Oh lawdy. Not using a pad when you squat has nothing to do with being a 'wussy' or not and everything to do with form. /smh

    Aware but for most people they will still be sore in their back the first time they do it even WITH proper form because they are not used to having a bar on their back. However they are too wimpy to suck it up and get used to it and resort to using a pad etc.

    Maybe if you mentioned why a pad is not a good idea rather than some macho bs, then people would actually get something out of your posts.

    Have you ever thought that they do not know not to use it, rather than them just being wimpy?

    It's not my job to educate people. It's so much more fun by being macho and calling people wimps etc.

    Yes; using good form (proper bar placement) and squeezing your shoulder blades to create a shelf helps.

    I am not here to educate people though.

    Strange sentiment considering the title of your thread.

    Yet more lovely irony. Gotta love it.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member

    Ahhh...but you're under 28. And for some reason, THAT is a magical threshold in this thread.

    How old are the characters in your mommy erotica? Have you ever used twerking in one of the plots and/or boudoir scenes?


    Super old. Thousands of years old. They get up to sensuous hijinks with the aid of their mummy wrappings and occasionally from some tidbit that a loving family member left in their tomb. A scarab, an ancient, narrow drinking vessel and in one exceptionally hot portion...well, let's just say you'd be surprised at how many erogenous zones one has when their entire skeletal system is exposed to jello.

    No twerking, but I may try to work that into the sequel.

    I am disgusted and intrigued.

    Go on...