Who adorned your bedroom walls?



  • tzig00
    tzig00 Posts: 875 Member
    Nick Carter and the whole backstreet boys crew.
  • quicklabs
    quicklabs Posts: 254 Member
    Kurt Russell and later, Davy Jones.
  • workout_ninja
    workout_ninja Posts: 524 Member
    I remember having A Jurrassic Park poster but instead of the T-Rex skull, I pasted a picture of Jon Bon Jovis head in there! I also had Titanic Posters - lots of Leonardo DiCaprio and Bon Jovi - My bedroom was awesome!!
  • AshleyMeggg
    AshleyMeggg Posts: 148 Member
    I'm 22 years old and I still have a Hanson poster on my wall. They are a beautiful set of brothers now.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    Troy Aikman. Actually, he adorned my ceiling.
  • Tryxxie2013
    Tryxxie2013 Posts: 1,489 Member
    Oooh, just remembered another one...Mark Paul Gosselaar during his "Saved by the Bell" days.


    Though he is still a pretty good looking guy...just a bit too clean-cut & preppy for me now. LOL
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    As far as boys go, the first I had interest in was JTT. Then when I hit high school it was Dave Grohl, Jack White and Josh Hartnett. Oddly enough, my sister is a senior in high school now and she LOVES Dave Grohl. Timeless.

    But when I was younger, I was a Spice Girls fanatic, so yeah. Backstreet Boys were my favorite, not so much Nsync.
  • Tryxxie2013
    Tryxxie2013 Posts: 1,489 Member
    As far as boys go, the first I had interest in was JTT. Then when I hit high school it was Dave Grohl, Jack White and Josh Hartnett. Oddly enough, my sister is a senior in high school now and she LOVES Dave Grohl. Timeless.

    But when I was younger, I was a Spice Girls fanatic, so yeah. Backstreet Boys were my favorite, not so much Nsync.

    Dave Grohl will always be timeless!!!
  • IPAkiller
    IPAkiller Posts: 711 Member
    Raquel Welch One Million BC Poster.
    Marilyn Monroe
    Joan Baez
    Were you tunneling your way out of your cell?
    "What say you there, fuzzy-britches? Feel like talking?"
  • opalescence
    opalescence Posts: 413 Member
    Oooh, just remembered another one...Mark Paul Gosselaar during his "Saved by the Bell" days.


    Though he is still a pretty good looking guy...just a bit too clean-cut & preppy for me now. LOL

    Did you catch his bare bottom on the season premiere of Franklin and Bash? image is burned into my brain :blushing:
  • ren_ascent
    ren_ascent Posts: 432 Member

    The X-Files
    Buffy the Vampire Slayer
    Sailor Moon

    Wow, what a strange assortment!!! :noway:

    I :heart: these!! Even if Sailor Moon herself was kind of a ditsy twit.
  • lilacinfinity
    lilacinfinity Posts: 283 Member
    I have this on my dorm room wall right now:


    Yeah... I know, I need a life.

  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    New Kids on the Block (Jordan :wink: ) and then Garth Brooks. :smile:
  • homeyjosey
    homeyjosey Posts: 138 Member
    Michael Jordan
  • sugafreak
    sugafreak Posts: 53 Member
    Jon Bonjovi topless :love:
  • 1brokegal44
    1brokegal44 Posts: 562 Member
    Star Wars stuff...and lots of "centerfolds" from the Teen Beat/Tiger Beat days...1970s
  • lyndabyh
    lyndabyh Posts: 187 Member
    Johnny Depp, Jimmy Hendrix, James Dean, Led Zepplin and Bob Marley
  • spearfox
    spearfox Posts: 276 Member
    Early 80's
    Lydia Cornell, Brooke Shields and Catherine Bach
  • Luke-Brower_240.jpg&w=240&h=320&ei=hfhNUsXgJYX6iwLe_YCoAw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=2&vpy=2&dur=94&hovh=256&hovw=192&tx=86&ty=97&page=1&tbnh=152&tbnw=116&start=0&ndsp=33&ved=1t:429,r:8,s:0,i:107
  • brendapalmer146
    brendapalmer146 Posts: 22 Member
    NKOTB...all 1000 of them...was beyond a little obsessed:)