Big Bang Theory



  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    The ending of Lost made me homicidal toward the writers. I am STILL angry about that one!

    That was an example of terrible writing. They didn't know where they were going with the show, so they just threw a bunch of stuff out there and then couldn't figure out a way to wrap it up.

    That is how I I would study that show, jump in on forums and try to figure things out.......
  • I love them all, but my favorite is Sheldon.
    I love everyone on that show.

    I took a test for fun on which Big Bang Theory Character am I.

    I got Sheldon
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    The ending of Lost made me homicidal toward the writers. I am STILL angry about that one!

    That was an example of terrible writing. They didn't know where they were going with the show, so they just threw a bunch of stuff out there and then couldn't figure out a way to wrap it up.

    That is how I I would study that show, jump in on forums and try to figure things out.......
    The writers didn't even know what was up. Ugh.

    I'm terrified GRRM is going to do something similar with ASOIAF (Game of Thrones), but I'm keeping faith that he has an actual plan and direction. Lost made me gun shy.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    its a typical CBS comedy like Two and a Half Men. they get some cheap laughs but thats about it.


    That shows ending pissed me off so much
    I invested so much in that show, just to be given a finger at the end. :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :explode:
    The ending of Lost made me homicidal toward the writers. I am STILL angry about that one!

    That was an example of terrible writing. They didn't know where they were going with the show, so they just threw a bunch of stuff out there and then couldn't figure out a way to wrap it up.

    I never understood why that show was so popular. I thought the writing was terrible right from the beginning.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Know the feeling.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member

    I never understood why that show was so popular. I thought the writing was terrible right from the beginning.

    It was great til Season 6.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    its a typical CBS comedy like Two and a Half Men. they get some cheap laughs but thats about it.


    That shows ending pissed me off so much
    I invested so much in that show, just to be given a finger at the end. :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :explode:
    The ending of Lost made me homicidal toward the writers. I am STILL angry about that one!

    That was an example of terrible writing. They didn't know where they were going with the show, so they just threw a bunch of stuff out there and then couldn't figure out a way to wrap it up.

    I never understood why that show was so popular. I thought the writing was terrible right from the beginning.
    It was all mysterious and complex and appeared to be going somewhere profound and interesting.

    Had they actually wrapped up any of the storylines, it might have been.
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Got hooked at Season 3 and went back and watched them all! DVR'd like a mofo now! Must watch TV... especially since I understand 90% of the physics stuff (pretty accurate too). As for the ladies, my personal preference is Bernadette, then Priya, then Penny.
    Bernadette is totally hot, even when she's mad! Well, except when sounds like Howard's Mom. <insert 'falling' slide whistle sound here>
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    its a typical CBS comedy like Two and a Half Men. they get some cheap laughs but thats about it.


    That shows ending pissed me off so much
    I invested so much in that show, just to be given a finger at the end. :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :explode:
    The ending of Lost made me homicidal toward the writers. I am STILL angry about that one!

    That was an example of terrible writing. They didn't know where they were going with the show, so they just threw a bunch of stuff out there and then couldn't figure out a way to wrap it up.

    yep! it was the ultimate contempt for their audience. for a few years, they claimed that they knew how the show would end. fans took that to mean that they had some overall story-arc that would be followed and would explain everything. that's not what the writers meant at all. all they meant was they knew the final scene would be Jack lying down to die and closing his eyes (which was the opposite of the first scene in the first episode). Lost ruined serialized TV for me. i simply refuse to be manipulated into watching a show every week thinking that there was something interesting being slowly revealed, only to find out it was a bunch of monkey poo thrown against the wall to see what would stick. the rebooted BSG did that to me too. that show jumped the shark when they decided to make some of the key humans actually cylons in hiding.

    BTW, it should come as no surprise that the showrunner responsible for Lost also wrote the screenplay for the awful, horrible, illogical, laughable Alien prequel a couple of years ago - Promotheus. the film looked great, but the story was so absurd and illogical i actually started laughing during it.
  • gzus7freek
    gzus7freek Posts: 494 Member
    I love them all, but my favorite is Sheldon.
    I love everyone on that show.

    I took a test for fun on which Big Bang Theory Character am I.

    I got Sheldon

    I got Amy
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    BTW, it should come as no surprise that the showrunner responsible for Lost also wrote the screenplay for the awful, horrible, illogical, laughable Alien prequel a couple of years ago - Promotheus. the film looked great, but the story was so absurd and illogical i actually started laughing during it.

    I liked Prometheus... up until the ending. The way they tied it into Aliens was just ridiculous!
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    its a typical CBS comedy like Two and a Half Men. they get some cheap laughs but thats about it.


    That shows ending pissed me off so much
    I invested so much in that show, just to be given a finger at the end. :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :explode:
    The ending of Lost made me homicidal toward the writers. I am STILL angry about that one!

    That was an example of terrible writing. They didn't know where they were going with the show, so they just threw a bunch of stuff out there and then couldn't figure out a way to wrap it up.

    I never understood why that show was so popular. I thought the writing was terrible right from the beginning.

    it wasnt great writing like Mad was just fun.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    BTW, it should come as no surprise that the showrunner responsible for Lost also wrote the screenplay for the awful, horrible, illogical, laughable Alien prequel a couple of years ago - Promotheus. the film looked great, but the story was so absurd and illogical i actually started laughing during it.

    I liked Prometheus... up until the ending. The way they tied it into Aliens was just ridiculous!

    And right there you have Lost. Loved it right up to the ridiculous and disappointing ending.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    i kind of liked Prometheus. thought it was interesting that Jesus was an alien. that the xenos were engineered. but the execution was definitely off.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    The generation gap is showing here.

    I think that's the biggest part of it.

    The first "all nerd" show I remember was Head of the Class, and even on that show, there was only one actual awkward nerd, and he was still the butt of every joke.

    Even Doogie Howser was a step up.

    You are bringing back memories! I had forgotten about that one. You are so right!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    When they make a joke about something that relates to me, I laugh because it's usually funny.

    I worked in journalism for many years. There are entire Facebook pages dedicated to making fun of us. Usually they are run by and "liked" by 99% journalists or former journalists. They are full of stereotypes. They are funny and fun.

    I laugh at myself all the time.

    Community, IT Crowd, The Guild, Comic Book Men
    All shows that offer affectionate parody or portrayal of nerds. BBT makes it cruel IMO

    The generation gap is showing here. I remember the first time I watched a "nerd show" that made me proud to be a nerd. That was the movie "Revenge of the Nerds." My friends and I were applauding and whooping at the end. And then the scene where they were all, "Who is proud to be a nerd?" and we were in tears, literally. That was nearly 30 years ago. The fact that this show is going on its seventh season is a testament to how portrayal of nerds has changed over the years. You are too young to remember how nerds used to be portrayed in popular culture. These guys are so awesome in their portrayal of nerds being *real* people with *real* thoughts, feelings, interests, etc. They are entirely lovable. For you to be offended is not just absurd, but downright ignorant, imo. Check out how nerds were portrayed in the 70s and early 80s, then get back with me.
    Look at Saved By the Bell!

    "Nerds" were just props in that show.

    That's a great example! Nerds were ridiculed back then, or thought of as someone to help the main character with their homework on one episode or whatever. But a main character? A whole cast of nerds? Unthinkable back then.


    what about Square Pegs?

    Don't you remember how long that show lasted? My brother and I loved it, but it was cancelled in its first season.
  • LuLuChick78
    LuLuChick78 Posts: 439 Member
    Wow, this has proven that people in MFP threads will argue about anything!!!

    (ETA: I only read up to page 4 of this thread....did things calm down after that?)

    BTW: My favorite show :heart:
  • jammet80
    jammet80 Posts: 96 Member
    Love em all. But Howard is my favorite! He kills me. Him and his mother...omg!
  • richardheath
    richardheath Posts: 1,276 Member
    My ex-wife and my girlfriend both think I am Leonard. But I got Howard in the quiz.

    I love the show, and I'm a PhD biochemist. I guess Sheldon would say that doesn't count though: not a real scientist.

    Btw - they are doing the same thing now to "Under the Dome" that they did to "Lost". Instead of just having a set story (13 episodes and done), they are trying to stretch it out to get more advertising revenue... I stopped watching UtD when they announced a second series, and started adding characters.
  • SailorKnightWing
    SailorKnightWing Posts: 875 Member
    I think the generation gap is a big thing, too. Look, I'm 26. I was always the smart one in school and loved comic books and video games. But at no point in my childhood was that considered an "invalid" lifestyle, even for me as a girl. My brother, mom, and especially my dad were all into it, too, so it was just normal for me. No one in school ever tried to make me feel bad about it, either. I was at the beginning of the "everyone is special" style of raising children back when the concept of being nice to others who are different actually stuck with children. My brother was bullied, but his was more because he had to wear an eyepatch for a year rather than any behavioral causes.