Elliptical, Is it worth it?



  • looklucklove
    looklucklove Posts: 128 Member
    I hope it's worth it! I was on it for an hour on Saturday! :)
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I incorporate it into my workouts, usually on interval training,. level 8, going at it hard.
    It has me dripping sweat within 15 minutes and burns the same, if not more, than running on the treadmill for me.
    I do both in the same workout usually anyway, alongside my other regular activities of cycling, weights, circuits and boxing.
  • rm33064
    rm33064 Posts: 270 Member
    I like the elliptical because I feel like I'm burning more than just walking and I'm not in good enough shape to run yet so it's a good compromise. The ones in my gym are big fat liars though when it comes to calories burned, nowhere close to accurate. Plus my foot falls asleep after a while for some reason...
  • looklucklove
    looklucklove Posts: 128 Member
    I like the elliptical because I feel like I'm burning more than just walking and I'm not in good enough shape to run yet so it's a good compromise. The ones in my gym are big fat liars though when it comes to calories burned, nowhere close to accurate. Plus my foot falls asleep after a while for some reason...

    My foot falls asleep, too! So weird!

    I've heard several people say that the machines at the gym (and in the MFP exercise log) are not accurate when it comes to calories burned... so how do you find out how much you REALLY did?
  • psmd
    psmd Posts: 764 Member
    I like the elliptical because I feel like I'm burning more than just walking and I'm not in good enough shape to run yet so it's a good compromise. The ones in my gym are big fat liars though when it comes to calories burned, nowhere close to accurate. Plus my foot falls asleep after a while for some reason...

    My foot falls asleep, too! So weird!

    I've heard several people say that the machines at the gym (and in the MFP exercise log) are not accurate when it comes to calories burned... so how do you find out how much you REALLY did?

    You can get your own HRM (heart rate monitor).

    I also agree with a previous poster who said to keep the resistance high. Make sure you're sweating by the time you're done!
  • shrcpr
    shrcpr Posts: 885 Member
    I like the elliptical because I feel like I'm burning more than just walking and I'm not in good enough shape to run yet so it's a good compromise. The ones in my gym are big fat liars though when it comes to calories burned, nowhere close to accurate. Plus my foot falls asleep after a while for some reason...

    My foot falls asleep, too! So weird!

    I've heard several people say that the machines at the gym (and in the MFP exercise log) are not accurate when it comes to calories burned... so how do you find out how much you REALLY did?

    I love the elliptical, too. I'm doing P90x3 right now but sometimes I'll go to the gym and do a little extra because I miss the elliptical. As for accurate calorie burn I use a HRM instead of the machine (and instead of MFP calculators).
  • SKME2013
    SKME2013 Posts: 704 Member
    Of course the elliptical is good piece of kit! It's currently very in vogue to say that all you need to do is lift weights and do no cardio at all. A lot of people have blindly followed that principle and take it upon themselves to tell anyone who doesn't follow it they are wrong at every given opportunity. Which is arrogant at best and downright ignorant at worst.
    Plenty of people have lost weight and kept it off and look good from incorporating the elliptical into their routine.

    I think the most salient point that most people tend to forget about this place is the little disclaimer that's at the bottom of every thread.
    Posts by members, moderators and admins should not be considered medical advice and no guarantee is made against accuracy.

    Thank you for saying this!

    I think we need to really distinguish better between body re-sculpting/weightloss and overall fitness gain!

    You gain fitness by doing cardio exercises. You can lose more (!) weight by lifting heavy, but this does not (!) help your cardiovascular fitness. In terms of looks go with the lifting, in terms of overall health, cardio might be better.

    I can't remember where I read this, but over-weight people can be fitter than slim people purely through cardio.

    I find there is too much bashing of cardio going on in these forums without making a clear distinction of goals.

    I also disagree with the statement that an elliptical is just for beginners and that one can't get the heart rate up beyond a certain fitness level. This entirely depends on the elliptical machine you are using! If you change your levels and incline then your heart rate will go up. This is the same as saying after a while running is useless. Run up a hill or faster and your heart rate will go up.

    In my opinion a healthy balance between caloric intake, cardio and weightlifting is the key to overall (!) health.
  • GrandmaJody
    GrandmaJody Posts: 140 Member
    Everything that is being said here....it's not all or none, seldom is with much of anything.....I remember a time when eating fruit was so bad-don't do it, too many calories-too much sugar-blah blah blah....usually the person saying this was drinking a soda eating a bag of chips or munching on a candy bar. Anyway, I love my elliptical.