Coming off Effexor is the worst experience of my life!



  • Qski
    Qski Posts: 246 Member
    I'm sorry you have these issues. I'm really surprised how many people have to take pills for depression. Is there anything else that can be done instead of having pills? Don't get me wrong please, I believe depression is bad but I was wondering if you can treat it with something else more "natural" if you like. I haven't had to deal with something like this (thanks God) so that's why I'm quite ignorant.

    I hope you get better

    I think most doctors suggest exercise, getting outside and counselling as first options when people are depressed. If it is due to a trauma that they need to talk about the medication can make you well enough to actually deal with the therapy in a constructive way.

    There are also lots of different medications, some are awesome for those who take it, and others have to try several before they find one that their body tolerates and that actually helps instead of hinders them.

    I was very much always in the mind that if I kept taking them it was a sign of weakness. This ended up with me taking 5+ years to fully commit to taking something and to actually start progressing with my therapy instead of just deal with crisis after crisis in a reactive way.

    Then when I had gotten a long way in therapy and realised that I have learned a lot of what I needed to learn to be able to cope in life in comfortable happy way, I thought now I'm fixed I never have to take these things again. That took another 5+ years before I realised that my genetic chemical imbalance was so dramatic, that I could not have a reasonable shot at living well without continuing to take medication.

    It is amazing how prevalent mental health issues are in our societies but growing up in a country where there is a huge stigma on mental health conditions and requiring medical assistance for it, put me on the backfoot to getting well. Yes pfizer is a mega corp that makes massive amounts of money from anti-depressants but I would probably not be alive if I were not on effexor now (not because of suicidal tendencies... people who are impaired by depression or any other mood disorders are not usually very capable of making safe decisions in their lives when they are not well).

    we came to Australia when I was 16 and in relation to my mental health that is a god send. I was quite ignorant too of the need and the frequencies of these things.

    The example I always use to explain is about 1 month after I first started taking medication saying to my psychiatrist how life is so amazing and everything is fine and I feel quite giddily happy and awesome and shiny and I really didn't need to see her any longer, and she replied... Q this is not awesome or shiny or giddy. This is what it feels like to be normal. You just think this is shiny and giddy because your benchmark is so low.

    being on a medication for helping with a temporary or long term or permanent mental health disorder is like someone tuning in the radio station when you have had static buzzing through your ears and never really been able to make out what is being said with all the white noise.

    For some getting off your butt helps, For some getting some sun helps. For some it's meditation, or massage or relaxation or punching bags at a gym. For others the medication is required to be well enough to do any of the natural stuff.
    hmmm... I wasn't expecting to go on that long, but maybe that helps a little with some perspective.
  • goku89
    goku89 Posts: 160
    coming off celexa i though i was going to die, i'd been emotionally numb for many many years and coming off of it was like all of a sudden i felt things, and stopped napping, and actually some depression went AWAY. that stuff was horrible. plus it gave me delusional and irrational thought, and constant anger and mania. it was bad.
  • shrinking_cylon
    shrinking_cylon Posts: 33 Member
    I just want to share my (positive) experience with Effexor. I was on 225mg daily for about 5 years and it definitely helped me cope with my depression and anxiety. I got cranky and a little nauseous if I missed a dose, but this happened so rarely that it wasn't really an issue for me. It was only in the last year (year 6) that I felt its effect wearing off, my body getting used to it. I slowly came off of Effexor, guided by my doctor, without any withdrawal symptoms. As I was weaned off, I was put on a low dose of Paxil, which may have been the reason I had no withdrawal symptoms. I've now been on 30mg Paxil daily for a few months and have only had one major depressive episode!
  • FerretBuellerr
    FerretBuellerr Posts: 468 Member
    I had the exact same thing happen to me when I came off of Cipralex. :frown:

    I was on it for about 9 months, then quit cold turkey (really terrible way of doing it, I know). The withdrawls coming off the drug, as you described, kept worsening for about 3 weeks until there was one solid week where I felt like I could barely function at all. It feels like you're going crazy, almost. It terrified me.

    Since then I would never recommend anyone to take anti-anxiety/depression medication, unless the situation was extremely severe. Actually, I've come to associate it with the same thing as how many of us associate our "weight-loss journeys" - it's not a race. Changing my lifestyle to a more positive and productive one is what made me want to go off the medication I was on, and was really all I needed to do in the first place, just like losing weight isn't about taking a magic pill that will solve all your problems - the same problems will be there afterwards unless you make the steps to change your lifestyle to a positive, sustainable one. It may be a slow process, but it's much more rewarding.
  • bbontheb
    bbontheb Posts: 718 Member
    I have been on Effexor 10.5 years. I have had three kids while being on Effexor, and breastfed two for almost 2 years and one for three months before I had to go on different meds that I was not comfortable with while breastfeeding. Now, I have perinatal and post partum depression and 1 child we reduced my Effexor slowly while pregnant, but had a bad post partum response so the next two children I was kept about 150mg. Although this kept me "safe" I *did* see some things in my infants that were possibly related to Effexor during pregnancy. I have wicked withdrawal while lowering dose even a tiny bit, if I take my pill late by a few hours, and other side effects now. We are lowering it slowly to get on a low dose and if I have to switch to another kind of anti-depressant I will but I will do my research first. I can't recommend Effexor at all right now given the *crazy* withdrawal (aka scary as hell) issues.

    If there is anyone that needs to talk privately about experiences on Effexor while pregnant or nursing-please message me. We can email or facebook if you like. I had very little support or sounding board while pregnant on meds and I feel I needed someone who had gone through it. I'm friendly and very open so you can ask any questions you like or just share your concerns, etc :):)
  • KimberlyinMN
    KimberlyinMN Posts: 302 Member
    I remember coming off of Paxil many years ago. It was horrible... especially the shimmery dizzies. I don't even know how else to describe it. I've never taken Effexor, but if it is anything like Paxil, I feel for you.
  • jade2112
    jade2112 Posts: 272 Member
    Your not kidding. I was so sick when I went off it my husband put a mattress in the TV room so he could watch me.

    I even wrote a letter to the FDA telling them it shouldn't be on the market. Horrid stuff.
  • Jessica1173
    Jessica1173 Posts: 62 Member
    Hi I was told that effexor would be safe during pregnancy were you told otherwise?
    I'm not trying yet but have discussed it with my doctor.

    I am on the highest dose you can take and have been on it for a few years my issues are genetic so therapy doesn't work and going off the drug is not an option either

    I get withdrawal effects within 6 hours of skipping a normal dose and that is awful brain zaps and horrible nausea, migraines and upset tummy.

    I have read of slowing down and weaning slower than you did (people actually open the capsule and count out the beads going to half then a quarter then stopping). I am not sure how long the withdrawal goes for hopefully not too long.

    Hang in there and congrats on your pregnancy take care

    Hi, I took Zoloft and had no problems coming off of it slowly and then going on St. John's Wort and 5htp. I had been on Zoloft for a long time so needed a change. The medicine I had major problems getting off of was Risperdal. I would definitely not recommend that medicine except as a mood stabilizer in extreme cases temporarily. It caused me to gain a huge amount of weight. I know it was the medicine because as soon as I got off of it I started losing weight and I stopped gaining weight even when I have times of maintaining my weight. On Risperdal I was gaining a huge amount of weight every month. All I wanted to do was eat.
  • mkookies
    mkookies Posts: 67 Member
    I feel ya. Back when I was a teenager, I was put on Effexor XR and going off of it (because it wasn't working) was some of the worst experiences of my life. I had something they call "brain shivers" where it feels like your brain is being jolted by a surge of electricity whenever you turn your head or look in a different direction. It was awful.
  • Thanks everyone for all your stories! I feel for all of you. I am on day 4 of being off Effexor xr and have been tapering for about a month. Today was a little rough. Angry, overly sensitive, nauseous. I do feel that I can do this and yes exercise seems to help get me out of this brain fog I have been experiencing. My question I have though is when are the withdrawals symptoms gone? Anyone know? I think this is a terrible drug and wish I had done more research instead of just accepting that my doctor had all the answers. Peace
  • lilred806
    lilred806 Posts: 195 Member
    I also wish people were told how hard Effexor is to quit. If I was late on a dose I would be puking and nauseous. When I came off of it slowly I was so sick I was hugging the toilet puking. I felt horrible. I wouldn't wish my symptoms on anyone. It was horrible. There are a lot of other medications that can be used for people that do not have these severe side effects. I understand using this medication on someone who hasn't found other medications helpful but not as a first medication. General practitioners really aren't trained well enough in psych meds. If it was possible I think people should only go to psychiatrist for psych meds but this isn't really possible in all areas. I hope you feel better soon. Congratulations on the baby.
  • Davy_RockHit214
    Davy_RockHit214 Posts: 60 Member
    Thanks for all of the support from everyone! it is refreshing to have a topic thread full of such positive and empathetic responses instead of ignorant people that do not know what they are talking about. I am glad to announce that I rode the wave through the worst of my withdrawals. I didn't even need to go on Prozac. I am still suffering some of the withdrawals but nothing compared to the last couple of weeks. I still stand my ground though, as a mental health professional I find myself in an ethical stance to warn people about the possible withdrawals.
  • bbontheb
    bbontheb Posts: 718 Member
    I'm happy it's working out! It's nice to hear. I too agree professionals do not advise about the withdrawal etc before taking the drug.

    I just want to add a bit of advice here too. Hope to jump on a bit.

    1) Is that if you feel you need medication-it is okay! It can mean the difference between life and death, hope/hopelessness. I wouldn't be able to leave the house without it (when I first started it). I just recommend folks to do your research. Check into the medication and what long term studies have been done.

    2) I used to be one of those people who said my child came out okay and I took it during pregnancy and I highly advise against it because you are initially telling someone of your own experience -one in which they might not have the same....My third child had what they think was withdrawal from Effexor and had some lingering spasms and such :( Anyhow, until you seen the other side of taking it and no other reason for child to seem like withdrawing from hard core narcotics :( don't advise others that's it's okay...