1-day cleanse



  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    I don't know why this makes me so sad.

    Unless you are planning on going to one of these on a weekly basis, and you keep to your diet pretty well the rest of the week, one big meal is not going to derail you and condemn you to failure.

    Your weight is not like a debit card... It's not a matter of instant transactions.... i.e. if you buy something today, your bank account balance decreases accordingly.

    Instead, it's more like a credit card statement... It is how your eating transactions accumulate over time that determine your balance at the end of the month.

    Advice: Look at your weight MONTHLY instead of DAILY

    If you are set to 1200 calories (which is a whole new debate of its own - which I won't get into here), you are already at a pretty strong deficit. You can afford to eat more (on a day to day basis), and still expect to see a decent balance (potential weight loss) at the end of the month. One special event is not going to kill you. (If you went to ten in one month, that may be a different story)

    If you feel like eating a bit less the day before this event, or maybe even the day after, then fine. But do NOT starve yourself...
    a) it's not overly healthy for your body (physically)
    b) it's not a good food habit to get into (mentally)
    c) it's not necessary (from a goal perspective)
    d) you are likely to be really hungry and therefore more prone to overeating at the meal

    Might I instead suggest having a healthy snack about an hour before the event so that you are actually somewhat full (of healthy food) and therefore less inclined to binge on the less healthy, more calorie dense food?

    just my humble suggestion
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    You don't have enough to lose to be using the 2 lb per week option. That is not the healthy way to lose.

    If you fast all day Friday and then eat a lot on Saturday you're going to feel like crap. Better off to go the other way, eat lightly Friday and before the party, eat sensibly at the party and then eat lightly again on Sunday.