What is your silly MFP pet peeve?



  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Stripped down PHP-BB tags.

    All we can do is
    QUOTE (but not quote=user)

    Nice to have URL and PRE or CODE

    There is URL...
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    Stripped down PHP-BB tags.

    All we can do is
    QUOTE (but not quote=user)

    Nice to have URL and PRE or CODE

    The quote thing gets me. Why can't we quote the user??? I also want to unsubscribe from some posts. I'm tired of playing the 'guess this person's age game'. :laugh:
  • Amadbro
    Amadbro Posts: 750 Member
    I hate that you can only adjust macro nutrients in increments of 5%.
  • runnermama81
    runnermama81 Posts: 388 Member
    People who add wrong stuff into the database... like protein-free chicken... :huh:

    Wha...whi...well....wow. *smh*
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    - People who seem to take it personally that you didn't lose weight according to their personal creed, rules, or dieting declarations.

    - Almost all talk of "starvation mode". Seriously, STFU, you're clueless.

    - Failed dieters who are the first in line to give advice on successful dieting.

    - Posters who swear they're "starving" themselves but still gaining weight.

    - People who assume because they personally can't sustain XYZ program/system/whatever, nobody can.

    - Those who seriously think they gained 2 lbs of fat overnight because they indulged too much the day before.

    - Dieters who are obviously losing weight, looking better, and feeling great who still aren't happy because the scale hasn't yet reflected their loss.

    - People who severely underestimate their bodyfat %

    - People who set goal weights that are still in an unhealthy range.

    - People who swear they have "loose skin" and need surgery, yet it's apparent that "loose skin" is just fat.
  • People who announce on their newsfeed at least 3 times a week (in a bragging way that is masked by a fake "annoyed and exasperated" tone) that they are getting creepy PMs and are being bombarded with friend requests. Apparently, this is supposed to be the unspoken NSV that you are so hot you are being stalked regularly? Anyhow, assuming there is any truth to it, just deny, block and be done with it. No need to bring all of Mfp into it.
  • when it sthe same 3 people on the the rate me threads..they dont get tired of rating themselves 9's. #supportgroup
  • when it sthe same 3 people on the the rate me threads..they dont get tired of rating themselves 9's. #supportgroup

    9.5 :flowerforyou:
  • Beastmaster50
    Beastmaster50 Posts: 505 Member
    Mine is the womenz always asking for da noodz. I have a mind too....
  • Self-centered people :laugh: I get that you want to know what you look like from 1 to 10 but stop commenting every second so that someone else will rate you :wink:. I do get that you're here to be fit and all but some people just talk about themselves too much and show off. That's just my opinion though HAHA

  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    Mine is when people send FR with no message. My profile clearly states why I don't accept FR unless you include a message so I find it very frustrating when people don't take the time to read your profile before hitting that "add friend" button. I think it validates my feelings on the included message with FR...

    Whats your silly MFP pet peeve?


  • lexcoulstring
    lexcoulstring Posts: 386 Member
    I was trying to search which BBCode i could use and found this thread which reminds me. My pet peeve is not being able to 1) Find what BBCode I can use, 2) Not being able to easily highlight text to use BBCode quickly 3) No insert image button to add images easily (all in which are pretty common) and 4) not having a good selection of BBCode to use.

    There is my pet peeve . At least I can add this easily :ohwell:
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    I was trying to search which BBCode i could use and found this thread which reminds me. My pet peeve is not being able to 1) Find what BBCode I can use, 2) Not being able to easily highlight text to use BBCode quickly 3) No insert image button to add images easily (all in which are pretty common) and 4) not having a good selection of BBCode to use.

    There is my pet peeve . At least I can add this easily :ohwell:

    MY PM BOX IS ALWAYS OPEN TO FRIENDS!!! :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
    Oh, and hello :flowerforyou:
  • the_summer_belle
    the_summer_belle Posts: 353 Member
    my pet peeve is the windows phone app not working and getting a lame response when i wrote to mfp .
  • kdb247
    kdb247 Posts: 326 Member
    That I am unable click directly back to any of my community posts without sifting through several hundred, ugh:grumble:
  • HDHogger
    HDHogger Posts: 764
    Don't give out anything about yourself that someone else could use against you. In other words be careful what you say to people on the internet.
  • RobP1192
    RobP1192 Posts: 310 Member
    Mine is when people post random drama in their lives, not fitness or health related, treating MFP like it's Facebook or twitter. Not really a pet peeve, but more like a "really?" type of reaction. It's enough to make me unfriend people.
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Def FR with no message. I guess when I first started here I didnt know that this was the appropriate thing to do. But still, its annoying!! I even ask for one on my profile. I guess not everyone reads your profile before they friend request. They should though!!
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Mine is when people post random drama in their lives, not fitness or health related, treating MFP like it's Facebook or twitter. Not really a pet peeve, but more like a "really?" type of reaction. It's enough to make me unfriend people.

    Uh oh!! I do this!! I cant gripe on facebook about my dumb husband or my idiot coworkers, because I am friends with all of them on there!! This is my place to gripe away!!!

    Want to be my friend ;)
  • tech_kitten
    tech_kitten Posts: 221 Member
    People posting a random post about "I have been doing this for X long and only lost X lbs", when they never log anything, but they log in enough to shout ME ME ME on the forums at least once a week.