WEEK 3 Results....WEEK 4 TORTURE...I Mean Challenge!! ;)



  • lostgurl55
    lostgurl55 Posts: 155 Member

    I tried kvonjohn veggies with the balsamic vinegar. Was really good, I 've always made it with plain vinegar and water. Really refreshing and will make often..Thanks for a new way to try the veggies.
  • pamcuster
    pamcuster Posts: 770 Member
    My main compliment went to my pastor this week... He has not been able to preach in a few weeks because of some medical problems and has had a couple of men filling in for him. I just let him know how much we enjoyed and missed *his* preaching. He is young, our church is small, and I don't think he hears this kind of thing very often...he seemed very touched, which (of course) made me feel great, because I really meant it! And, if he doesn't have any setbacks, he is supposed to preach this coming Sunday!
  • usernamekelly1
    usernamekelly1 Posts: 1,941 Member
    My pay it forward was in the queue waiting to get my twos face painted today for Hallowe’en, we were waited about 40 mins ourselves and the mum behind joined about 10 mins after us, I complemented her on how well her child had waited who was about two for her face painting. I also told the lady who was doing it what a splendid job she'd done and donated extra money to the charity which they were there fund raising for. (it was help the children, in our local area)
  • jaajh
    jaajh Posts: 1,262 Member
    I am intending to do the baked oatmeal tomorrow, but since that might not be my breakfast treat (and therefore after the deadline!) I did do two of the other low sodium meals today - but 2 of the quick ones!

    This afternoon I wanted a sweet snack, but mindful of the fact that tomorrow is Friday and the "dreaded scale day", I thought I'd try my fellow shark's recipe - fang's speedy poached cinnamon apple. Well it wasn't as quick as it should have been since I don't have a microwave (!) but I still managed to poach my apple and the cinnamon just made it the PERFECT treat. Now if I can get a microwave from somewhere, it would be a super speedy and lovely treat! (Not sure I'd have persevered with full poaching if it hadn't been for this challenge!)

    Then tonight instead of my planned salad with my normal salad dressing, I did the cucumber and tomato with balsamic vinegar recipe. (Another Shark one! That wasn't deliberate, honestly!!) DELICIOUS! And much less calories than my usual salad dressing (although I still put that on my lettuce - only half the normal amount since it wasn't needed on the cucumber and tomato! Somehow, the lettuce didn't taste right with the vinegar! You obviously need the crunch of the cucumber for that!)

    And if I have baked oatmeal for breakfast, I might post here again :happy:
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    mailaig's candied pecans are ADDICTING!!! My husband loves them to!!! Thanks for sharing this recipe, I will try it with other nuts too!!

    I also made Artimis726's Addicting Pumpkin Muffins. They too are AWESOME!!! They are sooooo good that I am going to bring them to school tomorrow to share with staff. I made a bigger batch! I guess by sharing them with staff & tonite I am bringing popcorn balls to share with my adult in-laws that this could be considered a PAY IT FORWARD!!!!

    Oh and since I sampled thes 2 recipes today I can now NOT have a popcorn ball with my grandson tonite!!!
  • Artemis726
    Artemis726 Posts: 587 Member
    Roasted Veggie's

    This is my go to;
    1/2 head cauliflower
    2 bunches broccoli
    olive oil
    smoked paprika
    season to your taste
    425 for 45 minutes
    this really crunchy and delish
    salt if you choose, too

    I made lostgurl55's roasted veggies tonight. Simple and awesome! I used cauliflower, since that's what I had. I am not used to cooking raw vegetables, so this roasting was eye-opening. Thanks!
  • pamcuster
    pamcuster Posts: 770 Member
    mailaig's candied pecans are ADDICTING!!! My husband loves them to!!! Thanks for sharing this recipe, I will try it with other nuts too!!

    That's the very reason I *didn't* make those nuts! I *knew* that I would just eat them ALL!

    vhuber, I made your Lemon Poppy Seed Cake for my company...thanks!
  • Justacoffeenut
    Justacoffeenut Posts: 3,749 Member
    Made Sheri stew tonight. Our weather is just right for stew. Had to use regular potatoes and onion cause that's what I had. Still cooking but looks an smells great. Hope it is somewhat like yours Sheri


    Since this picture was taken we had dinner. Very good just the right spice for my family. Thank you Sheri for sharing.

    Pay it forward: I held the door for a number of people today. Smiled and was pleasant to a woman who was anything but to everyone she came in contact with in her checkout line. Also let two different people go ahead of me in checkout since I had more items then they did.
  • SIimMama
    SIimMama Posts: 131 Member
    Pay it forward:
    I made sure to tell the ladies who watch the kids at the gym. thank you. And let them know how much my son looks forward to coming! They do such a service for moms to be able to go to the gym even with the little ones!!

    Recipe: I am making the homemade goldfish tomorrow AND we're doing the tilapia and steamed broccoli for dinner! I hope that counts, since it will be after the 10am deadline!?!
  • nonnalynn
    nonnalynn Posts: 651 Member
    Making my Pay It post short since I'm. On my phone. A couple walking on the hiway with a babe in a stroller got a ride home from this sharkette. They were so appreciative and we had a lovely chat. On the way it started to rain. So glad they weren't caught out in it...they were 4 miles from where I dropped them...they would've been drenched. I was on my way to Lowes before the detour so I finally got there and it dawned on me that I had my Pay It...I pick people up when its hot, rainy, cold, or I get that strong unction from Holy Spirit. It makes me happy when they accept...some seem afraid to...sad... but today happy...I even told T_iara, Edres, and wee Egypt about myfitnesspal.
  • kvonjohn
    kvonjohn Posts: 569 Member
    So I, like some of you, found it hard to pick out a specific moment because I try to always give encouragement and credit where and when it's due. Last night our pastor was out of town for bible study so she asked that we share for a few minutes something that God had given to us. Well we were going along when our prophet got up for his turn. It was awesome what he shared. When I got up for my turn, I began by pointing out how much he has grown. He has some trouble with his speech and reading but last night you would have never known it. I thought it was important for him to know that and he smiled and nodded at the compliment.
  • MLPC
    MLPC Posts: 73 Member
    I have a coworker that has been dieting for many weeks. She has been very successful, so I pointed out how her hard work is paying off. I told her that I was proud of her and she was my inspiration.
  • fang19423
    fang19423 Posts: 1,407 Member
    I took time out yesterday to ask a neighbour how she was getting on in her new job? She has been appointed principal in her school and it is all new to her. We talked for 1 hour and I mostly listened but she thanked me profusely as sometimes it helps to talk to someone not involved to see a clear path through.
  • scythswife
    scythswife Posts: 1,100 Member
    The only person I have complimented has been my hubby and a friend online. I don't go out much.

    Tomato and cucumber salad but I added a can of chick peas.
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    I tried the homemade goldfish crackers. They were okay... they kinda reminded me of crispy biscuits but we had fun making them. The kids love any chance they get to use cookie cutters:bigsmile:
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member

    When my work went out of business they were left with a bunch of food that need to be used. The owners decided to donate anything unopened to the homeless shelter. The rest our chef's cooked up into hot meals. Lacey (then my boss now friend for life) called all the servers and we went to the local "homeless" park and fed about 200 people. OMG you guys... they were so grateful!!! I couldn't help but smile the whole time I was there. It felt so good to be making someone else's day like that. I can't even begin to tell you how many people asked god to bless me and my friends. Some even said they said they hadn't ever been treated so well in there whole lives! I think a few of us decided we need to make this an annual thing. I mean obviously we won't have access to the same amount of food but I sure we can provide a nice spaghetti dinner or something of that sort. They were just so happy to have a hot home cooked meal. I REALLY ENCOURAGE ANYONE WHO HASN'T ALREADY.... GO FEED THE HOMELESS!!!