How do you turn down unhealthy food?



  • RoyBeck
    RoyBeck Posts: 947 Member
    You could try what I did. Find a horrible photo of you looking your biggest and then a really nice one of you from months/years before and pin them both on the fridge. It still works for me.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    I don't consider any food as unhealthy. Problem solved. :flowerforyou:

    QFT!!! Your problem should not be demonizing foods that you once liked but instead learning to control your relationship with that food and learn to fit it within your caloric intake and enjoy it... That has more of a chance at sustainability than avoiding it all together.... Best of Luck
    Yes, this! I failed SO many times beore because I would deprive myself unnecessarily! Now I've lost 123lbs in about 15 months and I have ice cream everyday. It's a sensible and sustainable plan that I can do forever! :drinker:
  • Sassyallday
    Sassyallday Posts: 136 Member
    To avoid unhealthy foods (for me that is any food that is dense in calories and triggers binging):

    1) Don't have it in the house.

    2) Make sure that I eat often enough not to every feel like I am staaarving (when I am very hungry, I lose control!).

    3) Plan for a serving within my calorie allowance.

    4) Eat it when I am out and there are no extra servings to be had.
  • I don't consider any food as unhealthy. Problem solved. :flowerforyou:

    QFT!!! Your problem should not be demonizing foods that you once liked but instead learning to control your relationship with that food and learn to fit it within your caloric intake and enjoy it... That has more of a chance at sustainability than avoiding it all together.... Best of Luck

  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    first, understand that the only unhealthy food is one eaten in excess.

    second, understand that willpower is a thing. use it.

    combine the two, and you get to enjoy a reasonable amount of whatever you want, lose weight, get healthier. it's a win-win-win. add a win if the food involved includes bacon.
  • shst07
    shst07 Posts: 61 Member
    I don't consider any food as unhealthy. Problem solved. :flowerforyou:
    Exactly. No food off limits,.

    None. Just add the calories into your day.
  • GingerLolita
    GingerLolita Posts: 738 Member
    I don't completely reject sweets, but I try to stick to healthier options, such as dark chocolate, and I eat sweets in moderation along with other foods, like fruit, whole grains, and protein. I also try not to keep unhealthy food around. As you move away from eating sweets, it'll be easier to resist them, and feel like more of a treat when you have them!
  • Ithina1
    Ithina1 Posts: 93 Member
    I don't consider any food as unhealthy. Problem solved. :flowerforyou:
    Exactly. No food off limits,.

    None. Just add the calories into your day.

    Yup. Eat what you want in moderation while doing your best to hit your calorie and macro goals. Demonizing foods just makes you want them more and sets you up for more difficulty than needed.

    Some foods are harder to exercise restraint compared to others. Until you get used to eating smaller portion sizes, either split it with friends or buy the single serving size containers. Examples are Jif peanut butter makes to-go cups, and potato chips come in single serving pouches too.
  • selfepidemic1
    selfepidemic1 Posts: 159 Member
    I found alternative foods. As I'm on Keto ( high fat low carb) diet, I just made some changes. For snacks I have frozen berries with cream, I also put those cheese slices you find on burgers in the microwave and they turn crispy and eat them like crisps ( chips for Americans, I think ). I eat cold meat, sugar free jelly and there is an ice cream brand that makes super tasty ice cream with like, 3 net carbs in.

    That said I'm not really a treat type person, so I don't eat most of those unless I'm in one of my "I'm a girl, I want to watch soppy films and eat!" mood. I do have a weakness for Chinese food and mexican food, which is okay, I just have them every so often. When I reach my goal I'll probably Keto in the week and on weekends have some tasty food. Though, only for dinner. No pigging out! C: