Hey guys on myfitness pal



  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,645 Member
    I'm 33, approx. 15% body fat, 5'11" 216, lift 4 days a week and maintain about 3200 and cut at about 2700-2800. I'm not a big stickler on the actual number i eat every day, but I know it's got to be around 3200 or less to recomp/lose fat.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    ~25% bf
    lift 5-6 days/week

    2,000cals a day, but dont track on weekends.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    I am 41 and 6'2". MFP has me eating 1560 cals/ day for a 2 lb/week loss or deficit. I also do 30 minutes cardio (jogging and elliptical) every morning.

    I concentrate on hitting my macros (protein, fats, and carbs). I also make sure my micros are met or pretty close to it (potassium, fiber, vit A, vit C, calcium, iron). To do this, you have to eat a mixture of healthy foods at every meal (protein, carb, whole grains, fruit and vegatables).

    If you have your MFP settings and goals correct and you follow what calories and nutrients MFP has you tracking, then you should be OK. Make sure you measure your portion size to match the correct serving size for all your ingredients then record it.
  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 942 Member
    6' 0"
    177 lbs
    Age 60

    2490 calories/day
  • 5ft 10 ,age 48. Weight 159. Maintenance is 2750, on a bulk of 3200 to gain .5 to.7 per week ,cut or lose weight at 2500 for .5 lb a week. Mfp friend.requests accepted.