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  • women do not need supplements. I mean they can use them but its not needed. as long as you get enough protein you can build muscle.it also depends on the woman and her genes as well. some will build muscle quicker than others and some it may take awhile.lifting heavy helps as well.
    So there is now way to lift a lot, gain muscle, and shed fat? Man this stuff is so confusing. I mean right now I do not over eat ( when I'm on track lol) but I do eat an adequate amount of protein but I really want to up my lifting.

    You will strengthen and firm the muscle you do have, and it may appear to be more muscle because as the fat goes you will see more muscle. It is difficult for women to gain muscle, it takes a lot of work, eating more food, and supplements.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I have more fat than I would like but I want to lift and gain muscle! But I shouldn't "bulk" right because I am a little overweight or would it replace the fat with muscle?

    Don't worry. Just because you're not "gaining muscle" at the deficit, doesn't mean you won't see the results of lifting. You'll still get some hot little bumps.
  • slecompt
    slecompt Posts: 28 Member
    Both! Equally. I do a one hour HIIT bootcamp type of class 9x in 6 days and one day of rest. We do 60-90sec intervals of cardio activity then a HEAVY LIFTING activity. Back and forth for solid hour with only 15sec breaks to get back and forth. I have seen the best results yet doing this type of training. I have both increased my strength/muscles and loss fat!!! I even did cardio while I lifted in the gym also though. Either before or after every lift session I add 20 mins of either treadmill or elliptical or bike or did an outside run! You really have to add the cardio to burn off the fat. Seriously! It really is a calorie in/calorie out thing no matter what and the best way to get that calorie deficit is by burning it up not starving it out! Good luck!
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Hi. I lift and use IIFYM too. Not sure how much I can help as I very rarely do any cardio.

    I use TDEE so I don't eat back exercise cals.

    What are you finding difficult about IIFYM? Mine is never 100% but I'm happy with ballpark. I've got my minimums for protein and fat which never change - if I'm upping or lowering calories, I'll adjust my percentages accordingly. (35/35/30 ATM as I'm cutting)

    You can't swap your fat for muscle but you don't need to eat at surplus right away. You can carry on, in deficit, using lifting to help preserve the muscle you have and gain strength then worry about building more, later, when you get your bodyfat where you want it to be :)
  • I just started and I am eating about 2300 cals a day. I lift heavy 2 days a week and lighter 3 days. I do 30 minutes of cardio 4 days a week and usually not on my heavy days. I have a long way to go, but I am 2 weeks in and though the scale only shows a loss of 4 lb loss, most of it was pure fat and I have lost crazy inches all over. I also can just feel everything getting tighter. My eating habits have obviously helped, but the lifting is my favorite and is what keeps me motivated. Feel free to add me. I am following a plan with a trainer who is in prep for a bikini comp and a nutritionist who used to compete so I feel like I am in good hands :)
  • DMSavoia
    DMSavoia Posts: 7 Member
    I do HIIT for 20 min 3 out of the four lifting days a week, I do it after lifting. If you do longer cardio sessions, it's advised to do it 3-4 hours before lifting. I eat 1400-1500 calories a day, I was eating 2100-2800 which turned out to be over eating for my BMR. I do not track my cardio/weightlifting on here because it deducts the calories I burned which means I go over my calorie goals if I follow it. I try to avoid junk food as a habit and only eat some on occasion. IFFYM doesn't always work for everyone's body, it basically means you can eat whatever you want by sticking within your calorie goal. Try to stick with clean eating as much as possible, I've tried IFFYM and I look squishier when I do that. Especially in the arms and butt area! I want to get as much as I can out of my macros, and as much as I love cake, it doesn't give me much nutrition lol. I have also tried intermittent fasting, which is eating my calories in an 8 hour window (10am-6pm for me) and have had great results with looking defined and losing those stubborn few pounds. I'd recommend doing it 3 days a week though, not everyday. Add a refeed day where your carbs are a bit higher to refuel energy. My goals have switched from weight to body fat now, so all that's listed is a great help toward my goal.