

  • buckeyebabe
    buckeyebabe Posts: 235
    That's amazing! I run 5-6 miles 5-6 days a week and I don't think I could run 9 miles!!! Even if someone was pointing a gun at me I'd be tempted to tell them to pull the trigger...it would take less time and be less painful!!
  • amandadanda
    That's great you ran nine miles. Actually all you doubters out there who believe you couldn't do it too, are wrong! If you follow a running schedule and increase your mileage only ten percent a week (to guard against injuries), you could do it too, if you truly want to. Infact, all of you could even do a marathon. It's about smart training and having a goal.
  • alimassa
    alimassa Posts: 275
    I am curious with all of this running, are you seeing great results with weight loss?

    I am down about 10 pounds since March 1st.....I will take that anyday! And I agree....any of you could run that far if you just build up to it. TRUST ME...I NEVER thought I could do 9 miles either.

    GOOD LUCK TO ALL! Thanks for the nice words all of you...I appreciate it! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • ophedian
    ophedian Posts: 78
    Like WOW!! Heck the most I have done so far is intervals of 2 minutes run/walk sessions on the trademill. So I bow, I kneel, I cower before you. Excellent work...