New to calorie counting

ValerieCx Posts: 13 Member
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone. My name is Valerie and I live in Kentucky. Currently, I am a full time student. I am wanting to be a nurse. I've been happily married for 10 yrs now and have the best husband ever. He does not give me a hard time about my weight even though I have gained 100 pounds or more since we met 12 yrs ago. We have 3 children; Nick is 8, Trinity is 5, and Nathan is 2. I love playing all kinds of sports but it has become nearly impossible to run so I don't do much of anything anymore but I would love to be able to do all that again. A week ago, I found out that I am pre-daibetic and am now on medicine. I hate taking pills and they disrupt my sleep. I really want to lose weight. I really want to become healthier and not have to take these pills anymore. I want to have more energy to play with my kids and show them better ways to eat because I really worry about my oldest son. He has my body type and wants to eat constantly. I want to feel better about myself and it would feel so good to quit shopping in the plus size section at the store. That's about it for me. Please wish me lots of luck with my weightloss because I really need all the support I can get. I wish all of u luck with reaching your goals.


  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    Welcome to MFP, Valerie! This is a great place for you to help you start feeling better about yourself. Good Luck!
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    Hi everyone. My name is Valerie and I live in Kentucky. Currently, I am a full time student. I am wanting to be a nurse. I've been happily married for 10 yrs now and have the best husband ever. He does not give me a hard time about my weight even though I have gained 100 pounds or more since we met 12 yrs ago. We have 3 children; Nick is 8, Trinity is 5, and Nathan is 2. I love playing all kinds of sports but it has become nearly impossible to run so I don't do much of anything anymore but I would love to be able to do all that again. A week ago, I found out that I am pre-daibetic and am now on medicine. I hate taking pills and they disrupt my sleep. I really want to lose weight. I really want to become healthier and not have to take these pills anymore. I want to have more energy to play with my kids and show them better ways to eat because I really worry about my oldest son. He has my body type and wants to eat constantly. I want to feel better about myself and it would feel so good to quit shopping in the plus size section at the store. That's about it for me. Please wish me lots of luck with my weightloss because I really need all the support I can get. I wish all of u luck with reaching your goals.

    Hi Valerie! Welcome to MFP, it is a great site and is so easy to make new friends on here.

    Wishing you all the best in your weight loss, if you want to add me, feel free.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • cesse47
    cesse47 Posts: 947 Member
    Valerie, welcome and CONGRATS to you getting started on your journey to a healthier, more physically active life!!

    When I started, I did a search for -- healthy eating plan -- and found lots of good info. One I thought especially helpful was WebMD. Lots of great articles, good advice, and a section called Healthy Eating & Diet has a feature called
    Diets A-Z. Diets A-Z has a list of the most popular diets and are links to explanations of how that diet works, pros and cons, samples of daily meal plan, etc. I also recommend the Dr. Oz web site. I followed his "The Dr. Oz Ultimate Diet" action plan when I first started to clear my house of the "bad" stuff and to help me get motivated to do it right this time.

    Two things that I think have helped me. I completely eliminated soda from my diet and drink only water, coffee, or tea. Because of this, I don't have the insane cravings I used to have. Also, I restrict the number of frozen dinners per week. Even the best of them has high sodium content so I'm trying to do this by cooking more of my own meals and not relying on processed food.

    Keep in mind that you are NOT dieting. You are developing an eating plan that's healthy for you AND for your family. Best of Luck on your new journey!! :flowerforyou:
  • VCStarr
    VCStarr Posts: 155
    Hello. My name is also Valerie. I have only been with this site for a few weeks but it has helped me lose 9 pounds already. I can't be bothered counting my own calories so I like that this does it for me. Also I'm on the edge of becoming diabetic as well (my doc says I eat way too many carbs and sugars) so I have to watch those things. Good luck. I'm sure you'll do well.
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