Where should my ultimate focus be: DIET,CARDIO, OR LIFTING



  • Rambo529
    Rambo529 Posts: 170 Member
    Something I was told by a trainer friend of mine:

    it's 80% diet, and 20% exercise.

    Also, food for thought (no pun intended): diet will help you look good with clothes on, but exercise helps you look good naked.

    I know for me, I need to balance both my nutrition with my exercise (combination lifting and cardio) to see awesome results. Most of this was discovered through trial and error of what foods to cut out (or cut back depending on what it was) to see better results.
  • a scale.. that sounds like alot of work just to eat lol. Did you find your results much better when you started using a scale? I may incorporate that since I have no sense of self control/portion control.

  • Also, food for thought (no pun intended): diet will help you look good with clothes on, but exercise helps you look good naked.

    lol! very true.
  • Something I was told by a trainer friend of mine:

    it's 80% diet, and 20% exercise.

    Also, food for thought (no pun intended): diet will help you look good with clothes on, but exercise helps you look good naked.

    I know for me, I need to balance both my nutrition with my exercise (combination lifting and cardio) to see awesome results. Most of this was discovered through trial and error of what foods to cut out (or cut back depending on what it was) to see better results.

    It seems like trial and error is all I do, food is such a pain in the butt. 80% of results though.. Its got to be the main priority. I think I will just man the eff up and start taking food 10x more seriously. Thanks everyone, I already love this site. you guys are awesome.
  • prettyface55
    prettyface55 Posts: 508 Member
  • I've learned... you can't out train your diet. Focus on getting enough protein and start adding weights into your exercise. Muscle burns fat.
  • Something I was told by a trainer friend of mine:

    it's 80% diet, and 20% exercise.

    Also, food for thought (no pun intended): diet will help you look good with clothes on, but exercise helps you look good naked.

    I know for me, I need to balance both my nutrition with my exercise (combination lifting and cardio) to see awesome results. Most of this was discovered through trial and error of what foods to cut out (or cut back depending on what it was) to see better results.

    i never liked it when people use a percentage because it really doesnt work that way.

    they augment each other. saying its a percentage is like saying if you just focus on diet then youll get 80% of the results but this is not true. youll only get skinnier or fatter but building muscle should be a at least 50% of that 80%. and focusing only on lifting with no regard to diet will not get you 20% of the results either because if you dont get enough protein then you wont get any results.

    i like to think of diet more of a limiting reactant (like in chemistry). Diet will determine how far you're results in the gym go. Like if you dont have enough protein, you wont build the maximum amount of muscle your workout could have produced. it works vice versa too, if you get too much protein but didnt work out enough then youll end up with xtra protein (cals). but the difference from chemistry is that there is a ceiling to how much muscle can be built from your workout even if you do get enough protein.
    the carbs will be the limiting reactant to how much energy you have in the gym and etc.

    but thats just my 2cents i suppose
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member