No More Starbucks???



  • bumblebreezy91
    bumblebreezy91 Posts: 520 Member
    Hit your calorie goals and manage your macros...don't micro manage your micros unless you have some compelling reason to do so...i.e. medical issue, allergy, etc....even then, when you manage your macros (carbs/protein/fat) and try to get a balance macro ratio, things just tend to workout fine.


    why are you watching sugar? did your doctor tell you to? if not, just re-read what this person already wrote. :)


    I completely eliminated the sugar option from my food diary and replaced it with fiber (sometimes I go between fiber and iron). It stresses me out too much to have the number go negative and I don't have a medical illness that requires me to watch my sugar like my dad does (he's a type one diabetic and I'm not even pre-diabetic, I've gotten checked twice per year ever since I was a toddler).

    I'm also really, really glad I never got into the Starbucks thing or I'd be having terrible cravings right about now! (Because this is the internet, I feel I need to add the disclaimer: I'm not dissing anyone with a Starbucks "thing" by expressing my joy at never getting into their drinks, mmkay?) :)
  • blackcloud13
    blackcloud13 Posts: 654 Member
    When I was losing weight I chucked out just about everything that had any sugar - hard times.
    The only regular item that survived - one Grande Skinny Latte a day
  • krs4747
    krs4747 Posts: 13 Member
    Oh please... if I couldn't have Starbucks I don't think I'd get thru the week. LOL I have a grande light frap mid week and then whichever drink I want on Sunday (my day off). It's a great part of my motivation to stay on track the entire week.
  • wow I didn't know we could monitor different things in our diary, like fiber. I would like to monitor my fiber too.
    and also get a ticker symbol like you guys have. I'll figure it out :-) this place is awesome! I'm only monitoring my sugars bc the diary is tracking it. and I really want to lose weight. my sister is type I diabetic too but I don't have a reason to think I am pre-diabetic...
  • Meh. I was a hardcore Starbucks patron to the point where I had the whole staff "trained" on my drink. For years. Before that, it was the local coffee house that did it, before Starbucks' arrival in town killed them off.

    When I turned 40, my body changed, Via trial and error - some seriously uncomfortable errors, too - I discovered that it wasn't the mocha mix causing my stomach to go haywire (they use the same syrup for hot cocoas and no problems), it was the process by which their beans are decaffeinated. I can drink decaf anywhere else, just not there.

    Besides, I was just burned out on it, just as I was burned out on sodas. I quit both in the last couple of years without looking back.

    I would say to the OP to follow the "everything in moderation" practice - an occasional treat is fine, but every day is ok depending on what you eat and do during the rest of the day. Guzzling fraps twice a day probably isn't going to help the weight loss journey much; skinny lattes is a whole 'nother story.

    Now, for me, if regular black iced unsweetened tea becomes a problem, I'm up a creek. It's my 'can't stand straight water 15 times a day' drink.