Losing and gaining the same 4 pounds. WHY?



  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Try exercising a little more then instead of eating a little less.

    I would also strongly recommend starting to track again, if it really is the same it should be very very easy to do using the 'copy from date' function.
  • tonynguyen75
    tonynguyen75 Posts: 418 Member
    I started strength training 3 weeks ago and we do some heavy stuff. I wonder if that is part of the problem (in a good sense). I've red that people who are new to strength, tend to store more water in their muscles initially. I could be wrong.

    I quit logging my food because I eat the same things every single day in the same amount. I've been doing this for 18 months. I don't cheat, I don't eat other types of foods ( food allergy issues ) and I rarely go above 1400 cals. I lose weight if I stick to 1200 cals but that is way too low for me because my energy tanks and I can't work out the way I want to.

    i strength train 4 days a week, do yoga one day and jog 3 miles the other two days (or go for brisk walk instead).

    I'm active, eat no processed foods, keep my sodium low and avoid sugar, gluten, corn, white starches, soy and dairy.

    I've lost inches, yes, and I know that is something to be proud of but I want to lower my body fat (which is in the early 30s), and gain more muscle mass. I've tried eating more ( I put on weight ) less (I have very low energy ), eat the same 1300 to 1400 a day ( and maintain with these up and down 4 lbs).

    Please, please, please help me out :(

    Oh I am 5' 2" and fluctuate between 146 and 150...for the last few months. I've lost about 114 ( or 112) pounds so far. I'd like to make it to 120. I am 46 years old and female. No medical issues so far.

    ETA: I opened my diary but you will have to go back to over a month to see daily log ins. I logged in consistently for a year and took a break a month or so ago but I really do eat the same foods every day in very similar amounts.

    Assuming you're correct in your statement of eating exactly the same amounts as before, the answer is simply, you are eating at maintenance. Eventually with the weight you lost over the amount of time, your body has become more efficient at exercise. Also, because you're lighter, your caloric needs are lower. You simply need to eat less or exercise more. You might want to start logging again to keep track of how much less you are eating.

    Thank you for your reply! I also considered eating less calories but that would make me a 1200 calorie a day person and I can't see myself eating that way for life. So many here lift heavy, jog and eat close to 2000 calories AND lose weight. What's up with me?!

    Who says you have to eat 1200 calories a day for life? That would assume you will be attempting to lose until your body adapts... When you raise calories your body also adapts a bit to that.

    So lower calories a bit, reach your goal, then find your maintenance calories.

    Alternatively, take a diet break and allow your metabolism to rise up slightly again. Then go back on your diet.
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Tony those are some constructive suggestions. Thanks guys! I will track again.