December 2013 Move Your *kitten* Challenge



  • Kanyon17
    Kanyon17 Posts: 156 Member
    Goal: 40km

    12/04: 4.32km
    12/05: 1.77km
    12/07: 2.45km
    12/08: 2.94km
    12/10: 3.18km
    12/13: 3.78km
    12/14: 1.78km
    12/18: 2.61km
    12/19: 4.03km

    Total: 26.86km
    Left: 13.14km
    MDLNH Posts: 587 Member
    It's colder & darker (less day-light) now in NH and will be that way for a few months, which means the long rides and runs have come to a close for the season . . . However, there will be more spinning, swimming and even some "Freeze Your Buns" series runs this winter. *and some skiing too.

    Going to set my goal at 65 miles for December.

    Dec. 2nd: 12 miles (*Spin*)
    Dec. 2nd: 15 miles (*Spin*)
    Dec. 11th: 6 miles (*Elliptical*)
    Dec. 13th: 12 miles (*Spin*)
    Dec. 13th 1 mile (*Swimming*)
    Dec. 15th: 2 miles (*Yule Light Up The Night*)
    Dec. 16th: 12 miles (*Spin*)
    Dec. 18th: 2.5 miles (*Treadmill*)
    Dec. 20th: 12 miles (*Spin*)

    Total: 74.5 miles
  • waltersro2012
    waltersro2012 Posts: 262 Member
    mtd 38.00

  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Added almost 6 miles on the elliptical yesterday!

  • k80flec
    k80flec Posts: 1,623 Member
    18th: 5.04 purposeful walking
    19th: 4.9 purposeful walking - including a walk along the estuary as the sun set - lovely - cold, but lovely

    Amazing - how purposeful I can be when a scone is in the offing!!

    Total: 126.18

    To go: Goal plus 6.18 m

    Target: 120 miles


    Ouch Dave - that sounds really painful - hope it's on the mend.
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    Have I mentioned how much I love that this thread is now in a group forum? I do!!!! Thank you!!!!! I think it bumped be back up to be much more active even if it is dark and cold!

    GOAL: 175
    1st: 1.36 miles
    2nd: 3.35 miles
    3rd: 17.82 miles ( 4.32 /13.5 spin bike)
    4th: 4.21 miles
    5th: 3 miles
    6th: 1 mile
    7th: 1 mile
    8th: 2.8 miles
    9th: 4.63 miles
    10th: 19.81miles (7.11/12.7 spin bike)
    11th: 7.72 miles
    12th: 23.51 (6.61/16.9 spin bike)
    13th: 6.19
    14th: 47.88 (7.38 / 40.5 spin bike)
    15th: 3.79 miles
    16th: 4.67 miles
    17th: 6.04 miles
    18th: 8.06 miles
    19th: 5.34 miles - Total: 169.18 / 5.82 to goal
  • sprale
    sprale Posts: 117 Member
    12/20 5.6 miles

    Total: 47.48 miles

  • I am 40 miles away from reaching my goal for the year, have not been able to run because I have been sick. Hoping to start running today so that I can reach my goal

  • 12.19 5.56

  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    The surgery has slowed me up big time but I SLOWLY walked 2 miles in the last couple of days!

  • 4.25 Miles today. I completed my C25k, and did a bit of walking.

  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,386 Member
    For the females who don't understand man flu watch the attached - it explains it all!
    LOLOL! Yes?? :noway: :bigsmile:
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,386 Member

    View (but not edit) at this address:


    WOW, a BIG update this time....almost three pages worth! LOVE IT! :heart::heart: Wouldn't have been so much had I not slacked off and skipped my usual late-night update last night though... :laugh:

    We have three more people hopping on the GOAL TRAIN with this update...MELLYISH, MDLNH and K80FLEC!!!! :drinker::drinker::drinker: WOOHOO!!!!

    VERDEMUJER - Thanks, I'm really glad we moved to Groups still, too! It has made things so much easier for me too! Less poeple are getting lost at thread changes so that means I don't have to send out a search party. :smile: There are a few other things that I enjoy about it too. I like having the FAQ section ....although in mentioning it, I remember that it still sits half unfinished from what I intended to do with it :laugh: That will give me something to do during my time off over the Holidays! :smile:

    VHUBER - Please be careful after your surgery! :flowerforyou:

    MOMOF2BOYZ832 - We all go through those periods of unmotivation. The way I broke out of my last month's long spell was just to hammer the cr@p out of it by making myself move and do *something* every single day for about a week or so. That did the trick. I got fired up and couldn't stand sitting still any longer! :bigsmile: Good luck!! :flowerforyou:

    SPEEDYF - You work too much!! :bigsmile:

    DCMAT - LOL @ the Man Cold video...that sounded about right, unfortunately... :laugh:

    BUNBU - Yup! You're back in the festive lime green again! :smile:

    And lastly, I want to thank everyone for all the concern and nice things said about the hip thing I encountered a couple nights ago. It is still sore, but improving. Thankfully, it doesn't appear to be anything serious like a tear. I continue to do HI-RICE on it. (I knew the term RICE, but just yesterday learned what HI-RICE is! :smile: It's Hydration, Ibuprofen, Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation.) Hard to do the last two to my hip lolol, but I am doing the other four. lol Not sure what impact this might have on me making goal this month, but I have to take proper care of this so it heals correctly and does not become a recurring issue. Going to stay off the treadmill a couple of days. It's going to make me crazy, has to be done. :) Now I just need a bell and someone to come running and say, "Poor little bunny!" :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

    Keep at it're doing great!!!

  • anwylyd_un
    anwylyd_un Posts: 164 Member
    Another 3.7 miles today :)

  • 2essie
    2essie Posts: 2,866 Member
    4.62 miles today

    118.43 walked in December
  • liesevanlingen
    liesevanlingen Posts: 508 Member


    Bad week--too many hours at work and no energy afterwards. But it will get better!
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,159 Member
    3.1 miles today. Amazed I made my goal this early, :noway: I wasn't sure about upping it in winter, but the weather wasn't too bad most days.

  • Rindy12
    Rindy12 Posts: 215 Member
    6 miles on the bike
    2 miles walking

    8 total for today
    52 total out of 120, still a lot of catch up to do

  • jennwhite34
    jennwhite34 Posts: 534 Member
    12/19 - No Miles
    12/20 - 7.6 miles exercise bike

  • DianneP6772
    DianneP6772 Posts: 272 Member
    Closing in on my goal ~~ soon~~

    December 20th 13.5 miles cycling
    December total 289.1 miless
    To Go - 30.9 miles
    Goal 320 miles
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